As pages are read from the target, they will be assessed if they should
be rendered or not. The logic for IsRenderable is in the parser/page.go
and looks for anything exception '<'.
I want to move all logic to writing aliases to target so I can pave the
way for writing aliases specific to other runtimes (like .htaccess for
apache or a script for updating AWS or symlinking on a filesystem).
filepath was used inconsistently throughout the hugolib. With the
introduction of source and target modules, all path are normalized to
"/". This simplifies the processing of paths. It does mean that
contributors need to be aware of using path/filepath in any module other
than source or target is not recommended. The current exception is
It started with wanting to move templates in template bundles and the
rest followed. I did my best to start grouping related functions
together, but there are some that I missed. There is also the method
Urlize that seems to be a special function used in both worlds. I'll
need to revisit this method.
Tests to ensure rendering dates in templates is working correctly.
Actually, I was running into invalid templates not giving warnings when
I was trying to render a date.
Introducing the target module in hugo. This provides the simple
interface for writing content given a label (filename) and a io.Reader
containing the content to be written.
If site.Target is not set, it defaults back to the original behavior of
writing to file system.
In hugolib/site_url_test.go I have an InMemoryTarget for testing
purposes and use it to see if the final output of a render matches.
Allow full control of summaries which can be rendered as html rather
than text. Using a `<!--more-->` html comment in your markdown / rst
you can indiciate where the summary should end and have the summary
converted to html.
Signed-off-by: Noah Campbell <>
Provide unit test support RenderThing.
One observation is that creating the site.Tmpl variable is a one time
event. site.Tmpl doesn't like additional templates with the same name.
This means that updating a template while in --watch mode requires
throwing away the entire Site object and creating a new one. Not that
this is a bad idea, but it is something I discovered while working on
these unit tests.