As pointed out by the linter, some exported functions and types are
missing doc comments.
The linter warnings have been reduced from 194 to 116.
Not all missing comments have been added in this commit though.
This commit completes the "The Revival of the Archetypes!"
If `.Site` is used in the arcetype template, the site is built and added to the template context.
Note that this may be potentially time consuming for big sites.
A more complete example would then be for the section `newsletter` and the archetype file `archetypes/`:
title: "{{ replace .TranslationBaseName "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
- x
- x
draft: true
{{ range first 10 ( where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "cool" ) }}
* {{ .Title }}
{{ end }}
And then create a new post with:
hugo new newsletter/
**Hot Tip:** If you set the `newContentEditor` configuration variable to an editor on your `PATH`, the newly created article will be opened.
The above _newsletter type archetype_ illustrates the possibilities: The full Hugo `.Site` and all of Hugo's template funcs can be used in the archetype file.
Fixes #1629
This commit removes the fragile front matter decoding, and takes the provided archetype file as-is and processes it as a template.
This also means that we no longer will attempt to fill in default values for `title` and `date`.
The upside is that it is now easy to create these values in a dynamic way:
title = {{ .BaseFileName | title }}
date = {{ .Date }}
draft = true
You can currently use all of Hugo's template funcs, but the data context is currently very shallow:
* `.Type` gives the archetype kind provided
* `.Name` gives the target file name without extension.
* `.Path` gives the target file name
* `.Date` gives the current time as RFC3339 formatted string
The above will probably be extended in #1629.
Fixes #452
Updates #1629