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// Copyright 2023 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package goldmark_test
import (
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
var cfgStrHighlichgtNoClasses = `
func convert(c *qt.C, conf config.AllProvider, content string) converter.ResultRender {
pconf := converter.ProviderConfig{
Logger: loggers.NewDefault(),
Conf: conf,
p, err := goldmark.Provider.New(
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
mconf := pconf.MarkupConfig()
h := highlight.New(mconf.Highlight)
getRenderer := func(t hooks.RendererType, id any) any {
if t == hooks.CodeBlockRendererType {
return h
return nil
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{DocumentID: "thedoc"})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
b, err := conv.Convert(converter.RenderContext{RenderTOC: true, Src: []byte(content), GetRenderer: getRenderer})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return b
func TestConvert(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
// Smoke test of the default configuration.
content := `
## Links
[Live Demo here!](https://docuapi.netlify.com/)
[I'm an inline-style link with title](https://www.google.com "Google's Homepage")
## Code Fences
## Code Fences No Lexer
## Custom ID {#custom}
## Auto ID
* Autolink: https://gohugo.io/
* Strikethrough:~~Hi~~ Hello, world!
## Table
| foo | bar |
| --- | --- |
| baz | bim |
## Task Lists (default on)
- [x] Finish my changes[^1]
- [ ] Push my commits to GitHub
- [ ] Open a pull request
## Smartypants (default on)
* Straight double "quotes" and single 'quotes' into “curly” quote HTML entities
* Dashes (“--” and “---”) into en- and em-dash entities
* Three consecutive dots (“...”) into an ellipsis entity
* Apostrophes are also converted: "That was back in the '90s, that's a long time ago"
## Footnotes
That's some text with a footnote.[^1]
## Definition Lists
: the datetime assigned to this page.
: the description for the content.
## 神真美好
## 神真美好
## 神真美好
[^1]: And that's the footnote.
// Code fences
content = strings.Replace(content, "§§§", "```", -1)
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
noClasses = false
unsafe = true
b := convert(c, testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg), content)
got := string(b.Bytes())
// Links
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<a href="https://docuapi.netlify.com/">Live Demo here!</a>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<a href="https://foo.bar/">https://foo.bar/</a>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<a href="https://bar.baz/">https://bar.baz/</a>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<a href="mailto:fake@example.com">fake@example.com</a>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<a href="mailto:fake2@example.com">mailto:fake2@example.com</a></p>`)
// Header IDs
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<h2 id="custom">Custom ID</h2>`, qt.Commentf(got))
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<h2 id="auto-id">Auto ID</h2>`, qt.Commentf(got))
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<h2 id="神真美好">神真美好</h2>`, qt.Commentf(got))
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<h2 id="神真美好-1">神真美好</h2>`, qt.Commentf(got))
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<h2 id="神真美好-2">神真美好</h2>`, qt.Commentf(got))
// Code fences
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, "<div class=\"highlight\"><pre tabindex=\"0\" class=\"chroma\"><code class=\"language-bash\" data-lang=\"bash\"><span class=\"line\"><span class=\"cl\">LINE1\n</span></span></code></pre></div>")
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, "Code Fences No Lexer</h2>\n<pre tabindex=\"0\"><code class=\"language-moo\" data-lang=\"moo\">LINE1\n</code></pre>")
// Extensions
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `Autolink: <a href="https://gohugo.io/">https://gohugo.io/</a>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `Strikethrough:<del>Hi</del> Hello, world`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<th>foo</th>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<li><input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Push my commits to GitHub</li>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `Straight double &ldquo;quotes&rdquo; and single &lsquo;quotes&rsquo;`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `Dashes (“&ndash;” and “&mdash;”) `)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `Three consecutive dots (“&hellip;”)`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `&ldquo;That was back in the &rsquo;90s, that&rsquo;s a long time ago&rdquo;`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `footnote.<sup id="fnref1:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<div class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">`)
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, `<dt>date</dt>`)
toc, ok := b.(converter.TableOfContentsProvider)
c.Assert(ok, qt.Equals, true)
tocHTML := toc.TableOfContents().ToHTML(1, 2, false)
c.Assert(tocHTML, qt.Contains, "TableOfContents")
func TestConvertAutoIDAsciiOnly(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
content := `
## God is Good: 神真美好
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
autoHeadingIDType = 'github-ascii'
b := convert(c, testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg), content)
got := string(b.Bytes())
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, "<h2 id=\"god-is-good-\">")
func TestConvertAutoIDBlackfriday(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
content := `
## Let's try this, shall we?
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
autoHeadingIDType = 'blackfriday'
b := convert(c, testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg), content)
got := string(b.Bytes())
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, "<h2 id=\"let-s-try-this-shall-we\">")
func TestConvertAttributes(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
withBlockAttributes := func(conf *markup_config.Config) {
conf.Goldmark.Parser.Attribute.Block = true
conf.Goldmark.Parser.Attribute.Title = false
withTitleAndBlockAttributes := func(conf *markup_config.Config) {
conf.Goldmark.Parser.Attribute.Block = true
conf.Goldmark.Parser.Attribute.Title = true
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
withConfig func(conf *markup_config.Config)
input string
expect any
"## heading {#id .className attrName=attrValue class=\"class1 class2\"}",
"<h2 id=\"id\" class=\"className class1 class2\" attrName=\"attrValue\">heading</h2>\n",
"> foo\n> bar\n{#id .className attrName=attrValue class=\"class1 class2\"}\n",
"<blockquote id=\"id\" class=\"className class1 class2\"><p>foo\nbar</p>\n</blockquote>\n",
// TODO(bep) this needs an upstream fix, see https://github.com/yuin/goldmark/issues/195
"Code block, CodeFences=false",
func(conf *markup_config.Config) {
conf.Highlight.CodeFences = false
"```bash\necho 'foo';\n```\n{.myclass}",
"Code block, CodeFences=true",
func(conf *markup_config.Config) {
conf.Highlight.CodeFences = true
"```bash {.myclass id=\"myid\"}\necho 'foo';\n````\n",
"<div class=\"highlight myclass\" id=\"myid\"><pre style",
"Code block, CodeFences=true,linenos=table",
func(conf *markup_config.Config) {
conf.Highlight.CodeFences = true
"```bash {linenos=table .myclass id=\"myid\"}\necho 'foo';\n````\n{ .adfadf }",
"div class=\"highlight myclass\" id=\"myid\"><div s",
"table style",
"Code block, CodeFences=true,lineanchors",
func(conf *markup_config.Config) {
conf.Highlight.CodeFences = true
conf.Highlight.NoClasses = false
"```bash {linenos=table, anchorlinenos=true, lineanchors=org-coderef--xyz}\necho 'foo';\n```",
"<div class=\"highlight\"><div class=\"chroma\">\n<table class=\"lntable\"><tr><td class=\"lntd\">\n<pre tabindex=\"0\" class=\"chroma\"><code><span class=\"lnt\" id=\"org-coderef--xyz-1\"><a href=\"#org-coderef--xyz-1\">1</a>\n</span></code></pre></td>\n<td class=\"lntd\">\n<pre tabindex=\"0\" class=\"chroma\"><code class=\"language-bash\" data-lang=\"bash\"><span class=\"line\"><span class=\"cl\"><span class=\"nb\">echo</span> <span class=\"s1\">&#39;foo&#39;</span><span class=\"p\">;</span>\n</span></span></code></pre></td></tr></table>\n</div>\n</div>",
"Code block, CodeFences=true,lineanchors, default ordinal",
func(conf *markup_config.Config) {
conf.Highlight.CodeFences = true
conf.Highlight.NoClasses = false
"```bash {linenos=inline, anchorlinenos=true}\necho 'foo';\nnecho 'bar';\n```\n\n```bash {linenos=inline, anchorlinenos=true}\necho 'baz';\nnecho 'qux';\n```",
"<span class=\"ln\" id=\"hl-0-1\"><a class=\"lnlinks\" href=\"#hl-0-1\">1</a></span><span class=\"cl\"><span class=\"nb\">echo</span> <span class=\"s1\">&#39;foo&#39;</span>",
"<span class=\"ln\" id=\"hl-0-2\"><a class=\"lnlinks\" href=\"#hl-0-2\">2</a></span><span class=\"cl\">necho <span class=\"s1\">&#39;bar&#39;</span>",
"<span class=\"ln\" id=\"hl-1-2\"><a class=\"lnlinks\" href=\"#hl-1-2\">2</a></span><span class=\"cl\">necho <span class=\"s1\">&#39;qux&#39;</span>",
"\nHi there.\n{.myclass }",
"<p class=\"myclass\">Hi there.</p>\n",
"Ordered list",
"\n1. First\n2. Second\n{.myclass }",
"<ol class=\"myclass\">\n<li>First</li>\n<li>Second</li>\n</ol>\n",
"Unordered list",
"\n* First\n* Second\n{.myclass }",
"<ul class=\"myclass\">\n<li>First</li>\n<li>Second</li>\n</ul>\n",
"Unordered list, indented",
`* Fruit
* Apple
* Orange
* Banana
* Dairy
* Milk
* Cheese
[]string{"<ul class=\"list\">\n<li>Fruit\n<ul class=\"fruits\">", "<li>Dairy\n<ul class=\"dairies\">"},
`| A | B |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| AV | BV |
{.myclass }`,
"<table class=\"myclass\">\n<thead>",
"Title and Blockquote",
"## heading {#id .className attrName=attrValue class=\"class1 class2\"}\n> foo\n> bar\n{.myclass}",
"<h2 id=\"id\" class=\"className class1 class2\" attrName=\"attrValue\">heading</h2>\n<blockquote class=\"myclass\"><p>foo\nbar</p>\n</blockquote>\n",
} {
c.Run(test.name, func(c *qt.C) {
mconf := markup_config.Default
if test.withConfig != nil {
data, err := toml.Marshal(mconf)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
m := maps.Params{
"markup": config.FromTOMLConfigString(string(data)).Get(""),
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, config.NewFrom(m))
b := convert(c, conf, test.input)
got := string(b.Bytes())
for _, s := range cast.ToStringSlice(test.expect) {
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, s)
func TestConvertIssues(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7619
c.Run("Hyphen in HTML attributes", func(c *qt.C) {
mconf := markup_config.Default
mconf.Goldmark.Renderer.Unsafe = true
input := `<custom-element>
<div>This will be "slotted" into the custom element.</div>
b := convert(c, unsafeConf(), input)
got := string(b.Bytes())
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, "<custom-element>\n <div>This will be \"slotted\" into the custom element.</div>\n</custom-element>\n")
func TestCodeFence(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
lines := `LINE1
convertForConfig := func(c *qt.C, confStr, code, language string) string {
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(confStr)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg)
pcfg := converter.ProviderConfig{
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewDefault(),
p, err := goldmark.Provider.New(
h := highlight.New(pcfg.MarkupConfig().Highlight)
getRenderer := func(t hooks.RendererType, id any) any {
if t == hooks.CodeBlockRendererType {
return h
return nil
content := "```" + language + "\n" + code + "\n```"
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
b, err := conv.Convert(converter.RenderContext{Src: []byte(content), GetRenderer: getRenderer})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return string(b.Bytes())
c.Run("Basic", func(c *qt.C) {
confStr := `
result := convertForConfig(c, confStr, `echo "Hugo Rocks!"`, "bash")
// TODO(bep) there is a whitespace mismatch (\n) between this and the highlight template func.
c.Assert(result, qt.Equals, "<div class=\"highlight\"><pre tabindex=\"0\" class=\"chroma\"><code class=\"language-bash\" data-lang=\"bash\"><span class=\"line\"><span class=\"cl\"><span class=\"nb\">echo</span> <span class=\"s2\">&#34;Hugo Rocks!&#34;</span>\n</span></span></code></pre></div>")
result = convertForConfig(c, confStr, `echo "Hugo Rocks!"`, "unknown")
c.Assert(result, qt.Equals, "<pre tabindex=\"0\"><code class=\"language-unknown\" data-lang=\"unknown\">echo &#34;Hugo Rocks!&#34;\n</code></pre>")
c.Run("Highlight lines, default config", func(c *qt.C) {
result := convertForConfig(c, cfgStrHighlichgtNoClasses, lines, `bash {linenos=table,hl_lines=[2 "4-5"],linenostart=3}`)
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<div class=\"highlight\"><div class=\"chroma\">\n<table class=\"lntable\"><tr><td class=\"lntd\">\n<pre tabindex=\"0\" class=\"chroma\"><code><span class")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<span class=\"hl\"><span class=\"lnt\">4")
result = convertForConfig(c, cfgStrHighlichgtNoClasses, lines, "bash {linenos=inline,hl_lines=[2]}")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<span class=\"ln\">2</span><span class=\"cl\">LINE2\n</span></span>")
c.Assert(result, qt.Not(qt.Contains), "<table")
result = convertForConfig(c, cfgStrHighlichgtNoClasses, lines, "bash {linenos=true,hl_lines=[2]}")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<table")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<span class=\"hl\"><span class=\"lnt\">2\n</span>")
c.Run("Highlight lines, linenumbers default on", func(c *qt.C) {
confStr := `
result := convertForConfig(c, confStr, lines, "bash")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<span class=\"lnt\">2\n</span>")
result = convertForConfig(c, confStr, lines, "bash {linenos=false,hl_lines=[2]}")
c.Assert(result, qt.Not(qt.Contains), "class=\"lnt\"")
c.Run("Highlight lines, linenumbers default on, linenumbers in table default off", func(c *qt.C) {
confStr := `
noClasses = false
lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = false
result := convertForConfig(c, confStr, lines, "bash")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<span class=\"ln\">2</span><span class=\"cl\">LINE2\n</span>")
result = convertForConfig(c, confStr, lines, "bash {linenos=table}")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<span class=\"lnt\">1\n</span>")
c.Run("No language", func(c *qt.C) {
confStr := `
noClasses = false
lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = false
cfg := highlight.DefaultConfig
cfg.NoClasses = false
cfg.LineNos = true
cfg.LineNumbersInTable = false
result := convertForConfig(c, confStr, lines, "")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<pre tabindex=\"0\"><code>LINE1\n")
c.Run("No language, guess syntax", func(c *qt.C) {
confStr := `
noClasses = false
lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = false
guessSyntax = true
result := convertForConfig(c, confStr, lines, "")
c.Assert(result, qt.Contains, "<span class=\"ln\">2</span><span class=\"cl\">LINE2\n</span></span>")
func TestTypographerConfig(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
content := `
A "quote" and 'another quote' and a "quote with a 'nested' quote" and a 'quote with a "nested" quote' and an ellipsis...
confStr := `
leftDoubleQuote = "&laquo;"
rightDoubleQuote = "&raquo;"
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(confStr)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg)
b := convert(c, conf, content)
got := string(b.Bytes())
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, "<p>A &laquo;quote&raquo; and &lsquo;another quote&rsquo; and a &laquo;quote with a &rsquo;nested&rsquo; quote&raquo; and a &lsquo;quote with a &laquo;nested&raquo; quote&rsquo; and an ellipsis&hellip;</p>\n")
// Issue #11045
func TestTypographerImageAltText(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
content := `
!["They didn't even say 'hello'!" I exclaimed.](https://example.com/image.jpg)
confStr := `
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(confStr)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg)
b := convert(c, conf, content)
got := string(b.Bytes())
c.Assert(got, qt.Contains, "&ldquo;They didn&rsquo;t even say &lsquo;hello&rsquo;!&rdquo; I exclaimed.")
func unsafeConf() config.AllProvider {
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
unsafe = true
return testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg)
func safeConf() config.AllProvider {
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
unsafe = false
return testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg)