#!rsc # RouterOS script: collect-wireless-mac.capsman # Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de> # # collect wireless mac adresses in access list # # !! Do not edit this file, it is generated from template! :global Identity; :global GetMacVendor; :global SendNotification; :local PlaceBefore [ / caps-man access-list find where comment="--- collected above ---" disabled ]; :if ([ :len $PlaceBefore ] = 0) do={ :error "Missing disabled access-list entry with comment '--- collected above ---'"; } :foreach RegTbl in=[ / caps-man registration-table find ] do={ :local Mac [ / caps-man registration-table get $RegTbl mac-address ]; :local AccessList [ :pick [ / caps-man access-list find where mac-address=$Mac ] 0 ]; :if ([ :len $AccessList ] = 0) do={ :local HostName "no dhcp lease"; :local Address "no dhcp lease"; :local Lease [ / ip dhcp-server lease find where mac-address=$Mac ]; :if ([ :len $Lease ] > 0) do={ :set HostName [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease host-name ]; :set Address [ / ip dhcp-server lease get $Lease address ]; } :if ([ :len $HostName ] = 0) do={ :set HostName "no hostname"; } :if ([ :len $Address ] = 0) do={ :set Address "no address"; } :local RegEntry [ / caps-man registration-table find where mac-address=$Mac ]; :local Interface [ / caps-man registration-table get $RegEntry interface ]; :local Ssid [ / caps-man registration-table get $RegEntry ssid ]; :local DateTime ([ / system clock get date ] . " " . [ / system clock get time ]); :local Vendor [ $GetMacVendor $Mac ]; :local Message ("unknown MAC address " . $Mac . " (" . $Vendor . ", " . $HostName . ") " . \ "first seen on " . $DateTime . " connected to SSID " . $Ssid . ", interface " . $Interface); / log info $Message; / caps-man access-list add place-before=$PlaceBefore comment=$Message mac-address=$Mac disabled=yes; $SendNotification ($Mac . " connected to " . $Ssid) \ ("A device with unknown MAC address connected to " . $Ssid . " on " . $Identity . ".\n\n" . \ "Controller: " . $Identity . "\n" . \ "Interface: " . $Interface . "\n" . \ "SSID: " . $Ssid . "\n" . \ "MAC: " . $Mac . "\n" . \ "Vendor: " . $Vendor . "\n" . \ "Hostname: " . $HostName . "\n" . \ "Address: " . $Address . "\n" . \ "Date: " . $DateTime); } else={ :local Comment [ / caps-man access-list get $AccessList comment ]; :log debug ("MAC address " . $Mac . " already known: " . $Comment); } }