Update on the watcher copy static to copy only the
changed files and add an flag forceSyncStatic to
copy all statics always a static is changed
See #1644#1559
- Upgrade Bootswatch Yeti theme (3.2.0+3 → to 3.3.6)
- Upgrade Font Awesome (4.2.0 → 4.5.0)
- Upgrade jQuery (1.11.1 → 1.11.3)
Also keep the upstream filenames, e.g. bootstrap.min.css rather than
bootstrap.css for the minified CSS, and jquery-1.11.3.min.js rather than
jquery.js for the minified jQuery.
with the following added languages in anticipation of document expansion:
apache dockerfile dos less php powershell python tex yaml
To reproduce docs/static/js/highlight.pack.js on Debian/Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
$ wget https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/archive/9.0.0.tar.gz
$ tar xzf 9.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd highlight.js-9.0.0/
$ npm install
$ nodejs tools/build.js markdown asciidoc xml css javascript \
ini yaml json go bash diff dockerfile dos powershell makefile \
apache nginx tex http php python ruby django haml handlebars \
scss less coffeescript
Then, copy the resulting build/highlight.pack.js as well as
src/styles/monokai-sublime.css to the appropriate Hugo docs directories.
because our bootstrap-theme.css was originally a customized
core bootstrap.css file from Bootstrap v3.0.0.
This rename helps to avoid confusion with Bootstrap’s official
bootstrap-theme.css files.
The GitHub octicons fonts, which, in our case, came with GitHub:buttons,
are not actually used on gohugo.io. Rather, the icons inside the GitHub
buttons are actually glyphs from Font Awesome.
The GitHub:buttons JavaScript code docs/static/js/buttons.js
from https://github.com/ntkme/github-buttons was referenced
in docs/layouts/partials/footer.html but never used.
Apparently, the actual code for the GitHub buttons on the upper-left
corner of gohugo.io documentation was written by @spf13 in
especially when the given `--source` path is a relative directory.
Also, when `--source` is specified, make WorkingDir an absolute path
from the very beginning, to be consistent with the case when `--source`
is not given. Otherwise, the function name helpers.AbsPathify(), which
prepends WorkingDir to a relative path, does not really make sense.
Fixes #1721