mirror of https://github.com/eworm-de/routeros-scripts.git synced 2024-05-11 05:55:19 +00:00
Christian Hesse 8b6f830fe8 mod/notification-telegram: only flush queue if fully connected
The fetch command is not as reliable as it should be... Chances were that
notifications were sent multiple times if stuck in background.
Let's flush only if fully connected - and hope this fixes it.
2022-06-20 11:29:49 +02:00

171 lines
6.0 KiB

#!rsc by RouterOS
# RouterOS script: mod/notification-telegram
# Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md
:global FlushTelegramQueue;
:global NotificationFunctions;
:global SendTelegram;
:global SendTelegram2;
# flush telegram queue
:set FlushTelegramQueue do={
:global TelegramQueue;
:global IsFullyConnected;
:global LogPrintExit2;
:if ([ $IsFullyConnected ] = false) do={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("System is not fully connected, not flushing.") false;
:return false;
:local AllDone true;
:local QueueLen [ :len $TelegramQueue ];
:if ([ :len [ /system/scheduler/find where name="FlushTelegramQueue" ] ] > 0 && $QueueLen = 0) do={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Flushing Telegram messages from scheduler, but queue is empty.") false;
:foreach Id,Message in=$TelegramQueue do={
:if ([ :typeof $Message ] = "array" ) do={
:do {
/tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none http-method=post \
("https://api.telegram.org/bot" . ($Message->"tokenid") . "/sendMessage") \
http-data=("chat_id=" . ($Message->"chatid") . \
"&disable_notification=" . ($Message->"silent") . \
"&disable_web_page_preview=true&parse_mode=" . ($Message->"parsemode") . \
"&text=" . ($Message->"text")) as-value;
:set ($TelegramQueue->$Id);
} on-error={
$LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Sending queued Telegram message failed.") false;
:set AllDone false;
:if ($AllDone = true && $QueueLen = [ :len $TelegramQueue ]) do={
/system/scheduler/remove [ find where name="FlushTelegramQueue" ];
:set TelegramQueue;
# send notification via telegram - expects one array argument
:set ($NotificationFunctions->"telegram") do={
:local Notification $1;
:global Identity;
:global TelegramChatId;
:global TelegramChatIdOverride;
:global TelegramFixedWidthFont;
:global TelegramQueue;
:global TelegramTokenId;
:global TelegramTokenIdOverride;
:global CertificateAvailable;
:global CharacterReplace;
:global EitherOr;
:global IfThenElse;
:global LogPrintExit2;
:global SymbolForNotification;
:global UrlEncode;
:local EscapeMD do={
:global TelegramFixedWidthFont;
:global CharacterReplace;
:global IfThenElse;
:if ($TelegramFixedWidthFont != true) do={
:return ($1 . [ $IfThenElse ($2 = "body") ("\n") "" ]);
:local Return $1;
:local Chars {
"body"={ "\\"; "`" };
"plain"={ "_"; "*"; "["; "]"; "("; ")"; "~"; "`"; ">";
"#"; "+"; "-"; "="; "|"; "{"; "}"; "."; "!" };
:foreach Char in=($Chars->$2) do={
:set Return [ $CharacterReplace $Return $Char ("\\" . $Char) ];
:if ($2 = "body") do={
:return ("```\n" . $Return . "\n```");
:return $Return;
:local ChatId [ $EitherOr ($TelegramChatIdOverride->($Notification->"origin")) $TelegramChatId ];
:local TokenId [ $EitherOr ($TelegramTokenIdOverride->($Notification->"origin")) $TelegramTokenId ];
:if ([ :len $TokenId ] = 0 || [ :len $ChatId ] = 0) do={
:return false;
:local Truncated false;
:local Text ("*__" . [ $EscapeMD ("[" . $Identity . "] " . ($Notification->"subject")) "plain" ] . "__*\n\n");
:local LenSubject [ :len $Text ];
:local LenMessage [ :len ($Notification->"message") ];
:local LenLink [ :len ($Notification->"link") ];
:local LenSum ($LenSubject + $LenMessage + $LenLink);
:if ($LenSum > 3968) do={
:set Text ($Text . [ $EscapeMD ([ :pick ($Notification->"message") 0 (3840 - $LenSubject - $LenLink) ] . "...") "body" ]);
:set Truncated true;
} else={
:set Text ($Text . [ $EscapeMD ($Notification->"message") "body" ]);
:if ($LenLink > 0) do={
:set Text ($Text . "\n" . [ $SymbolForNotification "link" ] . [ $EscapeMD ($Notification->"link") "plain" ]);
:if ($Truncated = true) do={
:set Text ($Text . "\n" . [ $SymbolForNotification "scissors" ] . \
[ $EscapeMD ("The Telegram message was too long and has been truncated, cut off " . \
(($LenSum - [ :len $Text ]) * 100 / $LenSum) . "%!") "plain" ]);
:set Text [ $UrlEncode $Text ];
:local ParseMode [ $IfThenElse ($TelegramFixedWidthFont = true) "MarkdownV2" "" ];
:do {
:if ([ $CertificateAvailable "Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2" ] = false) do={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Downloading required certificate failed.") true;
/tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none http-method=post \
("https://api.telegram.org/bot" . $TokenId . "/sendMessage") \
http-data=("chat_id=" . $ChatId . "&disable_notification=" . ($Notification->"silent") . \
"&disable_web_page_preview=true&parse_mode=" . $ParseMode . "&text=" . $Text) as-value;
} on-error={
$LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Failed sending telegram notification! Queuing...") false;
:if ([ :typeof $TelegramQueue ] = "nothing") do={
:set TelegramQueue [ :toarray "" ];
:set Text ($Text . [ $UrlEncode ("\n" . [ $SymbolForNotification "alarm-clock" ] . \
[ $EscapeMD ("This message was queued since " . [ /system/clock/get date ] . \
" " . [ /system/clock/get time ] . " and may be obsolete.") "plain" ]) ]);
:set ($TelegramQueue->[ :len $TelegramQueue ]) { chatid=$ChatId; tokenid=$TokenId;
parsemode=$ParseMode; text=$Text; silent=($Notification->"silent") };
:if ([ :len [ /system/scheduler/find where name="FlushTelegramQueue" ] ] = 0) do={
/system/scheduler/add name=FlushTelegramQueue interval=1m start-time=startup \
on-event=(":global FlushTelegramQueue; \$FlushTelegramQueue;");
# send notification via telegram - expects at least two string arguments
:set SendTelegram do={
:global SendTelegram2;
$SendTelegram2 ({ subject=$1; message=$2; link=$3; silent=$4 });
# send notification via telegram - expects one array argument
:set SendTelegram2 do={
:local Notification $1;
:global NotificationFunctions;
($NotificationFunctions->"telegram") ("\$NotificationFunctions->\"telegram\"") $Notification;