The render code path would use a fallback if there was an exception.
This change instead relies on explicit declaration of the layout to use
and includes a check to see if the layout indeed exists before
attempting to render it.
If a file named index.html exists in a directory, or root, it will be
rendered as if ugly urls are turned on. This allows for top level
content to not need a supporting layout file and content in content.
This change should not affect anyone who is using the perscribed way.
I also cleaned up a bunch of one off functions in site.go.
Allow content that is not markdown and does not need to be rendered to
exists in the content directory. Currently any valid html or xml
document can exist. Templates are applied to these documents as well.
If you need to have content that doesn't have templates or AbsUrlify
like operations, then continue to put this content in static and it will
be copied over.
As pages are read from the target, they will be assessed if they should
be rendered or not. The logic for IsRenderable is in the parser/page.go
and looks for anything exception '<'.
I want to move all logic to writing aliases to target so I can pave the
way for writing aliases specific to other runtimes (like .htaccess for
apache or a script for updating AWS or symlinking on a filesystem).
filepath was used inconsistently throughout the hugolib. With the
introduction of source and target modules, all path are normalized to
"/". This simplifies the processing of paths. It does mean that
contributors need to be aware of using path/filepath in any module other
than source or target is not recommended. The current exception is
It started with wanting to move templates in template bundles and the
rest followed. I did my best to start grouping related functions
together, but there are some that I missed. There is also the method
Urlize that seems to be a special function used in both worlds. I'll
need to revisit this method.