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#!rsc by RouterOS
# RouterOS script: backup-email
# Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md
# provides: backup-script, order=20
# requires RouterOS, version=7.12
# create and email backup and config file
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/doc/backup-email.md
:global GlobalFunctionsReady;
:while ($GlobalFunctionsReady != true) do={ :delay 500ms; }
:local Main do={
:local ScriptName [ :tostr $1 ];
:global BackupPassword;
:global BackupRandomDelay;
:global BackupSendBinary;
:global BackupSendExport;
:global BackupSendGlobalConfig;
:global Domain;
:global Identity;
:global CleanName;
:global DeviceInfo;
:global FormatLine;
:global LogPrintExit2;
:global MkDir;
:global RandomDelay;
:global ScriptFromTerminal;
:global ScriptLock;
:global SendEMail2;
:global SymbolForNotification;
:global WaitForFile;
:global WaitFullyConnected;
:if ([ :typeof $SendEMail2 ] = "nothing") do={
$LogPrintExit2 error $ScriptName ("The module for sending notifications via e-mail is not installed.") true;
:if ($BackupSendBinary != true && \
$BackupSendExport != true) do={
$LogPrintExit2 error $ScriptName ("Configured to send neither backup nor config export.") true;
:if ([ $ScriptLock $ScriptName ] = false) do={
:return false;
:if ([ $ScriptFromTerminal $ScriptName ] = false && $BackupRandomDelay > 0) do={
$RandomDelay $BackupRandomDelay;
# filename based on identity
:local DirName ("tmpfs/" . $ScriptName);
:local FileName [ $CleanName ($Identity . "." . $Domain) ];
:local FilePath ($DirName . "/" . $FileName);
:local BackupFile "none";
:local ExportFile "none";
:local ConfigFile "none";
:local Attach ({});
:if ([ $MkDir $DirName ] = false) do={
$LogPrintExit2 error $ScriptName ("Failed creating directory!") true;
# binary backup
:if ($BackupSendBinary = true) do={
/system/backup/save encryption=aes-sha256 name=$FilePath password=$BackupPassword;
$WaitForFile ($FilePath . ".backup");
:set BackupFile ($FileName . ".backup");
:set Attach ($Attach, ($FilePath . ".backup"));
# create configuration export
:if ($BackupSendExport = true) do={
/export terse show-sensitive file=$FilePath;
$WaitForFile ($FilePath . ".rsc");
:set ExportFile ($FileName . ".rsc");
:set Attach ($Attach, ($FilePath . ".rsc"));
# global-config-overlay
:if ($BackupSendGlobalConfig = true) do={
# Do *NOT* use '/file/add ...' here, as it is limited to 4095 bytes!
:execute script={ :put [ /system/script/get global-config-overlay source ]; } \
file=($FilePath . ".conf\00");
$WaitForFile ($FilePath . ".conf");
:set ConfigFile ($FileName . ".conf");
:set Attach ($Attach, ($FilePath . ".conf"));
# send email with status and files
$SendEMail2 ({ origin=$ScriptName; \
subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "floppy-disk,incoming-envelope" ] . \
"Backup & Config"); \
message=("See attached files for backup and config export for " . \
$Identity . ".\n\n" . \
[ $DeviceInfo ] . "\n\n" . \
[ $FormatLine "Backup file" $BackupFile ] . "\n" . \
[ $FormatLine "Export file" $ExportFile ] . "\n" . \
[ $FormatLine "Config file" $ConfigFile ]); \
attach=$Attach; remove-attach=true });
# wait for the mail to be sent
:local I 0;
:while ([ :len [ /file/find where name ~ ($FilePath . "\\.(backup|rsc)\$") ] ] > 0) do={
:if ($I >= 120) do={
$LogPrintExit2 warning $ScriptName ("Files are still available, sending e-mail failed.") true;
:delay 1s;
:set I ($I + 1);
$Main [ :jobname ];