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synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00
This commit implements Hugo Modules. This is a broad subject, but some keywords include: * A new `module` configuration section where you can import almost anything. You can configure both your own file mounts nd the file mounts of the modules you import. This is the new recommended way of configuring what you earlier put in `configDir`, `staticDir` etc. And it also allows you to mount folders in non-Hugo-projects, e.g. the `SCSS` folder in the Bootstrap GitHub project. * A module consists of a set of mounts to the standard 7 component types in Hugo: `static`, `content`, `layouts`, `data`, `assets`, `i18n`, and `archetypes`. Yes, Theme Components can now include content, which should be very useful, especially in bigger multilingual projects. * Modules not in your local file cache will be downloaded automatically and even "hot replaced" while the server is running. * Hugo Modules supports and encourages semver versioned modules, and uses the minimal version selection algorithm to resolve versions. * A new set of CLI commands are provided to manage all of this: `hugo mod init`, `hugo mod get`, `hugo mod graph`, `hugo mod tidy`, and `hugo mod vendor`. All of the above is backed by Go Modules. Fixes #5973 Fixes #5996 Fixes #6010 Fixes #5911 Fixes #5940 Fixes #6074 Fixes #6082 Fixes #6092
556 lines
14 KiB
556 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
func TestSiteWithPageOutputs(t *testing.T) {
for _, outputs := range [][]string{{"html", "json", "calendar"}, {"json"}} {
outputs := outputs
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", outputs), func(t *testing.T) {
doTestSiteWithPageOutputs(t, outputs)
func doTestSiteWithPageOutputs(t *testing.T, outputs []string) {
outputsStr := strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%q", outputs), " ", ", ", -1)
siteConfig := `
baseURL = "http://example.com/blog"
paginate = 1
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
disableKinds = ["section", "taxonomy", "taxonomyTerm", "RSS", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "404"]
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
title = "Title in English"
languageName = "English"
weight = 1
languageName = "Nynorsk"
weight = 2
title = "Tittel på Nynorsk"
pageTemplate := `---
title: "%s"
outputs: %s
# Doc
{{< myShort >}}
{{< myOtherShort >}}
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithConfigFile("toml", siteConfig)
b.WithI18n("en.toml", `
other = "Elbow"
`, "nn.toml", `
other = "Olboge"
// Case issue partials #3333
"layouts/partials/GoHugo.html", `Go Hugo Partial`,
"layouts/_default/baseof.json", `START JSON:{{block "main" .}}default content{{ end }}:END JSON`,
"layouts/_default/baseof.html", `START HTML:{{block "main" .}}default content{{ end }}:END HTML`,
"layouts/shortcodes/myOtherShort.html", `OtherShort: {{ "<h1>Hi!</h1>" | safeHTML }}`,
"layouts/shortcodes/myShort.html", `ShortHTML`,
"layouts/shortcodes/myShort.json", `ShortJSON`,
"layouts/_default/list.json", `{{ define "main" }}
List JSON|{{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}|Alt formats: {{ len .AlternativeOutputFormats -}}|
{{- range .AlternativeOutputFormats -}}
Alt Output: {{ .Name -}}|
{{- end -}}|
{{- range .OutputFormats -}}
Output/Rel: {{ .Name -}}/{{ .Rel }}|{{ .MediaType }}
{{- end -}}
{{ with .OutputFormats.Get "JSON" }}
<atom:link href={{ .Permalink }} rel="self" type="{{ .MediaType }}" />
{{ end }}
{{ .Site.Language.Lang }}: {{ T "elbow" -}}
{{ end }}
"layouts/_default/list.html", `{{ define "main" }}
List HTML|{{.Title }}|
{{- with .OutputFormats.Get "HTML" -}}
<atom:link href={{ .Permalink }} rel="self" type="{{ .MediaType }}" />
{{- end -}}
{{ .Site.Language.Lang }}: {{ T "elbow" -}}
Partial Hugo 1: {{ partial "GoHugo.html" . }}
Partial Hugo 2: {{ partial "GoHugo" . -}}
Content: {{ .Content }}
Len Pages: {{ .Kind }} {{ len .Site.RegularPages }} Page Number: {{ .Paginator.PageNumber }}
{{ end }}
"layouts/_default/single.html", `{{ define "main" }}{{ .Content }}{{ end }}`,
b.WithContent("_index.md", fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, "JSON Home", outputsStr))
b.WithContent("_index.nn.md", fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, "JSON Nynorsk Heim", outputsStr))
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
b.WithContent(fmt.Sprintf("p%d.md", i), fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, fmt.Sprintf("Page %d", i), outputsStr))
s := b.H.Sites[0]
require.Equal(t, "en", s.language.Lang)
home := s.getPage(page.KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, home)
lenOut := len(outputs)
require.Len(t, home.OutputFormats(), lenOut)
// There is currently always a JSON output to make it simpler ...
altFormats := lenOut - 1
hasHTML := helpers.InStringArray(outputs, "html")
"List JSON",
fmt.Sprintf("Alt formats: %d", altFormats),
if hasHTML {
"Alt Output: HTML",
"Output/Rel: JSON/alternate|",
"Output/Rel: HTML/canonical|",
"en: Elbow",
"OtherShort: <h1>Hi!</h1>",
// The HTML entity is a deliberate part of this test: The HTML templates are
// parsed with html/template.
`List HTML|JSON Home|<atom:link href=http://example.com/blog/ rel="self" type="text/html" />`,
"en: Elbow",
"OtherShort: <h1>Hi!</h1>",
"Len Pages: home 10",
assert := require.New(t)
b.AssertFileContent("public/page/2/index.html", "Page Number: 2")
"List HTML|JSON Nynorsk Heim|",
"nn: Olboge")
} else {
"Output/Rel: JSON/canonical|",
// JSON is plain text, so no need to safeHTML this and that
`<atom:link href=http://example.com/blog/index.json rel="self" type="application/json" />`,
"OtherShort: <h1>Hi!</h1>",
"List JSON|JSON Nynorsk Heim|",
"nn: Olboge",
of := home.OutputFormats()
json := of.Get("JSON")
require.NotNil(t, json)
require.Equal(t, "/blog/index.json", json.RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/index.json", json.Permalink())
if helpers.InStringArray(outputs, "cal") {
cal := of.Get("calendar")
require.NotNil(t, cal)
require.Equal(t, "/blog/index.ics", cal.RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, "webcal://example.com/blog/index.ics", cal.Permalink())
require.True(t, home.HasShortcode("myShort"))
require.False(t, home.HasShortcode("doesNotExist"))
// Issue #3447
func TestRedefineRSSOutputFormat(t *testing.T) {
siteConfig := `
baseURL = "http://example.com/blog"
paginate = 1
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
disableKinds = ["page", "section", "taxonomy", "taxonomyTerm", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "404"]
mediatype = "application/rss"
baseName = "feed"
mf := afero.NewMemMapFs()
writeToFs(t, mf, "content/foo.html", `foo`)
th, h := newTestSitesFromConfig(t, mf, siteConfig)
err := h.Build(BuildCfg{})
require.NoError(t, err)
th.assertFileContent("public/feed.xml", "Recent content on")
s := h.Sites[0]
//Issue #3450
require.Equal(t, "http://example.com/blog/feed.xml", s.Info.RSSLink)
// Issue #3614
func TestDotLessOutputFormat(t *testing.T) {
siteConfig := `
baseURL = "http://example.com/blog"
paginate = 1
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
disableKinds = ["page", "section", "taxonomy", "taxonomyTerm", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "404"]
delimiter = ""
suffixes = ["defd"]
suffixes = ["del"]
delimiter = "_"
home = [ "DOTLESS", "DEF", "NOS", "CUS" ]
mediatype = "text/nodot"
baseName = "_redirects" # This is how Netlify names their redirect files.
mediatype = "text/defaultdelim"
baseName = "defaultdelimbase"
mediatype = "text/nosuffix"
baseName = "nosuffixbase"
mediatype = "text/customdelim"
baseName = "customdelimbase"
mf := afero.NewMemMapFs()
writeToFs(t, mf, "content/foo.html", `foo`)
writeToFs(t, mf, "layouts/_default/list.dotless", `a dotless`)
writeToFs(t, mf, "layouts/_default/list.def.defd", `default delimim`)
writeToFs(t, mf, "layouts/_default/list.nos", `no suffix`)
writeToFs(t, mf, "layouts/_default/list.cus.del", `custom delim`)
th, h := newTestSitesFromConfig(t, mf, siteConfig)
err := h.Build(BuildCfg{})
require.NoError(t, err)
th.assertFileContent("public/_redirects", "a dotless")
th.assertFileContent("public/defaultdelimbase.defd", "default delimim")
// This looks weird, but the user has chosen this definition.
th.assertFileContent("public/nosuffixbase", "no suffix")
th.assertFileContent("public/customdelimbase_del", "custom delim")
s := h.Sites[0]
home := s.getPage(page.KindHome)
require.NotNil(t, home)
outputs := home.OutputFormats()
require.Equal(t, "/blog/_redirects", outputs.Get("DOTLESS").RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, "/blog/defaultdelimbase.defd", outputs.Get("DEF").RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, "/blog/nosuffixbase", outputs.Get("NOS").RelPermalink())
require.Equal(t, "/blog/customdelimbase_del", outputs.Get("CUS").RelPermalink())
func TestCreateSiteOutputFormats(t *testing.T) {
assert := require.New(t)
outputsConfig := map[string]interface{}{
page.KindHome: []string{"HTML", "JSON"},
page.KindSection: []string{"JSON"},
cfg := viper.New()
cfg.Set("outputs", outputsConfig)
outputs, err := createSiteOutputFormats(output.DefaultFormats, cfg)
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.JSONFormat}, outputs[page.KindSection])
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.HTMLFormat, output.JSONFormat}, outputs[page.KindHome])
// Defaults
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.HTMLFormat, output.RSSFormat}, outputs[page.KindTaxonomy])
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.HTMLFormat, output.RSSFormat}, outputs[page.KindTaxonomyTerm])
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.HTMLFormat}, outputs[page.KindPage])
// These aren't (currently) in use when rendering in Hugo,
// but the pages needs to be assigned an output format,
// so these should also be correct/sensible.
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.RSSFormat}, outputs[kindRSS])
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.SitemapFormat}, outputs[kindSitemap])
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.RobotsTxtFormat}, outputs[kindRobotsTXT])
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.HTMLFormat}, outputs[kind404])
func TestCreateSiteOutputFormatsInvalidConfig(t *testing.T) {
assert := require.New(t)
outputsConfig := map[string]interface{}{
page.KindHome: []string{"FOO", "JSON"},
cfg := viper.New()
cfg.Set("outputs", outputsConfig)
_, err := createSiteOutputFormats(output.DefaultFormats, cfg)
func TestCreateSiteOutputFormatsEmptyConfig(t *testing.T) {
assert := require.New(t)
outputsConfig := map[string]interface{}{
page.KindHome: []string{},
cfg := viper.New()
cfg.Set("outputs", outputsConfig)
outputs, err := createSiteOutputFormats(output.DefaultFormats, cfg)
assert.Equal(output.Formats{output.HTMLFormat, output.RSSFormat}, outputs[page.KindHome])
func TestCreateSiteOutputFormatsCustomFormats(t *testing.T) {
assert := require.New(t)
outputsConfig := map[string]interface{}{
page.KindHome: []string{},
cfg := viper.New()
cfg.Set("outputs", outputsConfig)
var (
customRSS = output.Format{Name: "RSS", BaseName: "customRSS"}
customHTML = output.Format{Name: "HTML", BaseName: "customHTML"}
outputs, err := createSiteOutputFormats(output.Formats{customRSS, customHTML}, cfg)
assert.Equal(output.Formats{customHTML, customRSS}, outputs[page.KindHome])
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5849
func TestOutputFormatPermalinkable(t *testing.T) {
config := `
baseURL = "https://example.com"
# DAMP is similar to AMP, but not permalinkable.
mediaType = "text/html"
path = "damp"
mediaType = "text/html"
path = "ramp"
permalinkable = true
mediaType = "text/html"
isHTML = true
baseName = "that"
permalinkable = true
mediaType = "application/json"
permalinkable = true
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithConfigFile("toml", config)
b.WithContent("_index.md", `
Title: Home Sweet Home
outputs: [ "html", "amp", "damp", "base" ]
b.WithContent("blog/html-amp.md", `
Title: AMP and HTML
outputs: [ "html", "amp" ]
b.WithContent("blog/html-damp.md", `
Title: DAMP and HTML
outputs: [ "html", "damp" ]
b.WithContent("blog/html-ramp.md", `
Title: RAMP and HTML
outputs: [ "html", "ramp" ]
b.WithContent("blog/html.md", `
Title: HTML only
outputs: [ "html" ]
b.WithContent("blog/amp.md", `
Title: AMP only
outputs: [ "amp" ]
b.WithContent("blog/html-base-nobase.md", `
Title: HTML, Base and Nobase
outputs: [ "html", "base", "nobase" ]
const commonTemplate = `
This RelPermalink: {{ .RelPermalink }}
Output Formats: {{ len .OutputFormats }};{{ range .OutputFormats }}{{ .Name }};{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}
b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", commonTemplate)
b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/single.html", commonTemplate)
b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/single.json", commonTemplate)
"This RelPermalink: /",
"Output Formats: 4;HTML;/|AMP;/amp/|damp;/damp/|base;/that.html|",
"This RelPermalink: /amp/",
"Output Formats: 4;HTML;/|AMP;/amp/|damp;/damp/|base;/that.html|",
"Output Formats: 2;HTML;/blog/html-amp/|AMP;/amp/blog/html-amp/|",
"This RelPermalink: /blog/html-amp/")
"Output Formats: 2;HTML;/blog/html-amp/|AMP;/amp/blog/html-amp/|",
"This RelPermalink: /amp/blog/html-amp/")
// Damp is not permalinkable
"This RelPermalink: /blog/html-damp/",
"Output Formats: 2;HTML;/blog/html-damp/|damp;/damp/blog/html-damp/|")
"This RelPermalink: /blog/html-ramp/",
"Output Formats: 2;HTML;/blog/html-ramp/|ramp;/ramp/blog/html-ramp/|")
"This RelPermalink: /ramp/blog/html-ramp/",
"Output Formats: 2;HTML;/blog/html-ramp/|ramp;/ramp/blog/html-ramp/|")
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5877
outputFormats := "Output Formats: 3;HTML;/blog/html-base-nobase/|base;/blog/html-base-nobase/that.html|nobase;/blog/html-base-nobase/index.json|"
"This RelPermalink: /blog/html-base-nobase/index.json",
"This RelPermalink: /blog/html-base-nobase/that.html",
"This RelPermalink: /blog/html-base-nobase/",