mirror of https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo.git synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00
Bjørn Erik Pedersen 02eaddc2fb tpl/tplimpl: Fix template truth logic
Before this commit, due to a bug in Go's `text/template` package, this would print different output for typed nil interface values:

{{ if .AuthenticatedUser }}User is authenticated!{{ else }}{{ end }}
{{ if not .AuthenticatedUser }}{{ else }}}User is authenticated!{{ end }}

This commit works around this by wrapping every `if` and `with` with a custom `getif` template func with truth logic that matches `not`, `and` and `or`.

Those 3 template funcs from Go's stdlib are now pulled into Hugo's source tree and adjusted to support custom zero values, e.g. types that implement `IsZero`.

This means that you can now do:

{{ with .Date }}{{ . }}{{ end }}

And it would work as expected.

Fixes #5738
2019-03-06 22:52:38 +01:00

461 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tplimpl
import (
var (
testFuncs = map[string]interface{}{
"getif": func(v interface{}) interface{} { return v },
"ToTime": func(v interface{}) interface{} { return cast.ToTime(v) },
"First": func(v ...interface{}) interface{} { return v[0] },
"Echo": func(v interface{}) interface{} { return v },
"where": func(seq, key interface{}, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return map[string]interface{}{
"ByWeight": fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v:%v", seq, key, args),
}, nil
"site": func() interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"lower": "global-site",
paramsData = map[string]interface{}{
"NotParam": "Hi There",
"Slice": []int{1, 3},
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"lower": "P1L",
"slice": []int{1, 3},
"mydate": "1972-01-28",
"Pages": map[string]interface{}{
"ByWeight": []int{1, 3},
"CurrentSection": map[string]interface{}{
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"lower": "pcurrentsection",
"Site": map[string]interface{}{
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"lower": "P2L",
"slice": []int{1, 3},
"Language": map[string]interface{}{
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"lower": "P22L",
"nested": map[string]interface{}{
"lower": "P22L_nested",
"Data": map[string]interface{}{
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"NOLOW": "P3H",
paramsTempl = `
{{ $page := . }}
{{ $pages := .Pages }}
{{ $pageParams := .Params }}
{{ $site := .Site }}
{{ $siteParams := .Site.Params }}
{{ $data := .Site.Data }}
{{ $notparam := .NotParam }}
PCurrentSection: {{ .CurrentSection.Params.LOWER }}
P1: {{ .Params.LOWER }}
P1_2: {{ $.Params.LOWER }}
P1_3: {{ $page.Params.LOWER }}
P1_4: {{ $pageParams.LOWER }}
P2: {{ .Site.Params.LOWER }}
P2_2: {{ $.Site.Params.LOWER }}
P2_3: {{ $site.Params.LOWER }}
P2_4: {{ $siteParams.LOWER }}
P22: {{ .Site.Language.Params.LOWER }}
P22_nested: {{ .Site.Language.Params.NESTED.LOWER }}
P3: {{ .Site.Data.Params.NOLOW }}
P3_2: {{ $.Site.Data.Params.NOLOW }}
P3_3: {{ $site.Data.Params.NOLOW }}
P3_4: {{ $data.Params.NOLOW }}
P4: {{ range $i, $e := .Site.Params.SLICE }}{{ $e }}{{ end }}
P5: {{ Echo .Params.LOWER }}
P5_2: {{ Echo $site.Params.LOWER }}
{{ if .Params.LOWER }}
IF: {{ .Params.LOWER }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Params.NOT_EXIST }}
{{ else }}
ELSE: {{ .Params.LOWER }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.LOWER }}
WITH: {{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Slice }}
RANGE: {{ . }}: {{ $.Params.LOWER }}
{{ end }}
{{ index .Slice 1 }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ .NotParam }}
{{ $notparam }}
{{ $lower := .Site.Params.LOWER }}
F1: {{ printf "themes/%s-theme" .Site.Params.LOWER }}
F2: {{ Echo (printf "themes/%s-theme" $lower) }}
F3: {{ Echo (printf "themes/%s-theme" .Site.Params.LOWER) }}
PSLICE: {{ range .Params.SLICE }}PSLICE{{.}}|{{ end }}
{{ $pages := "foo" }}
{{ $pages := where $pages ".Params.toc_hide" "!=" true }}
PARAMS STRING: {{ $pages.ByWeight }}
PARAMS STRING2: {{ with $pages }}{{ .ByWeight }}{{ end }}
{{ $pages3 := where ".Params.TOC_HIDE" "!=" .Params.LOWER }}
PARAMS STRING3: {{ $pages3.ByWeight }}
{{ $first := First .Pages .Site.Params.LOWER }}
PARAMS COMPOSITE: {{ $first.ByWeight }}
{{ $time := $.Params.MyDate | ToTime }}
{{ $time = $time.AddDate 0 1 0 }}
PARAMS TIME: {{ $time.Format "2006-01-02" }}
{{ $_x := $.Params.MyDate | ToTime }}
PARAMS TIME2: {{ $_x.AddDate 0 1 0 }}
PARAMS SITE GLOBAL1: {{ site.Params.LOwER }}
{{ $lower := site.Params.LOwER }}
{{ $site := site }}
PARAMS SITE GLOBAL2: {{ $lower }}
PARAMS SITE GLOBAL3: {{ $site.Params.LOWER }}
func TestParamsKeysToLower(t *testing.T) {
require.Error(t, applyTemplateTransformers(nil, nil))
templ, err := template.New("foo").Funcs(testFuncs).Parse(paramsTempl)
require.NoError(t, err)
c := newTemplateContext(createParseTreeLookup(templ))
require.Equal(t, -1, c.decl.indexOfReplacementStart([]string{}))
var b bytes.Buffer
require.NoError(t, templ.Execute(&b, paramsData))
result := b.String()
require.Contains(t, result, "P1: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P1_2: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P1_3: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P1_4: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P2: P2L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P2_2: P2L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P2_3: P2L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P2_4: P2L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P22: P22L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P22_nested: P22L_nested")
require.Contains(t, result, "P3: P3H")
require.Contains(t, result, "P3_2: P3H")
require.Contains(t, result, "P3_3: P3H")
require.Contains(t, result, "P3_4: P3H")
require.Contains(t, result, "P4: 13")
require.Contains(t, result, "P5: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P5_2: P2L")
require.Contains(t, result, "IF: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "ELSE: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "WITH: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "RANGE: 3: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "Hi There")
// Issue #2740
require.Contains(t, result, "F1: themes/P2L-theme")
require.Contains(t, result, "F2: themes/P2L-theme")
require.Contains(t, result, "F3: themes/P2L-theme")
require.Contains(t, result, "PSLICE: PSLICE1|PSLICE3|")
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS STRING: foo:.Params.toc_hide:[!= true]")
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS STRING2: foo:.Params.toc_hide:[!= true]")
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS STRING3: .Params.TOC_HIDE:!=:[P1L]")
// Issue #5094
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS COMPOSITE: [1 3]")
// Issue #5068
require.Contains(t, result, "PCurrentSection: pcurrentsection")
// Issue #5541
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS TIME: 1972-02-28")
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS TIME2: 1972-02-28")
// Issue ##5615
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS SITE GLOBAL1: global-site")
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS SITE GLOBAL2: global-site")
require.Contains(t, result, "PARAMS SITE GLOBAL3: global-site")
func BenchmarkTemplateParamsKeysToLower(b *testing.B) {
templ, err := template.New("foo").Funcs(testFuncs).Parse(paramsTempl)
if err != nil {
templates := make([]*template.Template, b.N)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
templates[i], err = templ.Clone()
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
c := newTemplateContext(createParseTreeLookup(templates[i]))
func TestParamsKeysToLowerVars(t *testing.T) {
var (
ctx = map[string]interface{}{
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"colors": map[string]interface{}{
"blue": "Amber",
"pretty": map[string]interface{}{
"first": "Indigo",
// This is how Amber behaves:
paramsTempl = `
{{$__amber_1 := .Params.Colors}}
{{$__amber_2 := $__amber_1.Blue}}
{{$__amber_3 := $__amber_1.Pretty}}
{{$__amber_4 := .Params}}
Color: {{$__amber_2}}
Blue: {{ $__amber_1.Blue}}
Pretty First1: {{ $__amber_3.First}}
Pretty First2: {{ $__amber_1.Pretty.First}}
Pretty First3: {{ $__amber_4.COLORS.PRETTY.FIRST}}
templ, err := template.New("foo").Parse(paramsTempl)
require.NoError(t, err)
c := newTemplateContext(createParseTreeLookup(templ))
var b bytes.Buffer
require.NoError(t, templ.Execute(&b, ctx))
result := b.String()
require.Contains(t, result, "Color: Amber")
require.Contains(t, result, "Blue: Amber")
require.Contains(t, result, "Pretty First1: Indigo")
require.Contains(t, result, "Pretty First2: Indigo")
require.Contains(t, result, "Pretty First3: Indigo")
func TestParamsKeysToLowerInBlockTemplate(t *testing.T) {
var (
ctx = map[string]interface{}{
"Params": map[string]interface{}{
"lower": "P1L",
master = `
P1: {{ .Params.LOWER }}
{{ block "main" . }}DEFAULT{{ end }}`
overlay = `
{{ define "main" }}
P2: {{ .Params.LOWER }}
{{ end }}`
masterTpl, err := template.New("foo").Parse(master)
require.NoError(t, err)
overlayTpl, err := template.Must(masterTpl.Clone()).Parse(overlay)
require.NoError(t, err)
overlayTpl = overlayTpl.Lookup(overlayTpl.Name())
c := newTemplateContext(createParseTreeLookup(overlayTpl))
var b bytes.Buffer
require.NoError(t, overlayTpl.Execute(&b, ctx))
result := b.String()
require.Contains(t, result, "P1: P1L")
require.Contains(t, result, "P2: P1L")
// Issue #2927
func TestTransformRecursiveTemplate(t *testing.T) {
recursive := `
{{ define "menu-nodes" }}
{{ template "menu-node" }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "menu-node" }}
{{ template "menu-node" }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "menu-nodes" }}
templ, err := template.New("foo").Parse(recursive)
require.NoError(t, err)
c := newTemplateContext(createParseTreeLookup(templ))
type I interface {
type T struct {
NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil I
func (T) Method0() {
func TestInsertIsZeroFunc(t *testing.T) {
assert := require.New(t)
var (
ctx = map[string]interface{}{
"True": true,
"Now": time.Now(),
"TimeZero": time.Time{},
"T": &T{NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil: (*T)(nil)},
templ = `
{{ if .True }}.True: TRUE{{ else }}.True: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ if .TimeZero }}.TimeZero1: TRUE{{ else }}.TimeZero1: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ if (.TimeZero) }}.TimeZero2: TRUE{{ else }}.TimeZero2: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ if not .TimeZero }}.TimeZero3: TRUE{{ else }}.TimeZero3: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ if .Now }}.Now: TRUE{{ else }}.Now: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ with .TimeZero }}.TimeZero1 with: {{ . }}{{ else }}.TimeZero1 with: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ template "mytemplate" . }}
{{ if .T.NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil }}.NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil: TRUE{{ else }}.NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ define "mytemplate" }}
{{ if .TimeZero }}.TimeZero1: mytemplate: TRUE{{ else }}.TimeZero1: mytemplate: FALSE{{ end }}
{{ end }}
v := newTestConfig()
fs := hugofs.NewMem(v)
depsCfg := newDepsConfig(v)
depsCfg.Fs = fs
d, err := deps.New(depsCfg)
provider := DefaultTemplateProvider
h := d.Tmpl.(handler)
assert.NoError(h.addTemplate("mytemplate.html", templ))
tt, _ := d.Tmpl.Lookup("mytemplate.html")
result, err := tt.(tpl.TemplateExecutor).ExecuteToString(ctx)
assert.Contains(result, ".True: TRUE")
assert.Contains(result, ".TimeZero1: FALSE")
assert.Contains(result, ".TimeZero2: FALSE")
assert.Contains(result, ".TimeZero3: TRUE")
assert.Contains(result, ".Now: TRUE")
assert.Contains(result, "TimeZero1 with: FALSE")
assert.Contains(result, ".TimeZero1: mytemplate: FALSE")
assert.Contains(result, ".NonEmptyInterfaceTypedNil: FALSE")