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synced 2024-05-11 05:55:19 +00:00
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# RouterOS script: daily-psk
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
# update daily PSK (pre shared key)
:global "identity";
:global "daily-psk-match-comment";
:global SendNotification;
:local seen [ :toarray "" ];
# return pseudo-random string for PSK
:local GeneratePSK do={
:local date $1;
:global "daily-psk-secrets";
:local months {
"jan"; "feb"; "mar"; "apr"; "may"; "jun";
"jul"; "aug"; "sep"; "oct"; "nov"; "dec"
:local monthtbl {
0; 3; 3; 6; 1; 4; 6; 2; 5; 0; 3; 5
:local monthstr [ :pick $date 0 3 ];
:local month;
:local day [ :pick $date 4 6 ];
:local century [ :pick $date 7 9 ];
:local year [ :pick $date 9 11 ];
# get numeric value for month
:for mindex from=0 to=[ :len $months ] do={
:if ([ :pick $months $mindex ] = $monthstr) do={
:set month $mindex;
# calculate day of week
:local sum 0;
:set sum ($sum + (2 * (3 - ($century - (($century / 4) * 4)))));
:set sum ($sum + ($year / 4));
:set sum ($sum + $year + $day);
:set sum ($sum + $month);
:set sum ($sum - (($sum / 7) * 7));
:local return ([ :pick [ :pick $"daily-psk-secrets" 0 ] ($day - 1) ] . \
[ :pick [ :pick $"daily-psk-secrets" 1 ] $month ] . \
[ :pick [ :pick $"daily-psk-secrets" 2 ] $sum ]);
:return $return;
# check mail server
:if ([ / tool netwatch get [ find where comment=[ / tool e-mail get address ] ] status ] != "up" ) do={
:error "Mail server is not up.";
# check time
:if ([ / system ntp client get status ] != "synchronized") do={
:error "Time is not yet synchronized from ntp.";
:local date [ / system clock get date ];
:local newpsk [ $GeneratePSK $date ];
:foreach acclist in=[ / interface wireless access-list find where comment~$"daily-psk-match-comment" ] do={
:local intname [ / interface wireless access-list get $acclist interface ];
:local interface [ / interface wireless find where name=$intname disabled=no ];
:local ssid [ / interface wireless get $intname ssid ];
:local oldpsk [ / interface wireless access-list get $acclist private-pre-shared-key ];
:local skip 0;
:if ($newpsk != $oldpsk) do={
:log info ("Updating daily PSK for " . $intname . " to " . $newpsk . " (was " . $oldpsk . ")");
/ interface wireless access-list set $acclist private-pre-shared-key=$newpsk;
:if ([ :len $interface ] = 1) do={
:foreach "seen-ssid" in=$seen do={
:if ($"seen-ssid" = $ssid) do={
:log debug ("Already sent a mail for SSID " . $ssid . ", skipping.");
:set skip 1;
:if ($skip = 0) do={
:set $seen ( $seen, $ssid );
:local host "www.eworm.de"
:local srcpath ("/cgi-bin/cqrlogo-wifi.cgi" . \
"?scale=8" . \
"&level=1" . \
"&ssid=" . $ssid . \
"&pass=" . $newpsk);
/ tool fetch mode=https check-certificate=yes-without-crl address=$host host=$host \
src-path=$srcpath dst-path=qrcode-daily.png;
$SendNotification ("[" . $identity . "] daily PSK " . $ssid) \
("This is the daily PSK on " . $identity . ":\n\n" . \
"SSID: " . $ssid . "\n" . \
"PSK: " . $newpsk . "\n" . \
"Date: " . [ / system clock get date ] . "\n\n" . \
"https://" . $host . $srcpath) \
} else={
:log debug ("Missing active interface " . $intname . " for access list entry.");
/ system scheduler set disabled=yes [ find where name=daily-psk disabled=no ];