Quote from @spf13: "I also think it's the better default
and should continue to be the case going forward."
Also mention the use of `hugo config` to check the current value
of `canonifyurls`, thanks to suggestion by @bep.
Fixes #802
* Add meta author, description and generator tags
* Add Hugo version beside the logo and in the footer
* Suggest the user to run `go get -u -v` to update dependencies
* Requires Go 1.3+ rather than Go 1.1+
* Improve rendering/formatting in some places
* Add trailing slash to URLs where appropriate
* GitHub redirects all http requests to https, update accordingly
canonifyUrls=true, RelPermalink and baseUrl with sub-path did not work.
This fixes that by adding a check for canonifyUrl=trues=true in RelPermalink().
So given
- baseUrl "http://somehost.com/sub/"
- the path "some-path/file.html"
For canonifyUrls=false RelPermalink() returns "/sub/some-path/file.html"
For canonifyUrls=true RelPermalink() returns "/some-path/file.html"
In the last case, the Url will be made absolute and clickable in a later step.
This commit also makes the menu urls defined in site config releative. To make them work with canonifying of urls, the context root is prepended if canonifying is turned off.
Fixes #519
Fixes #711
Hopefully making them more semantic and easier to read,
though it is raw HTML so it is slightly more work to maintain.
Also made minor revisions to some of the variable descriptions
to be more informative, e.g. `:monthname` in permalinks use
full English names ("January" etc.)
* Add link to https://travis-ci.org/spf13/hugo
* Correct heading levels in docs/content/community/mailing-list.md
* Mention RFC 3339 as the `date` format set by `hugo new`
* Mention that `hugo new` does not add `draft = true` when the user
provides an archetype
* List short examples of TOML and YAML side by side
* Compact the Math template functions into a table
* Put some notes into a blockquote
- Change "livereload" and "live reload" to "LiveReload";
- Add a `$ ` prompt before example command lines
(not exhaustive, work in progress);
- Remove unnecessary whitespace from partials;
- Revise the blackfriday options table in overview/configuration.md
to make it narrower.
- Manually set the language for highlight.js where appropriate
- Rename "404" to "Custom 404 page", and remove incorrect reference
to "homepage"
- Credit the author of tutorials/github_pages_blog.md
(Similar notes are necessary for other contributed pages where
"I" am not spf13 to avoid reader confusion.)
- Add CSS for `kbd` and `table` etc. to css/style.css;
- etc.
- Rejigged the weight of the extras/ content for the new crossreferences
- Used the new {{</*…*/>}} format for documenting highlighting and to
prevent a warning about the missing `fig` shortcode.
- Correct some typos
- Add backticks and commas where necessary
- Use fenced code blocks specifying "bash" as the language
to avoid weird highlighting
- Place commas outside of quotation marks surroundingn codes
to avoid possible confusion
- Suggest users to use the discussion forum rather than the
mailing list
This commit contains a restructuring and partial rewrite of the shortcode handling.
Prior to this commit rendering of the page content was mingled with handling of the shortcodes. This led to several oddities.
The new flow is:
1. Shortcodes are extracted from page and replaced with placeholders.
2. Shortcodes are processed and rendered
3. Page is processed
4. The placeholders are replaced with the rendered shortcodes
The handling of summaries is also made simpler by this.
This commit also introduces some other chenges:
1. distinction between shortcodes that need further processing and those who do not:
* `{{< >}}`: Typically raw HTML. Will not be processed.
* `{{% %}}`: Will be processed by the page's markup engine (Markdown or (infuture) Asciidoctor)
The above also involves a new shortcode-parser, with lexical scanning inspired by Rob Pike's talk called "Lexical Scanning in Go",
which should be easier to understand, give better error messages and perform better.
2. If you want to exclude a shortcode from being processed (for documentation etc.), the inner part of the shorcode must be commented out, i.e. `{{%/* movie 47238zzb */%}}`. See the updated shortcode section in the documentation for further examples.
The new parser supports nested shortcodes. This isn't new, but has two related design choices worth mentioning:
* The shortcodes will be rendered individually, so If both `{{< >}}` and `{{% %}}` are used in the nested hierarchy, one will be passed through the page's markdown processor, the other not.
* To avoid potential costly overhead of always looking far ahead for a possible closing tag, this implementation looks at the template itself, and is branded as a container with inner content if it contains a reference to `.Inner`
Fixes #565
Fixes #480
Fixes #461
And probably some others.
- Add backticks and commas where necessary
- Remove some trailing whitespace
- Add front matter example in TOML
- Fix typo in one of the tags in Showcase
- Add 多说 (Duoshuo) as an alternative to Disqus
- Use internal links (i.e. without gohugo.io) where possible
- Use a colon to set off an example
- Change "it's" to "its" where appropriate
- Use typographical (i.e. curly) apostrophe on the front page
where appropriate
- Capitalize "Github" as "GitHub"
Among the various changes, most instances of
{{ template "partials/FILE.html" . }}
were changed to
{{ partial "FILE.html" . }}
Also, in main.go, change "2013" to "2013-14".