All config variables starts with low-case and uses camelCase.
If there is abbreviation at the beginning of the name, the whole
abbreviation will be written in low-case.
If there is abbreviation at the end of the name, the
whole abbreviation will be written in upper-case.
For example, rssURI.
Adds step-by-step instructions for installing from both brew and
the official tarball. Not sure if steps for installing from source
belong here, so left them out.
Fixes #1005
* Add meta author, description and generator tags
* Add Hugo version beside the logo and in the footer
* Suggest the user to run `go get -u -v` to update dependencies
* Requires Go 1.3+ rather than Go 1.1+
* Improve rendering/formatting in some places
* Add trailing slash to URLs where appropriate
* GitHub redirects all http requests to https, update accordingly