So we can use it and output.Format as map key etc.
This commit also fixes the media.Type implementation so it does not need to mutate itself to handle different suffixes for the same MIME type, e.g. jpg vs. jpeg.
This means that there are no Suffix or FullSuffix on media.Type anymore.
Fixes #8317
Fixes #8324
This means that any HTML file inside /content will be treated as a regular file.
If you want it processes with shortcodes and a layout, add front matter.
The defintion of an HTML file here is:
* File with extension .htm or .html
* With first non-whitespace character "<" that isn't a HTML comment.
This is in line with the documentation.
Fixes #7030
Fixes #7028
See #6789
This commit adds the fast and CommonMark compliant Goldmark as the new default markdown handler in Hugo.
If you want to continue using BlackFriday as the default for md/markdown extensions, you can use this configuration:
Fixes #5963
Fixes #1778
Fixes #6355
This means that you now can do:
{{< vidur 9KvBeKu false true 32 3.14 >}}
And the boolean and numeric values will be converted to `bool`, `int` and `float64`.
If you want these to be strings, they must be quoted:
{{< vidur 9KvBeKu "false" "true" "32" "3.14" >}}
Fixes #6371
This commit implements Hugo Modules.
This is a broad subject, but some keywords include:
* A new `module` configuration section where you can import almost anything. You can configure both your own file mounts nd the file mounts of the modules you import. This is the new recommended way of configuring what you earlier put in `configDir`, `staticDir` etc. And it also allows you to mount folders in non-Hugo-projects, e.g. the `SCSS` folder in the Bootstrap GitHub project.
* A module consists of a set of mounts to the standard 7 component types in Hugo: `static`, `content`, `layouts`, `data`, `assets`, `i18n`, and `archetypes`. Yes, Theme Components can now include content, which should be very useful, especially in bigger multilingual projects.
* Modules not in your local file cache will be downloaded automatically and even "hot replaced" while the server is running.
* Hugo Modules supports and encourages semver versioned modules, and uses the minimal version selection algorithm to resolve versions.
* A new set of CLI commands are provided to manage all of this: `hugo mod init`, `hugo mod get`, `hugo mod graph`, `hugo mod tidy`, and `hugo mod vendor`.
All of the above is backed by Go Modules.
Fixes #5973
Fixes #5996
Fixes #6010
Fixes #5911
Fixes #5940
Fixes #6074
Fixes #6082
Fixes #6092
Hugo requires some front matter values to be arrays (e.g. for taxonomies).
Org mode front matter syntax (`#+KEY: VALUE`) does however not support anything
but string values normally - which is why goorgeous hardcoded the values for
the keys tags, categories & aliases to be parsed as string arrays. This causes
problems with custom taxonomies.
A simple thing we can do instead is make keywords ending in '[]' be parsed as
string arrays.
Sadly, goorgeous has not been updated in over a year and still has a lot of
open issues (e.g. no support for nested lists).
go-org fixes most of those issues and supports a larger subset of Org mode
The main motivation of this commit is to add a `page.Page` interface to replace the very file-oriented `hugolib.Page` struct.
This is all a preparation step for issue #5074, "pages from other data sources".
But this also fixes a set of annoying limitations, especially related to custom output formats, and shortcodes.
Most notable changes:
* The inner content of shortcodes using the `{{%` as the outer-most delimiter will now be sent to the content renderer, e.g. Blackfriday.
This means that any markdown will partake in the global ToC and footnote context etc.
* The Custom Output formats are now "fully virtualized". This removes many of the current limitations.
* The taxonomy list type now has a reference to the `Page` object.
This improves the taxonomy template `.Title` situation and make common template constructs much simpler.
See #5074
Fixes #5763
Fixes #5758
Fixes #5090
Fixes #5204
Fixes #4695
Fixes #5607
Fixes #5707
Fixes #5719
Fixes #3113
Fixes #5706
Fixes #5767
Fixes #5723
Fixes #5769
Fixes #5770
Fixes #5771
Fixes #5759
Fixes #5776
Fixes #5777
Fixes #5778
This avoids double parsing the page content when `enableEmoji=true`.
This commit also adds some general improvements to the parser, making it in general much faster:
benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer-4 90258 101730 +12.71%
BenchmarkParse-4 148940 15037 -89.90%
benchmark old allocs new allocs delta
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer-4 456 700 +53.51%
BenchmarkParse-4 28 33 +17.86%
benchmark old bytes new bytes delta
BenchmarkShortcodeLexer-4 69875 81014 +15.94%
BenchmarkParse-4 8128 8304 +2.17%
Running some site benchmarks with Emoji support turned on:
benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkSiteBuilding/TOML,num_langs=3,num_pages=5000,tags_per_page=5,shortcodes,render-4 924556797 818115620 -11.51%
benchmark old allocs new allocs delta
BenchmarkSiteBuilding/TOML,num_langs=3,num_pages=5000,tags_per_page=5,shortcodes,render-4 4112613 4133787 +0.51%
benchmark old bytes new bytes delta
BenchmarkSiteBuilding/TOML,num_langs=3,num_pages=5000,tags_per_page=5,shortcodes,render-4 426982864 424363832 -0.61%
Fixes #5534
This commit adds support for a configuration directory (default `config`). The different pieces in this puzzle are:
* A new `--environment` (or `-e`) flag. This can also be set with the `HUGO_ENVIRONMENT` OS environment variable. The value for `environment` defaults to `production` when running `hugo` and `development` when running `hugo server`. You can set it to any value you want (e.g. `hugo server -e "Sensible Environment"`), but as it is used to load configuration from the file system, the letter case may be important. You can get this value in your templates with `{{ hugo.Environment }}`.
* A new `--configDir` flag (defaults to `config` below your project). This can also be set with `HUGO_CONFIGDIR` OS environment variable.
If the `configDir` exists, the configuration files will be read and merged on top of each other from left to right; the right-most value will win on duplicates.
Given the example tree below:
If `environment` is `production`, the left-most `config.toml` would be the one directly below the project (this can now be omitted if you want), and then `_default/config.toml` and finally `production/config.toml`. And since these will be merged, you can just provide the environment specific configuration setting in you production config, e.g. `enableGitInfo = true`. The order within the directories will be lexical (`config.toml` and then `params.toml`).
├── _default
│ ├── config.toml
│ ├── languages.toml
│ ├── menus
│ │ ├── menus.en.toml
│ │ └── menus.zh.toml
│ └── params.toml
├── development
│ └── params.toml
└── production
├── config.toml
└── params.toml
Some configuration maps support the language code in the filename (e.g. `menus.en.toml`): `menus` (`menu` also works) and `params`.
Also note that the only folders with "a meaning" in the above listing is the top level directories below `config`. The `menus` sub folder is just added for better organization.
We use `TOML` in the example above, but Hugo also supports `JSON` and `YAML` as configuration formats. These can be mixed.
Fixes #5422
When the page parser was rewritten in 0.51, this was interpreted literally, but commented out front matter is used in the wild to "hide it from GitHub", e.g:
title = "hello"
Fixes #5478
An inline shortcode's name must end with `.inline`, all lowercase.
{{< time.inline >}}{{ now }}{{< /time.inline >}}
The above will print the current date and time.
Note that an inline shortcode's inner content is parsed and executed as a Go text template with the same context as a regular shortcode template.
This means that the current page can be accessed via `.Page.Title` etc. This also means that there are no concept of "nested inline shortcodes".
The same inline shortcode can be reused later in the same content file, with different params if needed, using the self-closing syntax:
{{< time.inline />}}
Fixes #4011
`*json.UnmarshalTypeError` and `*json.SyntaxError` has a byte `Offset`, so use that.
This commit also reworks/simplifies the errror line matching logic. This also makes the file reading unbuffered, but that should be fine in this error case.
See #5324