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synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00
This introduces a more automatic way of increasing the log levels for deprecation log statements based on the version it was deprecated. The thresholds are a little arbitrary, but * We log INFO for 6 releases * We log WARN for another 6 releases * THen ERROR (failing the build) This should give theme authors plenty of time to catch up without having the log filled with warnings.
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// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugo
import (
// Version represents the Hugo build version.
type Version struct {
Major int
Minor int
// Increment this for bug releases
PatchLevel int
// HugoVersionSuffix is the suffix used in the Hugo version string.
// It will be blank for release versions.
Suffix string
var (
_ compare.Eqer = (*VersionString)(nil)
_ compare.Comparer = (*VersionString)(nil)
func (v Version) String() string {
return version(v.Major, v.Minor, v.PatchLevel, v.Suffix)
// Version returns the Hugo version.
func (v Version) Version() VersionString {
return VersionString(v.String())
// Compare implements the compare.Comparer interface.
func (h Version) Compare(other any) int {
return compareVersions(h, other)
// VersionString represents a Hugo version string.
type VersionString string
func (h VersionString) String() string {
return string(h)
// Compare implements the compare.Comparer interface.
func (h VersionString) Compare(other any) int {
return compareVersions(h.Version(), other)
func (h VersionString) Version() Version {
return MustParseVersion(h.String())
// Eq implements the compare.Eqer interface.
func (h VersionString) Eq(other any) bool {
s, err := cast.ToStringE(other)
if err != nil {
return false
return s == h.String()
var versionSuffixes = []string{"-test", "-DEV"}
// ParseVersion parses a version string.
func ParseVersion(s string) (Version, error) {
var vv Version
for _, suffix := range versionSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix) {
vv.Suffix = suffix
s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, suffix)
vv.Major, vv.Minor, vv.PatchLevel = parseVersion(s)
return vv, nil
// MustParseVersion parses a version string
// and panics if any error occurs.
func MustParseVersion(s string) Version {
vv, err := ParseVersion(s)
if err != nil {
return vv
// ReleaseVersion represents the release version.
func (v Version) ReleaseVersion() Version {
v.Suffix = ""
return v
// Next returns the next Hugo release version.
func (v Version) Next() Version {
return Version{Major: v.Major, Minor: v.Minor + 1}
// Prev returns the previous Hugo release version.
func (v Version) Prev() Version {
return Version{Major: v.Major, Minor: v.Minor - 1}
// NextPatchLevel returns the next patch/bugfix Hugo version.
// This will be a patch increment on the previous Hugo version.
func (v Version) NextPatchLevel(level int) Version {
prev := v.Prev()
prev.PatchLevel = level
return prev
// BuildVersionString creates a version string. This is what you see when
// running "hugo version".
func BuildVersionString() string {
// program := "Hugo Static Site Generator"
program := "hugo"
version := "v" + CurrentVersion.String()
bi := getBuildInfo()
if bi == nil {
return version
if bi.Revision != "" {
version += "-" + bi.Revision
if IsExtended {
version += "+extended"
osArch := bi.GoOS + "/" + bi.GoArch
date := bi.RevisionTime
if date == "" {
// Accept vendor-specified build date if .git/ is unavailable.
date = buildDate
if date == "" {
date = "unknown"
versionString := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s BuildDate=%s",
program, version, osArch, date)
if vendorInfo != "" {
versionString += " VendorInfo=" + vendorInfo
return versionString
func version(major, minor, patch int, suffix string) string {
if patch > 0 || minor > 53 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d%s", major, minor, patch, suffix)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d%s", major, minor, suffix)
// CompareVersion compares the given version string or number against the
// running Hugo version.
// It returns -1 if the given version is less than, 0 if equal and 1 if greater than
// the running version.
func CompareVersion(version any) int {
return compareVersions(CurrentVersion, version)
func compareVersions(inVersion Version, in any) int {
var c int
switch d := in.(type) {
case float64:
c = compareFloatWithVersion(d, inVersion)
case float32:
c = compareFloatWithVersion(float64(d), inVersion)
case int:
c = compareFloatWithVersion(float64(d), inVersion)
case int32:
c = compareFloatWithVersion(float64(d), inVersion)
case int64:
c = compareFloatWithVersion(float64(d), inVersion)
case Version:
if d.Major == inVersion.Major && d.Minor == inVersion.Minor && d.PatchLevel == inVersion.PatchLevel {
return strings.Compare(inVersion.Suffix, d.Suffix)
if d.Major > inVersion.Major {
return 1
} else if d.Major < inVersion.Major {
return -1
if d.Minor > inVersion.Minor {
return 1
} else if d.Minor < inVersion.Minor {
return -1
if d.PatchLevel > inVersion.PatchLevel {
return 1
} else if d.PatchLevel < inVersion.PatchLevel {
return -1
s, err := cast.ToStringE(in)
if err != nil {
return -1
v, err := ParseVersion(s)
if err != nil {
return -1
return inVersion.Compare(v)
return c
func parseVersion(s string) (int, int, int) {
var major, minor, patch int
parts := strings.Split(s, ".")
if len(parts) > 0 {
major, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[0])
if len(parts) > 1 {
minor, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
if len(parts) > 2 {
patch, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[2])
return major, minor, patch
// compareFloatWithVersion compares v1 with v2.
// It returns -1 if v1 is less than v2, 0 if v1 is equal to v2 and 1 if v1 is greater than v2.
func compareFloatWithVersion(v1 float64, v2 Version) int {
mf, minf := math.Modf(v1)
v1maj := int(mf)
v1min := int(minf * 100)
if v2.Major == v1maj && v2.Minor == v1min {
return 0
if v1maj > v2.Major {
return 1
if v1maj < v2.Major {
return -1
if v1min > v2.Minor {
return 1
return -1
func GoMinorVersion() int {
return goMinorVersion(runtime.Version())
func goMinorVersion(version string) int {
if strings.HasPrefix(version, "devel") {
return 9999 // magic
var major, minor int
var trailing string
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(version, "go%d.%d%s", &major, &minor, &trailing)
if n == 2 && err == io.EOF {
// Means there were no trailing characters (i.e., not an alpha/beta)
err = nil
if err != nil {
return 0
return minor