This is a small refactoring. `livereload/livereload.go` has a wide
column. Sometimes language server does not work because of it.
Create a new js file and embed it.
Codespace has 2 types of usage
1. in browser
2. vscode on local computer
As long as you select 2 (on local), Hugo handles livereload expectedly.
But if you use it in browser, Hugo does not reload on file change, as #9936 said.
This issue happens because `CheckOrigin` always fails.
Remote server could rewrite request host name.
Fix this by respecting `X-Forwarded-Host` header during origin checking
After merging this, you can preview changes lively with codespaece in browser.
hugo server --liveReloadPort 443
Close #9936
Compare the original hosts from 'Origin' and 'Host' headers before
attempting to do a port-less comparison. This helps in the case when
hugo server was started with a '--port=80' so both headers do not
contain a port.
Fixes #4141
This commit adds support for multiple statDirs both on the global and language level.
A simple `config.toml` example:
staticDir = ["static1", "static2"]
staticDir = ["staticDir_override", "static_no"]
baseURL = ""
languageName = "Norsk"
weight = 1
title = "På norsk"
staticDir2 = "static_en"
baseURL = ""
languageName = "English"
weight = 2
title = "In English"
In the above, with no theme used:
the English site will get its static files as a union of "static1", "static2" and "static_en". On file duplicates, the right-most version will win.
the Norwegian site will get its static files as a union of "staticDir_override" and "static_no".
This commit also concludes the Multihost support in #4027.
Fixes #36
Closes #4027
This fixes #3824: when the current pathname is the same as the one to be loaded, just call location.reload() so that the current scroll position can be preserved, instead of assigning to location.href, which will cause the scroll position to be lost.
This commit adds a new `--navigateToChanged` and config setting with the same name, that, when running the Hugo server with live reload enabled, will navigate to the current content file's URL on save.
This is really useful for site-wide content changes (copyedits etc.).
Fixes #3643
The paths were seen as changed but not static because of the backslashes in
ev.Name. Once the backslashes were added, I discovered that the JSON
sent to livereload was invalid and failed to work because it had backslashes.
Hence the code to replace the backslashes from the path to make them work
in JSON and for the URL.
With this fix, changes to a stylesheet are shown on the page, and if it's a
single file that changed, it's reflected in the browser without reloading the whole
The Content-Type was not set for livereload.js and was interpreteted by the browser as text/plain.
This commit sets it to application/javascript.
Fixes #562
Prior to this commit a dummy JavaScript filename was sent to LiveReload when changing a static file (CSS, image etc.), forcing a full browser reload of the page.
This commit fixes this by sending the relative file path of the changed static resource, enabling partial live reloading for CSS- and image-changes. If more than one static file happens to end up in the same changeevent-batch, it will fall back to do a full refresh. To enable this logic, the change events with names ending with ".goutputstream*" is now filtered out as temporary.
Changes in dynamic content behaves like before.
Issue #490