* add global `hasCJKLanguage` flag, if true, turn on auto-detecting CJKLanguage
* add `isCJKLanguage` frontmatter to force specify whether is CJKLanguage or not
* For .Summary: If isCJKLanguage is true, use the runes as basis for truncation, else keep as today.
* For WordCount: If isCJKLanguage is true, use the runes as basis for calculation, else keep as today.
* Unexport RuneCount
Fixes #1377
Add validation before creating aliases:
* Prevent creating aliases outside webroot (public/ dir)
* Skip empty "" alias
* Skip "/" → "/index.html", which gets overwritten anyway
* Refuse to create Windows-invalid filenames on Windows;
warn on other platforms
* In case of invalid aliases, after skipping them,
return `err = nil` to prevent the error passing up
all the way to `hugolib.Render()` and causing Hugo to abort.
* Update alias tests.
Fixes #701: Add support for alias with whitespace
Fixes #1418: Add validation for alias
A new "published" setting that is the opposite of "draft" is added and
left intentionally undocumented.
This setting comes from jekyll and eases the transition to hugo
greatly. We leave it undocumented so that folks don't rely on it, but
also don't shoot themselves in the foot during a jekyll migration.
The foot-shooting occurs if they have only a few documents that were
drafts ("published: false") in the jekyll version of their site and
don't notice that they were published in the migration to hugo.
The custom sort functions used from the templates had some subtle data race- and related issues,
especially when used in the single page template.
This commit fixes this by making copies and protect the read and writes with a RWMutex.
The results are cached (it will typically be invoked *number of pages* times with exactly the same data).
This is, not surprisingly, also faster:
benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse 14228 491 -96.55%
benchmark old allocs new allocs delta
BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse 1 0 -100.00%
benchmark old bytes new bytes delta
BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse 32 0 -100.00%
Fixes #1293
I could be wrong here, but it looks to me like .Site.Social.facebook is used in tpl/template_embedded.go, but the variable is never set. I've added a line to initializeSiteInfo to map the info from config into this variable.
In particular, RawContent() excludes the metadata header.
This is necessary in the use case of embedding remarkjs.com slides, as it needs
the unprocessed Markdown content to generate the slides.
Even as a copy at the end is needed, this consumes way less memory on Go 1.4.2:
```benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkParsePage 145979 139964 -4.12%
BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens 633574 631946 -0.26%
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer 195842 187938 -4.04%
benchmark old allocs new allocs delta
BenchmarkParsePage 87 87 +0.00%
BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens 9424 9415 -0.10%
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer 274 274 +0.00%
benchmark old bytes new bytes delta
BenchmarkParsePage 141830 141830 +0.00%
BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens 35219 25385 -27.92%
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer 30178 30177 -0.00%
See #1148
This commit replaces the regexp driven `replaceShortcodeTokens` with a handwritten one.
It wasnt't possible to handle the p-tags case without breaking performance.
This fix actually improves in that area:
benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkParsePage 142738 142667 -0.05%
BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens 665590 575645 -13.51%
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer 176038 181074 +2.86%
benchmark old allocs new allocs delta
BenchmarkParsePage 87 87 +0.00%
BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens 9631 9424 -2.15%
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer 274 274 +0.00%
benchmark old bytes new bytes delta
BenchmarkParsePage 141830 141830 +0.00%
BenchmarkReplaceShortcodeTokens 52275 35219 -32.63%
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer 30177 30178 +0.00%
Fixes #1148