This commit adds a work flow aroung GoReleaser to get the Hugo release process automated and more uniform:
* It can be run fully automated or in two steps to allow for manual edits of the relase notes.
* It supports both patch and full releases.
* It fetches author, issue, repo info. etc. for the release notes from GitHub.
* The file names produced are mainly the same as before, but we no use tar.gz as archive for all Unix versions.
* There isn't a fully automated CI setup in place yet, but the release tag is marked in the commit message with "[ci deploy]"
Fixes #3358
Cobra, the CLI commander in use in Hugo, has some long awaited improvements in the error handling department.
This enables a more centralized error handling approach.
This commit introduces that by changing all the command funcs to `RunE`:
* The core part of the error logging, usage logging and `os.Exit(-1)` is now performed in one place and that one place only.
* The usage text is now only shown on invalid arguments etc. (user errors)
Fixes #1502
Put version handling into the helpers package so it can be used by many,
and split version and suffix to make it possible to calculate the next Hugo version.
On Windows the binary name is hugo.exe and running hugo version results in
this error:
GetFileAttributesEx D:\Dev\Go\gopath\bin\hugo: The system cannot find the file specified.
This fixes that error and allows the binary name to be something other
than hugo on any OS.
Added Version, CommitHash and BuildDate to hugolib/hugo.go and used it in build
Removed commitHash and buildDate from commands/version.go and used hugolib vars
Removed getDateFormat function from commands/version.go