Setting `Paginate` to a positive value will split the list pages for the home page, sections and taxonomies into chunks of that size. But note that the generation of the pagination pages for sections, taxonomies and home page is *lazy* -- the pages will not be created if not referenced by a `.Paginator` (see below).
`PaginatePath` is used to adapt the `Url` to the pages in the paginator (the default setting will produce urls on the form `/page/1/`.
**A `.Paginator` is provided to help building a pager menu. This is only relevant for the templates for the home page and the list pages (sections and taxonomies).**
There are two ways to configure and use a `.Paginator`:
1. The simplest way is just to call `.Paginator.Pages` from a template. It will contain the pages for *that page* .
2. Select a sub-set of the pages with the available template functions and pass the slice to `.Paginate`, i.e. `{{ range (.Paginate (where .Data.Pages "Type" "post")).Pages }}`
For a given **Node**, it's one of the options above. The `.Paginator` is static and cannot change once created.
## Build the navigation
The `.Paginator` contains enough information to build a paginator interface.
The easiest way to add this to your pages is to include the built-in template (with `Bootstrap`-compatible styles):
{{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}
**Note:** If you use any filters or sorting functions to create your `.Paginator`**and** you want the navigation buttons to be shown before the page listing, you must create the `.Paginator` before it's used: