mirror of https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo.git synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00
Bjørn Erik Pedersen dea71670c0 Add Hugo Piper with SCSS support and much more
Before this commit, you would have to use page bundles to do image processing etc. in Hugo.

This commit adds

* A new `/assets` top-level project or theme dir (configurable via `assetDir`)
* A new template func, `resources.Get` which can be used to "get a resource" that can be further processed.

This means that you can now do this in your templates (or shortcodes):

{{ $sunset := (resources.Get "images/sunset.jpg").Fill "300x200" }}

This also adds a new `extended` build tag that enables powerful SCSS/SASS support with source maps. To compile this from source, you will also need a C compiler installed:

HUGO_BUILD_TAGS=extended mage install

Note that you can use output of the SCSS processing later in a non-SCSSS-enabled Hugo.

The `SCSS` processor is a _Resource transformation step_ and it can be chained with the many others in a pipeline:

{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | resources.ToCSS | resources.PostCSS | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">

The transformation funcs above have aliases, so it can be shortened to:

{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | toCSS | postCSS | minify | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">

A quick tip would be to avoid the fingerprinting part, and possibly also the not-superfast `postCSS` when you're doing development, as it allows Hugo to be smarter about the rebuilding.

Documentation will follow, but have a look at the demo repo in https://github.com/bep/hugo-sass-test

New functions to create `Resource` objects:

* `resources.Get` (see above)
* `resources.FromString`: Create a Resource from a string.

New `Resource` transformation funcs:

* `resources.ToCSS`: Compile `SCSS` or `SASS` into `CSS`.
* `resources.PostCSS`: Process your CSS with PostCSS. Config file support (project or theme or passed as an option).
* `resources.Minify`: Currently supports `css`, `js`, `json`, `html`, `svg`, `xml`.
* `resources.Fingerprint`: Creates a fingerprinted version of the given Resource with Subresource Integrity..
* `resources.Concat`: Concatenates a list of Resource objects. Think of this as a poor man's bundler.
* `resources.ExecuteAsTemplate`: Parses and executes the given Resource and data context (e.g. .Site) as a Go template.

Fixes #4381
Fixes #4903
Fixes #4858
2018-07-06 11:46:12 +02:00

474 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package helpers
import (
bp "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/bufferpool"
jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
// FilePathSeparator as defined by os.Separator.
const FilePathSeparator = string(filepath.Separator)
// Strips carriage returns from third-party / external processes (useful for Windows)
func normalizeExternalHelperLineFeeds(content []byte) []byte {
return bytes.Replace(content, []byte("\r"), []byte(""), -1)
// FindAvailablePort returns an available and valid TCP port.
func FindAvailablePort() (*net.TCPAddr, error) {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":0")
if err == nil {
defer l.Close()
addr := l.Addr()
if a, ok := addr.(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
return a, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to obtain a valid tcp port. %v", addr)
return nil, err
// InStringArray checks if a string is an element of a slice of strings
// and returns a boolean value.
func InStringArray(arr []string, el string) bool {
for _, v := range arr {
if v == el {
return true
return false
// GuessType attempts to guess the type of file from a given string.
func GuessType(in string) string {
switch strings.ToLower(in) {
case "md", "markdown", "mdown":
return "markdown"
case "asciidoc", "adoc", "ad":
return "asciidoc"
case "mmark":
return "mmark"
case "rst":
return "rst"
case "pandoc", "pdc":
return "pandoc"
case "html", "htm":
return "html"
case "org":
return "org"
return "unknown"
// FirstUpper returns a string with the first character as upper case.
func FirstUpper(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + s[n:]
// UniqueStrings returns a new slice with any duplicates removed.
func UniqueStrings(s []string) []string {
var unique []string
set := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, val := range s {
if _, ok := set[val]; !ok {
unique = append(unique, val)
set[val] = val
return unique
// ReaderToBytes takes an io.Reader argument, reads from it
// and returns bytes.
func ReaderToBytes(lines io.Reader) []byte {
if lines == nil {
return []byte{}
b := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(b)
bc := make([]byte, b.Len(), b.Len())
copy(bc, b.Bytes())
return bc
// ReaderToString is the same as ReaderToBytes, but returns a string.
func ReaderToString(lines io.Reader) string {
if lines == nil {
return ""
b := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(b)
return b.String()
// ReaderContains reports whether subslice is within r.
func ReaderContains(r io.Reader, subslice []byte) bool {
if r == nil || len(subslice) == 0 {
return false
bufflen := len(subslice) * 4
halflen := bufflen / 2
buff := make([]byte, bufflen)
var err error
var n, i int
for {
if i == 1 {
n, err = io.ReadAtLeast(r, buff[:halflen], halflen)
} else {
if i != 2 {
// shift left to catch overlapping matches
copy(buff[:], buff[halflen:])
n, err = io.ReadAtLeast(r, buff[halflen:], halflen)
if n > 0 && bytes.Contains(buff, subslice) {
return true
if err != nil {
return false
// GetTitleFunc returns a func that can be used to transform a string to
// title case.
// The supported styles are
// - "Go" (strings.Title)
// - "AP" (see https://www.apstylebook.com/)
// - "Chicago" (see http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html)
// If an unknown or empty style is provided, AP style is what you get.
func GetTitleFunc(style string) func(s string) string {
switch strings.ToLower(style) {
case "go":
return strings.Title
case "chicago":
tc := transform.NewTitleConverter(transform.ChicagoStyle)
return tc.Title
tc := transform.NewTitleConverter(transform.APStyle)
return tc.Title
// HasStringsPrefix tests whether the string slice s begins with prefix slice s.
func HasStringsPrefix(s, prefix []string) bool {
return len(s) >= len(prefix) && compareStringSlices(s[0:len(prefix)], prefix)
// HasStringsSuffix tests whether the string slice s ends with suffix slice s.
func HasStringsSuffix(s, suffix []string) bool {
return len(s) >= len(suffix) && compareStringSlices(s[len(s)-len(suffix):], suffix)
func compareStringSlices(a, b []string) bool {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return true
if a == nil || b == nil {
return false
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
// LogPrinter is the common interface of the JWWs loggers.
type LogPrinter interface {
// Println is the only common method that works in all of JWWs loggers.
Println(a ...interface{})
// DistinctLogger ignores duplicate log statements.
type DistinctLogger struct {
logger LogPrinter
m map[string]bool
// Println will log the string returned from fmt.Sprintln given the arguments,
// but not if it has been logged before.
func (l *DistinctLogger) Println(v ...interface{}) {
// fmt.Sprint doesn't add space between string arguments
logStatement := strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintln(v...))
// Printf will log the string returned from fmt.Sprintf given the arguments,
// but not if it has been logged before.
// Note: A newline is appended.
func (l *DistinctLogger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
logStatement := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
func (l *DistinctLogger) print(logStatement string) {
if l.m[logStatement] {
if !l.m[logStatement] {
l.m[logStatement] = true
// NewDistinctErrorLogger creates a new DistinctLogger that logs ERRORs
func NewDistinctErrorLogger() *DistinctLogger {
return &DistinctLogger{m: make(map[string]bool), logger: jww.ERROR}
// NewDistinctLogger creates a new DistinctLogger that logs to the provided logger.
func NewDistinctLogger(logger LogPrinter) *DistinctLogger {
return &DistinctLogger{m: make(map[string]bool), logger: logger}
// NewDistinctWarnLogger creates a new DistinctLogger that logs WARNs
func NewDistinctWarnLogger() *DistinctLogger {
return &DistinctLogger{m: make(map[string]bool), logger: jww.WARN}
// NewDistinctFeedbackLogger creates a new DistinctLogger that can be used
// to give feedback to the user while not spamming with duplicates.
func NewDistinctFeedbackLogger() *DistinctLogger {
return &DistinctLogger{m: make(map[string]bool), logger: jww.FEEDBACK}
var (
// DistinctErrorLog can be used to avoid spamming the logs with errors.
DistinctErrorLog = NewDistinctErrorLogger()
// DistinctWarnLog can be used to avoid spamming the logs with warnings.
DistinctWarnLog = NewDistinctWarnLogger()
// DistinctFeedbackLog can be used to avoid spamming the logs with info messages.
DistinctFeedbackLog = NewDistinctFeedbackLogger()
// InitLoggers sets up the global distinct loggers.
func InitLoggers() {
DistinctErrorLog = NewDistinctErrorLogger()
DistinctWarnLog = NewDistinctWarnLogger()
DistinctFeedbackLog = NewDistinctFeedbackLogger()
// Deprecated informs about a deprecation, but only once for a given set of arguments' values.
// If the err flag is enabled, it logs as an ERROR (will exit with -1) and the text will
// point at the next Hugo release.
// The idea is two remove an item in two Hugo releases to give users and theme authors
// plenty of time to fix their templates.
func Deprecated(object, item, alternative string, err bool) {
if err {
DistinctErrorLog.Printf("%s's %s is deprecated and will be removed in Hugo %s. %s", object, item, CurrentHugoVersion.Next().ReleaseVersion(), alternative)
} else {
// Make sure the users see this while avoiding build breakage. This will not lead to an os.Exit(-1)
DistinctFeedbackLog.Printf("WARNING: %s's %s is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. %s", object, item, alternative)
// SliceToLower goes through the source slice and lowers all values.
func SliceToLower(s []string) []string {
if s == nil {
return nil
l := make([]string, len(s))
for i, v := range s {
l[i] = strings.ToLower(v)
return l
// MD5String takes a string and returns its MD5 hash.
func MD5String(f string) string {
h := md5.New()
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum([]byte{}))
// MD5FromFileFast creates a MD5 hash from the given file. It only reads parts of
// the file for speed, so don't use it if the files are very subtly different.
// It will not close the file.
func MD5FromFileFast(r io.ReadSeeker) (string, error) {
const (
// Do not change once set in stone!
maxChunks = 8
peekSize = 64
seek = 2048
h := md5.New()
buff := make([]byte, peekSize)
for i := 0; i < maxChunks; i++ {
if i > 0 {
_, err := r.Seek(seek, 0)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return "", err
_, err := io.ReadAtLeast(r, buff, peekSize)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
return "", err
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), nil
// MD5FromFile creates a MD5 hash from the given file.
// It will not close the file.
func MD5FromFile(f afero.File) (string, error) {
h := md5.New()
if _, err := io.Copy(h, f); err != nil {
return "", nil
return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), nil
// IsWhitespace determines if the given rune is whitespace.
func IsWhitespace(r rune) bool {
return r == ' ' || r == '\t' || r == '\n' || r == '\r'
// NormalizeHugoFlags facilitates transitions of Hugo command-line flags,
// e.g. --baseUrl to --baseURL, --uglyUrls to --uglyURLs
func NormalizeHugoFlags(f *pflag.FlagSet, name string) pflag.NormalizedName {
switch name {
case "baseUrl":
name = "baseURL"
case "uglyUrls":
name = "uglyURLs"
return pflag.NormalizedName(name)
// DiffStringSlices returns the difference between two string slices.
// Useful in tests.
// See:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19374219/how-to-find-the-difference-between-two-slices-of-strings-in-golang
func DiffStringSlices(slice1 []string, slice2 []string) []string {
diffStr := []string{}
m := map[string]int{}
for _, s1Val := range slice1 {
m[s1Val] = 1
for _, s2Val := range slice2 {
m[s2Val] = m[s2Val] + 1
for mKey, mVal := range m {
if mVal == 1 {
diffStr = append(diffStr, mKey)
return diffStr
// DiffString splits the strings into fields and runs it into DiffStringSlices.
// Useful for tests.
func DiffStrings(s1, s2 string) []string {
return DiffStringSlices(strings.Fields(s1), strings.Fields(s2))
// PrintFs prints the given filesystem to the given writer starting from the given path.
// This is useful for debugging.
func PrintFs(fs afero.Fs, path string, w io.Writer) {
if fs == nil {
afero.Walk(fs, path, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info != nil && !info.IsDir() {
s := path
if lang, ok := info.(hugofs.LanguageAnnouncer); ok {
s = s + "\tLANG: " + lang.Lang()
if fp, ok := info.(hugofs.FilePather); ok {
s = s + "\tRF: " + fp.Filename() + "\tBP: " + fp.BaseDir()
fmt.Fprintln(w, " ", s)
return nil