This ommmit contains some security hardening measures for the Hugo build runtime.
There are some rarely used features in Hugo that would be good to have disabled by default. One example would be the "external helpers".
For `asciidoctor` and some others we use Go's `os/exec` package to start a new process.
These are a predefined set of binary names, all loaded from `PATH` and with a predefined set of arguments. Still, if you don't use `asciidoctor` in your project, you might as well have it turned off.
You can configure your own in the new `security` configuration section, but the defaults are configured to create a minimal amount of site breakage. And if that do happen, you will get clear instructions in the loa about what to do.
The default configuration is listed below. Note that almost all of these options are regular expression _whitelists_ (a string or a slice); the value `none` will block all.
enableInlineShortcodes = false
allow = ['^dart-sass-embedded$', '^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$']
getenv = ['^HUGO_']
methods = ['(?i)GET|POST']
urls = ['.*']
The main motivation behind this is simplicity and correctnes, but the new small config library is also faster:
BenchmarkDefaultConfigProvider/Viper-16 252418 4546 ns/op 2720 B/op 30 allocs/op
BenchmarkDefaultConfigProvider/Custom-16 450756 2651 ns/op 1008 B/op 6 allocs/op
Fixes #8633
Fixes #8618
Fixes #8630
Updates #8591
Closes #6680
Closes #5192
This change is mostly motivated to get a more stable CI build (we're building the Hugo site there, with Instagram and Twitter shortcodes sometimes failing).
Fixes #7866
Fill the .TableOfContents template variable when writing Asciidoc content.
This is done by letting Asciidoc render its TOC as HTML, then extract this
HTML rendered TOC, parse it into a tableofcontents.Root and finally remove
it from the HTML content.
This aims to stay in the logic that the Asciidoc parsing is entirely done
by the external helper.
See #1687
This commit solves the relative path problem with asciidoctor tooling. An include will resolve relatively, so you can refer easily to files in the same folder.
Also `asciidoctor-diagram` and PlantUML rendering works now, because the created temporary files will be placed in the correct folder.
This patch covers just the Ruby version of asciidoctor. The old AsciiDoc CLI EOLs in Jan 2020, so this variant is removed from code.
The configuration is completely rewritten and now available in `config.toml` under the key `[markup.asciidocext]`:
extensions = ["asciidoctor-html5s", "asciidoctor-diagram"]
workingFolderCurrent = true
trace = true
my-base-url = ""
my-attribute-name = "my value"
- backends, safe-modes, and extensions are now whitelisted to the popular (ruby) extensions and valid values.
- the default for extensions is to not enable any, because they're all external dependencies so the build would break if the user didn't install them beforehand.
- the default backend is html5 because html5s is an external gem dependency.
- the default safe-mode is safe, explanations of the modes:
- the config is namespaced under asciidocext_config and the parser looks at asciidocext to allow a future native Go asciidoc.
- `uglyUrls=true` option and `--source` flag are supported
- `--destination` flag is required
Follow the updated documentation under `docs/content/en/content-management/`.
This patch would be a breaking change, because you need to correct all your absolute include pathes to relative paths, so using relative paths must be configured explicitly by setting `workingFolderCurrent = true`.