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2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
2014-05-29 18:42:05 -04:00
date: 2013-07-01
linktitle: Introduction
2014-05-29 18:42:05 -04:00
parent: getting started
next: /overview/quickstart
title: Introduction to Hugo
weight: 5
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
## What is Hugo?
Hugo is a general-purpose website framework. Technically speaking, Hugo is
a static site generator. This means that, unlike systems like WordPress,
Ghost and Drupal, which run on your web server expensively building a page
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every time a visitor requests one, Hugo does the building when you create
2015-02-16 22:53:12 +01:00
your content. Since websites are viewed far more often than they are
2014-02-28 11:41:47 -05:00
edited, Hugo is optimized for website viewing while providing a great
writing experience.
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Sites built with Hugo are extremely fast and very secure. Hugo sites can
be hosted anywhere, including [Heroku][], [GoDaddy][], [DreamHost][],
[GitHub Pages][], [Amazon S3][] and [CloudFront][], and work well with CDNs.
Hugo sites run without dependencies on expensive runtimes like Ruby,
Python or PHP and without dependencies on any databases.
[Heroku]: https://www.heroku.com/
[GoDaddy]: https://www.godaddy.com/
[DreamHost]: http://www.dreamhost.com/
2015-01-25 14:53:21 -07:00
[GitHub Pages]: https://pages.github.com/
[Amazon S3]: http://aws.amazon.com/s3/
[CloudFront]: http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/ "Amazon CloudFront"
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
We think of Hugo as the ideal website creation tool. With nearly instant
build times and the ability to rebuild whenever a change is made, Hugo
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provides a very fast feedback loop. This is essential when you are
designing websites, but also very useful when creating content.
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## How fast is Hugo?
{{% youtube CdiDYZ51a2o %}}
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
## What does Hugo do?
In technical terms, Hugo takes a source directory of Markdown files and
templates and uses these as input to create a complete website.
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
Hugo boasts the following features:
### General
* Extremely fast build times (~1 ms per page)
* Completely cross platform: Runs on <i class="fa fa-apple"></i>&nbsp;Mac OS&nbsp;X, <i class="fa fa-linux"></i>&nbsp;Linux, <i class="fa fa-windows"></i>&nbsp;Windows, and more!
* Easy [installation](/overview/installing/)
* Render changes [on the fly](/overview/usage/) with [LiveReload](/extras/livereload/) as you develop
* Complete theme support
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* Host your site anywhere
### Organization
* Straightforward [organization](/content/organization/)
* Support for [website sections](/content/sections/)
* Completely customizable [URLs](/extras/urls/)
* Support for configurable [taxonomies](/taxonomies/overview/) which includes categories and tags. Create your own custom organization of content
* Ability to [sort content](/content/ordering/) as you desire
* Automatic [table of contents](/extras/toc/) generation
* Dynamic menu creation
* [Pretty URLs](/extras/urls/) support
* [Permalink](/extras/permalinks/) pattern support
* [Aliases](/extras/aliases/) (redirects)
### Content
* Content written in [Markdown](/content/example/)
* Support for TOML, YAML and JSON metadata in [frontmatter](/content/front-matter/)
* Completely [customizable homepage](/layout/homepage/)
* Support for multiple [content types](/content/types/)
* Automatic and user defined [summaries](/content/summaries/)
* [Shortcodes](/extras/shortcodes/) to enable rich content inside of Markdown
* ["Minutes to Read"](/layout/variables/) functionality
* ["Wordcount"](/layout/variables/) functionality
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
### Additional Features
* Integrated [Disqus](https://disqus.com/) comment support
* Automatic [RSS](/layout/rss/) creation
* Support for [Go](http://golang.org/pkg/html/template/), [Amber](https://github.com/eknkc/amber) and [Ace](http://ace.yoss.si/) HTML templates
* Syntax [highlighting](/extras/highlighting/) powered by [Pygments](http://pygments.org/)
See what's coming next in the [roadmap](/meta/roadmap/).
2014-02-20 19:05:09 -05:00
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
## Who should use Hugo?
Hugo is for people that prefer writing in a text editor over
a browser.
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Hugo is for people who want to hand code their own website without
worrying about setting up complicated runtimes, dependencies and
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Hugo is for people building a blog, company site, portfolio, tumblog,
documentation, single page site or a site with thousands of
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
## Why did you write Hugo?
I wrote Hugo ultimately for a few reasons. First, I was disappointed with
WordPress, my then website solution. It rendered slowly. I couldn't create
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content as efficiently as I wanted to and needed to be online to write
posts. The constant security updates and the horror stories of people's
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hacked blogs. I hated how content was written in HTML instead of the much
simpler Markdown. Overall, I felt like it got in my way more than it helped
me from writing great content.
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I looked at existing static site generators like [Jekyll][], [Middleman][] and [nanoc][].
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All had complicated dependencies to install and took far longer to render
my blog with hundreds of posts than I felt was acceptable. I wanted
a framework to be able to get rapid feedback while making changes to the
templates, and the 5+-minute render times was just too slow. In general,
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
they were also very blog minded and didn't have the ability to have
different content types and flexible URLs.
2014-02-20 19:03:37 -05:00
[Jekyll]: http://jekyllrb.com/
[Middleman]: https://middlemanapp.com/
[nanoc]: http://nanoc.ws/
I wanted to develop a fast and full-featured website framework without
dependencies. The [Go language][] seemed to have all of the features I needed
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in a language. I began developing Hugo in Go and fell in love with the
language. I hope you will enjoy using (and contributing to) Hugo as much
as I have writing it.
2014-02-20 19:05:09 -05:00
[Go language]: http://golang.org/ "The Go Programming Language"
2014-02-20 19:05:09 -05:00
## Next Steps
* [Install Hugo](/overview/installing/)
* [Quick start](/overview/quickstart/)
* [Join the Mailing List](/community/mailing-list/)
* [Star us on GitHub](https://github.com/spf13/hugo)
* [Discussion Forum](http://discuss.gohugo.io/)