I want to move all logic to writing aliases to target so I can pave the
way for writing aliases specific to other runtimes (like .htaccess for
apache or a script for updating AWS or symlinking on a filesystem).
filepath was used inconsistently throughout the hugolib. With the
introduction of source and target modules, all path are normalized to
"/". This simplifies the processing of paths. It does mean that
contributors need to be aware of using path/filepath in any module other
than source or target is not recommended. The current exception is
It started with wanting to move templates in template bundles and the
rest followed. I did my best to start grouping related functions
together, but there are some that I missed. There is also the method
Urlize that seems to be a special function used in both worlds. I'll
need to revisit this method.
Introducing the target module in hugo. This provides the simple
interface for writing content given a label (filename) and a io.Reader
containing the content to be written.
If site.Target is not set, it defaults back to the original behavior of
writing to file system.
In hugolib/site_url_test.go I have an InMemoryTarget for testing
purposes and use it to see if the final output of a render matches.
Provide unit test support RenderThing.
One observation is that creating the site.Tmpl variable is a one time
event. site.Tmpl doesn't like additional templates with the same name.
This means that updating a template while in --watch mode requires
throwing away the entire Site object and creating a new one. Not that
this is a bad idea, but it is something I discovered while working on
these unit tests.
An oversight on my behalf. The FromSlash method is used when writing
out the public file name. There is one place where the slashes are
required which is setting the output file. I replaced those instances
with filepath.Join which should do the right thing depending on the OS.
When redirecting an alias from a .xhtml path, served with default content type,
a redirect only works if the html element has a xmlns attribute. This adds the
attribute when the alias path ends in .xhtml
when not using ugly urls, the feed permalink does not end up in the
expected location, and instead always behaves as if using ugly urls.
this fixes that behavior and inserts the feed xml file into the
directory as index.xml.
fixes #32