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synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00
Many minor fixes to make test logs more consistent and correct a mispelling. Standardize on "[%i] got X but expected Y" for log messages. Using a consistent layout makes it easier to read the test results. This was mostly changing "Got" to "got". Swapped the order of values on several calls to bring them in line with the convention. A few log messages had a sequence number added to identify the exact scenario that failed. Otherwise, there would be no way to ascertain which failed When there are many scenarios. Correct spelling of "expected." Fixes #1028 Merged be2097e1ad789eca5d893805a059d94defbe5c48 [close #1040]
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364 lines
16 KiB
package hugolib
import (
func pageFromString(in, filename string) (*Page, error) {
return NewPageFrom(strings.NewReader(in), filename)
func CheckShortCodeMatch(t *testing.T, input, expected string, template tpl.Template) {
p, _ := pageFromString(SIMPLE_PAGE, "simple.md")
output, err := HandleShortcodes(input, p, template)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Shortcode rendered error %s. Expected: %q, Got: %q", err, expected, output)
if output != expected {
t.Fatalf("Shortcode render didn't match. got %q but exxpected %q", output, expected)
func TestShortcodeGoFuzzReports(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("sc.html", `foo`)
p, _ := pageFromString(SIMPLE_PAGE, "simple.md")
for i, this := range []struct {
data string
expectErr bool
{"{{</*/", true},
} {
output, err := HandleShortcodes(this.data, p, tem)
if this.expectErr && err == nil {
t.Errorf("[%d] should have errored", i)
if !this.expectErr && err != nil {
t.Errorf("[%d] should not have errored: %s", i, err)
if !this.expectErr && err == nil && len(output) == 0 {
t.Errorf("[%d] empty result", i)
func TestNonSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
// notice the syntax diff from 0.12, now comment delims must be added
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{%/* movie 47238zzb */%}}", "{{% movie 47238zzb %}}", tem)
// Issue #929
func TestHyphenatedSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("hyphenated-video.html", `Playing Video {{ .Get 0 }}`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< hyphenated-video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem)
func TestPositionalParamSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("video.html", `Playing Video {{ .Get 0 }}`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb 132 >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{<video 47238zzb>}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{<video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{< video 47238zzb >}}", "Playing Video 47238zzb", tem)
func TestNamedParamSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("img.html", `<img{{ with .Get "src" }} src="{{.}}"{{end}}{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src="one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img class="aspen" >}}`, `<img class="aspen">`, tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src= "one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src ="one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src = "one" >}}`, `<img src="one">`, tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< img src = "one" class = "aspen grove" >}}`, `<img src="one" class="aspen grove">`, tem)
func TestInnerSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("inside.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside class="aspen" >}}`, `<div class="aspen"></div>`, tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside class="aspen" >}}More Here{{< /inside >}}`, "<div class=\"aspen\">More Here</div>", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< inside >}}More Here{{< /inside >}}`, "<div>More Here</div>", tem)
func TestInnerSCWithMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("inside.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% inside %}}
# More Here
[link](http://spf13.com) and text
{{% /inside %}}`, "<div><h1 id=\"more-here:bec3ed8ba720b9073ab75abcf3ba5d97\">More Here</h1>\n\n<p><a href=\"http://spf13.com\">link</a> and text</p>\n</div>", tem)
func TestInnerSCWithAndWithoutMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("inside.html", `<div{{with .Get "class"}} class="{{.}}"{{end}}>{{ .Inner }}</div>`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% inside %}}
# More Here
[link](http://spf13.com) and text
{{% /inside %}}
And then:
{{< inside >}}
# More Here
This is **plain** text.
{{< /inside >}}
`, "<div><h1 id=\"more-here:bec3ed8ba720b9073ab75abcf3ba5d97\">More Here</h1>\n\n<p><a href=\"http://spf13.com\">link</a> and text</p>\n</div>\n\nAnd then:\n\n<div>\n# More Here\n\nThis is **plain** text.\n\n</div>\n", tem)
func TestEmbeddedSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, "{{% test %}}", "This is a simple Test", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" %}}`, "\n<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n \n <img src=\"/found/here\" />\n \n \n</figure>\n", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" caption="This is a caption" %}}`, "\n<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n \n <img src=\"/found/here\" alt=\"This is a caption\" />\n \n \n <figcaption>\n <p>\n This is a caption\n \n \n \n </p> \n </figcaption>\n \n</figure>\n", tem)
func TestNestedSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("scn1.html", `<div>Outer, inner is {{ .Inner }}</div>`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("scn2.html", `<div>SC2</div>`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% scn1 %}}{{% scn2 %}}{{% /scn1 %}}`, "<div>Outer, inner is <div>SC2</div>\n</div>", tem)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< scn1 >}}{{% scn2 %}}{{< /scn1 >}}`, "<div>Outer, inner is <div>SC2</div></div>", tem)
func TestNestedComplexSC(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("row.html", `-row-{{ .Inner}}-rowStop-`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("column.html", `-col-{{.Inner }}-colStop-`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("aside.html", `-aside-{{ .Inner }}-asideStop-`)
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{< row >}}1-s{{% column %}}2-**s**{{< aside >}}3-**s**{{< /aside >}}4-s{{% /column %}}5-s{{< /row >}}6-s`,
"-row-1-s-col-2-<strong>s</strong>-aside-3-<strong>s</strong>-asideStop-4-s-colStop-5-s-rowStop-6-s", tem)
// turn around the markup flag
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% row %}}1-s{{< column >}}2-**s**{{% aside %}}3-**s**{{% /aside %}}4-s{{< /column >}}5-s{{% /row %}}6-s`,
"-row-1-s-col-2-<strong>s</strong>-aside-3-<strong>s</strong>-asideStop-4-s-colStop-5-s-rowStop-6-s", tem)
func TestFigureImgWidth(t *testing.T) {
tem := tpl.New()
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, `{{% figure src="/found/here" class="bananas orange" alt="apple" width="100px" %}}`, "\n<figure class=\"bananas orange\">\n \n <img src=\"/found/here\" alt=\"apple\" width=\"100px\" />\n \n \n</figure>\n", tem)
func TestHighlight(t *testing.T) {
if !helpers.HasPygments() {
t.Skip("Skip test as Pygments is not installed")
defer viper.Set("PygmentsStyle", viper.Get("PygmentsStyle"))
viper.Set("PygmentsStyle", "bw")
tem := tpl.New()
code := `
{{< highlight java >}}
void do();
{{< /highlight >}}`
CheckShortCodeMatch(t, code, "\n<div class=\"highlight\" style=\"background: #ffffff\"><pre style=\"line-height: 125%\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold\">void</span> do();\n</pre></div>\n", tem)
const testScPlaceholderRegexp = "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-\\d+@}@}"
func TestExtractShortcodes(t *testing.T) {
for i, this := range []struct {
name string
input string
expectShortCodes string
expect interface{}
expectErrorMsg string
{"text", "Some text.", "map[]", "Some text.", ""},
{"invalid right delim", "{{< tag }}", "", false, "simple:4:.*unrecognized character.*}"},
{"invalid close", "\n{{< /tag >}}", "", false, "simple:5:.*got closing shortcode, but none is open"},
{"invalid close2", "\n\n{{< tag >}}{{< /anotherTag >}}", "", false, "simple:6: closing tag for shortcode 'anotherTag' does not match start tag"},
{"unterminated quote 1", `{{< figure src="im caption="S" >}}`, "", false, "simple:4:.got pos.*"},
{"unterminated quote 1", `{{< figure src="im" caption="S >}}`, "", false, "simple:4:.*unterm.*}"},
{"one shortcode, no markup", "{{< tag >}}", "", testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"one shortcode, markup", "{{% tag %}}", "", testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"one pos param", "{{% tag param1 %}}", `tag([\"param1\"], true){[]}"]`, testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"two pos params", "{{< tag param1 param2>}}", `tag([\"param1\" \"param2\"], false){[]}"]`, testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"one named param", `{{% tag param1="value" %}}`, `tag([\"param1:value\"], true){[]}`, testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"two named params", `{{< tag param1="value1" param2="value2" >}}`, `tag([\"param1:value1\" \"param2:value2\"], false){[]}"]`,
testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"inner", `Some text. {{< inner >}}Inner Content{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`, `inner([], false){[Inner Content]}`,
fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
// issue #934
{"inner self-closing", `Some text. {{< inner />}}. Some more text.`, `inner([], false){[]}`,
fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"close, but not inner", "{{< tag >}}foo{{< /tag >}}", "", false, "Shortcode 'tag' in page 'simple.md' has no .Inner.*"},
{"nested inner", `Inner->{{< inner >}}Inner Content->{{% inner2 param1 %}}inner2txt{{% /inner2 %}}Inner close->{{< / inner >}}<-done`,
`inner([], false){[Inner Content-> inner2([\"param1\"], true){[inner2txt]} Inner close->]}`,
fmt.Sprintf("Inner->%s<-done", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"nested, nested inner", `Inner->{{< inner >}}inner2->{{% inner2 param1 %}}inner2txt->inner3{{< inner3>}}inner3txt{{</ inner3 >}}{{% /inner2 %}}final close->{{< / inner >}}<-done`,
`inner([], false){[inner2-> inner2([\"param1\"], true){[inner2txt->inner3 inner3(%!q(<nil>), false){[inner3txt]}]} final close->`,
fmt.Sprintf("Inner->%s<-done", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"two inner", `Some text. {{% inner %}}First **Inner** Content{{% / inner %}} {{< inner >}}Inner **Content**{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`,
`map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:inner([], true){[First **Inner** Content]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:inner([], false){[Inner **Content**]}"]`,
fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"closed without content", `Some text. {{< inner param1 >}}{{< / inner >}}. Some more text.`, `inner([\"param1\"], false){[]}`,
fmt.Sprintf("Some text. %s. Some more text.", testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"two shortcodes", "{{< sc1 >}}{{< sc2 >}}",
`map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:sc2([], false){[]}"]`,
testScPlaceholderRegexp + testScPlaceholderRegexp, ""},
{"mix of shortcodes", `Hello {{< sc1 >}}world{{% sc2 p2="2"%}}. And that's it.`,
`map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:sc2([\"p2:2\"]`,
fmt.Sprintf("Hello %sworld%s. And that's it.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
{"mix with inner", `Hello {{< sc1 >}}world{{% inner p2="2"%}}Inner{{%/ inner %}}. And that's it.`,
`map["{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-1@}@}:sc1([], false){[]}" "{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE-2@}@}:inner([\"p2:2\"], true){[Inner]}"]`,
fmt.Sprintf("Hello %sworld%s. And that's it.", testScPlaceholderRegexp, testScPlaceholderRegexp), ""},
} {
p, _ := pageFromString(SIMPLE_PAGE, "simple.md")
tem := tpl.New()
tem.AddInternalShortcode("tag.html", `tag`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("sc1.html", `sc1`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("sc2.html", `sc2`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("inner.html", `{{with .Inner }}{{ . }}{{ end }}`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("inner2.html", `{{.Inner}}`)
tem.AddInternalShortcode("inner3.html", `{{.Inner}}`)
content, shortCodes, err := extractShortcodes(this.input, p, tem)
if b, ok := this.expect.(bool); ok && !b {
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: ExtractShortcodes didn't return an expected error", i, this.name)
} else {
r, _ := regexp.Compile(this.expectErrorMsg)
if !r.MatchString(err.Error()) {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: ExtractShortcodes didn't return an expected error message, got %s but expected %s",
i, this.name, err.Error(), this.expectErrorMsg)
} else {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: failed: %q", i, this.name, err)
var expected string
av := reflect.ValueOf(this.expect)
switch av.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
expected = av.String()
r, err := regexp.Compile(expected)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Failed to compile regexp %q: %q", i, this.name, expected, err)
if strings.Count(content, shortcodePlaceholderPrefix) != len(shortCodes) {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Not enough placeholders, found %d", i, this.name, len(shortCodes))
if !r.MatchString(content) {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Shortcode extract didn't match. got %q but expected %q", i, this.name, content, expected)
for placeHolder, sc := range shortCodes {
if !strings.Contains(content, placeHolder) {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Output does not contain placeholder %q", i, this.name, placeHolder)
if sc.params == nil {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Params is nil for shortcode '%s'", i, this.name, sc.name)
if this.expectShortCodes != "" {
shortCodesAsStr := fmt.Sprintf("map%q", collectAndSortShortcodes(shortCodes))
if !strings.Contains(shortCodesAsStr, this.expectShortCodes) {
t.Fatalf("[%d] %s: Short codes not as expected, got %s but expected %s", i, this.name, shortCodesAsStr, this.expectShortCodes)
func collectAndSortShortcodes(shortcodes map[string]shortcode) []string {
var asArray []string
for key, sc := range shortcodes {
asArray = append(asArray, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", key, sc))
return asArray
func TestReplaceShortcodeTokens(t *testing.T) {
for i, this := range []struct {
input string
prefix string
replacements map[string]string
wrappedInDiv bool
expect interface{}
{"Hello PREFIX-1.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "World"}, false, "Hello World."},
{"A {@{@A-1@}@} asdf {@{@A-2@}@}.", "A", map[string]string{"{@{@A-1@}@}": "v1", "{@{@A-2@}@}": "v2"}, true, "A v1 asdf v2."},
{"Hello PREFIX2-1. Go PREFIX2-2, Go, Go PREFIX2-3 Go Go!.", "PREFIX2", map[string]string{"PREFIX2-1": "Europe", "PREFIX2-2": "Jonny", "PREFIX2-3": "Johnny"}, false, "Hello Europe. Go Jonny, Go, Go Johnny Go Go!."},
{"A PREFIX-2 PREFIX-1.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "A B A."},
{"A PREFIX-1 PREFIX-2", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A"}, false, false},
{"A PREFIX-1 but not the second.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "A A but not the second."},
{"An PREFIX-1.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "An A."},
{"An PREFIX-1 PREFIX-2.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B"}, false, "An A B."},
{"A PREFIX-1 PREFIX-2 PREFIX-3 PREFIX-1 PREFIX-3.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"PREFIX-1": "A", "PREFIX-2": "B", "PREFIX-3": "C"}, false, "A A B C A C."},
{"A {@{@PREFIX-1@}@} {@{@PREFIX-2@}@} {@{@PREFIX-3@}@} {@{@PREFIX-1@}@} {@{@PREFIX-3@}@}.", "PREFIX", map[string]string{"{@{@PREFIX-1@}@}": "A", "{@{@PREFIX-2@}@}": "B", "{@{@PREFIX-3@}@}": "C"}, true, "A A B C A C."},
} {
results, err := replaceShortcodeTokens([]byte(this.input), this.prefix, this.wrappedInDiv, this.replacements)
if b, ok := this.expect.(bool); ok && !b {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("[%d] replaceShortcodeTokens didn't return an expected error", i)
} else {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("[%d] failed: %s", i, err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(results, []byte(this.expect.(string))) {
t.Errorf("[%d] replaceShortcodeTokens, got %q but expected %q", i, results, this.expect)