Both will of course work, but hugo.toml will win if both are set.
We should have done this a long time ago, of course, but the reason I'm picking this up now is that my VS Code setup by default picks up some
JSON config schema from some random other software which also names its config files config.toml.
Fixes #8979
We cannot (also, it doesn't add any value) use that when the `clock` is set,
* To measure time (before that global is set)
* To compare file timestamps re cache eviction
Fixes #9868
* Add file context to minifier errors when publishing
* Misc fixes (see issues)
* Allow custom server error template in layouts/server/error.html
To get to this, this commit also cleans up and simplifies the code surrounding errors and files. This also removes the usage of ``, mostly because of -- but also because most of this is now built-in to Go.
Fixes #9852
Fixes #9857
Fixes #9863
This was introduced in Go 1.15. We do set the GOPATH, which should be enough, but #9309 indicate that's not the case on every platform (GitHub Actions).
Closes #9309
This ommmit contains some security hardening measures for the Hugo build runtime.
There are some rarely used features in Hugo that would be good to have disabled by default. One example would be the "external helpers".
For `asciidoctor` and some others we use Go's `os/exec` package to start a new process.
These are a predefined set of binary names, all loaded from `PATH` and with a predefined set of arguments. Still, if you don't use `asciidoctor` in your project, you might as well have it turned off.
You can configure your own in the new `security` configuration section, but the defaults are configured to create a minimal amount of site breakage. And if that do happen, you will get clear instructions in the loa about what to do.
The default configuration is listed below. Note that almost all of these options are regular expression _whitelists_ (a string or a slice); the value `none` will block all.
enableInlineShortcodes = false
allow = ['^dart-sass-embedded$', '^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$']
getenv = ['^HUGO_']
methods = ['(?i)GET|POST']
urls = ['.*']
Go 1.17 now lazy-loads dependencies when `go.mod` is version `go17`. This does not work for us for new projects started with `hugo mod init`.
Before this commit, starting a project with Go 1.17 with `hugo mod init` and then start adding dependencies with transitive dependenies to `config.toml` would treat the transitive dependencies as new, and you would potentially get a too recent version of those.
Note that this does not effect existing projects, where all dependencies are already recorded in `go.mod`.
Fixes #8930
This commit started out investigating a `concurrent map read write` issue, ending by replacing the map with a struct.
This is easier to reason about, and it's more effective:
name old time/op new time/op delta
SiteNew/Regular_Deep_content_tree-16 71.5ms ± 3% 69.4ms ± 5% ~ (p=0.200 n=4+4)
name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta
SiteNew/Regular_Deep_content_tree-16 29.7MB ± 0% 27.9MB ± 0% -5.82% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
name old allocs/op new allocs/op delta
SiteNew/Regular_Deep_content_tree-16 313k ± 0% 303k ± 0% -3.35% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
See #8749
The main motivation behind this is simplicity and correctnes, but the new small config library is also faster:
BenchmarkDefaultConfigProvider/Viper-16 252418 4546 ns/op 2720 B/op 30 allocs/op
BenchmarkDefaultConfigProvider/Custom-16 450756 2651 ns/op 1008 B/op 6 allocs/op
Fixes #8633
Fixes #8618
Fixes #8630
Updates #8591
Closes #6680
Closes #5192
This change is mostly motivated to get a more stable CI build (we're building the Hugo site there, with Instagram and Twitter shortcodes sometimes failing).
Fixes #7866
This commit also introduces a convention where these common JS config files, including `package.hugo.json`, gets mounted into:
These files mapped to their real filename will be added to the environment when running PostCSS, Babel etc., so you can do `process.env.HUGO_FILE_TAILWIND_CONFIG_JS` to resolve the real filename.
But do note that `assets` is a composite/union filesystem, so if your config file is not meant to be overridden, name them something specific.
This commit also adds adds `workDir/node_modules` to `NODE_PATH` and `HUGO_WORKDIR` to the env when running the JS tools above.
Fixes #7644
Fixes #7656
Fixes #7675