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2013-07-06 19:36:30 -04:00
2014-05-29 18:42:05 -04:00
- /doc/configuration/
date: 2013-07-01
linktitle: Configuration
2014-05-29 18:42:05 -04:00
parent: getting started
next: /overview/source-directory
notoc: true
prev: /overview/usage
title: Configuring Hugo
weight: 40
2013-07-04 11:32:55 -04:00
The directory structure and templates provide the majority of the
configuration for a site. In fact, a config file isn't even needed for many
websites since the defaults follow commonly used patterns.
2013-07-04 11:32:55 -04:00
Hugo expects to find the config file in the root of the source directory and
will look there first for a `config.toml` file. If none is present, it will
then look for a `config.yaml` file, followed by a `config.json` file.
The config file is a site-wide config. The config file provides directions to
hugo on how to build the site as well as site-wide parameters and menus.
## Examples
The following is an example of a typical yaml config file:
baseurl: "http://yoursite.example.com/"
The following is an example of a toml config file with some of the default values. Values under `[params]` will populate the `.Site.Params` variable for use in templates:
2013-08-06 03:14:40 +09:00
contentdir = "content"
layoutdir = "layouts"
publishdir = "public"
builddrafts = false
baseurl = "http://yoursite.example.com/"
canonifyurls = true
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
description = "Tesla's Awesome Hugo Site"
author = "Nikola Tesla"
Here is a yaml configuration file which sets a few more options
baseurl: "http://yoursite.example.com/"
title: "Yoyodyne Widget Blogging"
footnotereturnlinkcontents: "↩"
post: /:year/:month/:title/
Subtitle: "Spinning the cogs in the widgets"
AuthorName: "John Doe"
GitHubUser: "spf13"
- "foo1"
- "foo2"
SidebarRecentLimit: 5
## Configuration variables
Following is a list of Hugo-defined variables that you can configure and their current default values:
archetypedir: "archetype"
# hostname (and path) to the root eg. http://spf13.com/
baseurl: ""
# include content marked as draft
buildDrafts: false
# include content with datePublished in the future
buildFuture: false
canonifyUrls: false
# config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
config: "config.toml"
contentdir: "content"
dataDir: "data"
defaultExtension: "html"
defaultLayout: "post"
# filesystem path to write files to
destination: ""
disableLiveReload: false
# Do not build RSS files
disableRSS: false
# Do not build Sitemap file
disableSitemap: false
# edit new content with this editor, if provided
editor: ""
footnoteAnchorPrefix: ""
footnoteReturnLinkContents: ""
languageCode: ""
layoutdir: "layouts"
# Enable Logging
log: false
# Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
logFile: ""
# "yaml", "toml", "json"
metaDataFormat: "toml"
newContentEditor: ""
# Don't sync modification time of files
noTimes: false
paginate: 10
paginatePath: "page"
# Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
pluralizeListTitles: true
publishdir: "public"
# color-codes for highlighting derived from this style
pygmentsStyle: "monokai"
# true: use pygments-css or false: color-codes directly
pygmentsUseClasses: false
sitemap: ""
# filesystem path to read files relative from
source: ""
staticdir: "static"
# display memory and timing of different steps of the program
stepAnalysis: false
# theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
theme: ""
title: ""
# if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
uglyUrls: false
# verbose output
verbose: false
# verbose logging
verboseLog: false
# watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed
watch: false
## Configure Blackfriday rendering
[Blackfriday](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday) is the [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) rendering engine used in Hugo. The Blackfriday configuration in Hugo is mostly a set of sane defaults that should fit most use cases.
But Hugo does expose some options---as listed in the table below, matched with the corresponding flag in the Blackfriday source ([html.go](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/blob/master/html.go) and [markdown.go](https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/blob/master/markdown.go)):
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th>Flag</th><th>Default</th><th>Blackfriday flag</th>
<td class="purpose-title">Purpose:</td>
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="2">Enable smart angled double quotes <small>(e.g.&nbsp;<code>"Hugo"</code> renders to «Hugo» instead of “Hugo”)</small></td>
<td class="purpose-title">Purpose:</td>
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="2">Enable smart fractions
<small>(e.g.&nbsp;<code>5/12</code> renders to <sup>5</sup>&frasl;<sub>12</sub> (<code>&lt;sup&gt;5&lt;/sup&gt;&amp;frasl;&lt;sub&gt;12&lt;/sub&gt;</code>))
<strong>Caveat:</strong> Even with <code>fractions = false</code>,
Blackfriday would still convert 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 to ½&nbsp;(<code>&amp;frac12;</code>),
¼&nbsp;(<code>&amp;frac14;</code>) and ¾&nbsp;(<code>&amp;frac34;</code>) respectively,
but only these three.</small></td>
<td><code>FootnoteAnchorPrefix</code> and <code>HeaderIDSuffix</code></td>
<td class="purpose-title">Purpose:</td>
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="2">If <code>true</code>, then header and footnote IDs are generated without the document ID <small>(e.g.&nbsp;<code>#my-header</code> instead of <code>#my-header:bec3ed8ba720b9073ab75abcf3ba5d97</code>)</small></td>
<td class="purpose-title">Purpose:</td>
<td class="purpose-description" colspan="2">Use non-default additional extensions <small>(e.g.&nbsp;Add <code>"hardLineBreak"</code> to use <code>EXTENSION_HARD_LINE_BREAK</code>)</small></td>
**Note** that these flags must be grouped under the `blackfriday` key and can be set on **both site and page level**. If set on page, it will override the site setting. Example:
<table class="table">
angledQuotes = true
fractions = false
plainIdAnchors = true
extensions = ["hardLineBreak"]
angledQuotes: true
fractions: false
plainIdAnchors: true
- hardLineBreak
## Notes
Config changes are not reflected with [LiveReload](/extras/livereload/).
Please restart `hugo server --watch` whenever you make a config change.