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Bjørn Erik Pedersen bc337e6ab5 Add inline shortcode support
An inline shortcode's name must end with `.inline`, all lowercase.


{{< time.inline >}}{{ now }}{{< /time.inline >}}

The above will print the current date and time.

Note that an inline shortcode's inner content is parsed and executed as a Go text template with the same context as a regular shortcode template.

This means that the current page can be accessed via `.Page.Title` etc. This also means that there are no concept of "nested inline shortcodes".

The same inline shortcode can be reused later in the same content file, with different params if needed, using the self-closing syntax:

{{< time.inline />}}

Fixes #4011
2018-11-27 16:14:09 +01:00

184 lines
9.5 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package pageparser
import "testing"
var (
tstEOF = nti(tEOF, "")
tstLeftNoMD = nti(tLeftDelimScNoMarkup, "{{<")
tstRightNoMD = nti(tRightDelimScNoMarkup, ">}}")
tstLeftMD = nti(tLeftDelimScWithMarkup, "{{%")
tstRightMD = nti(tRightDelimScWithMarkup, "%}}")
tstSCClose = nti(tScClose, "/")
tstSC1 = nti(tScName, "sc1")
tstSC1Inline = nti(tScNameInline, "sc1.inline")
tstSC2 = nti(tScName, "sc2")
tstSC3 = nti(tScName, "sc3")
tstSCSlash = nti(tScName, "sc/sub")
tstParam1 = nti(tScParam, "param1")
tstParam2 = nti(tScParam, "param2")
tstVal = nti(tScParamVal, "Hello World")
tstText = nti(tText, "Hello World")
var shortCodeLexerTests = []lexerTest{
{"empty", "", []Item{tstEOF}},
{"spaces", " \t\n", []Item{nti(tText, " \t\n"), tstEOF}},
{"text", `to be or not`, []Item{nti(tText, "to be or not"), tstEOF}},
{"no markup", `{{< sc1 >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"with EOL", "{{< sc1 \n >}}", []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"forward slash inside name", `{{< sc/sub >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSCSlash, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"simple with markup", `{{% sc1 %}}`, []Item{tstLeftMD, tstSC1, tstRightMD, tstEOF}},
{"with spaces", `{{< sc1 >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"mismatched rightDelim", `{{< sc1 %}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1,
nti(tError, "unrecognized character in shortcode action: U+0025 '%'. Note: Parameters with non-alphanumeric args must be quoted")}},
{"inner, markup", `{{% sc1 %}} inner {{% /sc1 %}}`, []Item{
nti(tText, " inner "),
{"close, but no open", `{{< /sc1 >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, nti(tError, "got closing shortcode, but none is open")}},
{"close wrong", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< /another >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose,
nti(tError, "closing tag for shortcode 'another' does not match start tag")}},
{"close, but no open, more", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< /sc1 >}}{{< /another >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose,
nti(tError, "closing tag for shortcode 'another' does not match start tag")}},
{"close with extra keyword", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< /sc1 keyword>}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1,
nti(tError, "unclosed shortcode")}},
{"Youtube id", `{{< sc1 -ziL-Q_456igdO-4 >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "-ziL-Q_456igdO-4"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"non-alphanumerics param quoted", `{{< sc1 "-ziL-.%QigdO-4" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "-ziL-.%QigdO-4"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"two params", `{{< sc1 param1 param2 >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstParam2, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
// issue #934
{"self-closing", `{{< sc1 />}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
// Issue 2498
{"multiple self-closing", `{{< sc1 />}}{{< sc1 />}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD,
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"self-closing with param", `{{< sc1 param1 />}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"multiple self-closing with param", `{{< sc1 param1 />}}{{< sc1 param1 />}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD,
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"multiple different self-closing with param", `{{< sc1 param1 />}}{{< sc2 param1 />}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD,
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC2, tstParam1, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"nested simple", `{{< sc1 >}}{{< sc2 >}}{{< /sc1 >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD,
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC2, tstRightNoMD,
tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"nested complex", `{{< sc1 >}}ab{{% sc2 param1 %}}cd{{< sc3 >}}ef{{< /sc3 >}}gh{{% /sc2 %}}ij{{< /sc1 >}}kl`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD,
nti(tText, "ab"),
tstLeftMD, tstSC2, tstParam1, tstRightMD,
nti(tText, "cd"),
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC3, tstRightNoMD,
nti(tText, "ef"),
tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC3, tstRightNoMD,
nti(tText, "gh"),
tstLeftMD, tstSCClose, tstSC2, tstRightMD,
nti(tText, "ij"),
tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD,
nti(tText, "kl"), tstEOF,
{"two quoted params", `{{< sc1 "param nr. 1" "param nr. 2" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, "param nr. 1"), nti(tScParam, "param nr. 2"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"two named params", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" param2="p2Val">}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, tstParam2, nti(tScParamVal, "p2Val"), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"escaped quotes", `{{< sc1 param1=\"Hello World\" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"escaped quotes, positional param", `{{< sc1 \"param1\" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"escaped quotes inside escaped quotes", `{{< sc1 param1=\"Hello \"escaped\" World\" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1,
nti(tScParamVal, `Hello `), nti(tError, `got positional parameter 'escaped'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters`)}},
{"escaped quotes inside nonescaped quotes",
`{{< sc1 param1="Hello \"escaped\" World" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, nti(tScParamVal, `Hello "escaped" World`), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"escaped quotes inside nonescaped quotes in positional param",
`{{< sc1 "Hello \"escaped\" World" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, nti(tScParam, `Hello "escaped" World`), tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"unterminated quote", `{{< sc1 param2="Hello World>}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam2, nti(tError, "unterminated quoted string in shortcode parameter-argument: 'Hello World>}}'")}},
{"one named param, one not", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" p2 >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal,
nti(tError, "got positional parameter 'p2'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}},
{"one named param, one quoted positional param", `{{< sc1 param1="Hello World" "And Universe" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1, tstVal,
nti(tError, "got quoted positional parameter. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}},
{"one quoted positional param, one named param", `{{< sc1 "param1" param2="And Universe" >}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1,
nti(tError, "got named parameter 'param2'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}},
{"ono positional param, one not", `{{< sc1 param1 param2="Hello World">}}`, []Item{
tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstParam1,
nti(tError, "got named parameter 'param2'. Cannot mix named and positional parameters")}},
{"commented out", `{{</* sc1 */>}}`, []Item{
nti(tText, "{{<"), nti(tText, " sc1 "), nti(tText, ">}}"), tstEOF}},
{"commented out, with asterisk inside", `{{</* sc1 "**/*.pdf" */>}}`, []Item{
nti(tText, "{{<"), nti(tText, " sc1 \"**/*.pdf\" "), nti(tText, ">}}"), tstEOF}},
{"commented out, missing close", `{{</* sc1 >}}`, []Item{
nti(tError, "comment must be closed")}},
{"commented out, misplaced close", `{{</* sc1 >}}*/`, []Item{
nti(tError, "comment must be closed")}},
// Inline shortcodes
{"basic inline", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc1.inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"basic inline with space", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< / sc1.inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"inline self closing", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< sc1.inline />}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSCClose, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, tstText, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstSCClose, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}},
{"inline with nested shortcode (not supported)", `{{< sc1.inline >}}Hello World{{< sc1 >}}{{< /sc1.inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1Inline, tstRightNoMD, nti(tError, "inline shortcodes do not support nesting")}},
{"inline case mismatch", `{{< sc1.Inline >}}Hello World{{< /sc1.Inline >}}`, []Item{tstLeftNoMD, nti(tError, "period in shortcode name only allowed for inline identifiers")}},
func TestShortcodeLexer(t *testing.T) {
for i, test := range shortCodeLexerTests {
items := collect([]byte(test.input), true, lexMainSection)
if !equal(items, test.items) {
t.Errorf("[%d] %s: got\n\t%v\nexpected\n\t%v", i, test.name, items, test.items)
func BenchmarkShortcodeLexer(b *testing.B) {
testInputs := make([][]byte, len(shortCodeLexerTests))
for i, input := range shortCodeLexerTests {
testInputs[i] = []byte(input.input)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, input := range testInputs {
items := collect(input, true, lexMainSection)
if len(items) == 0 {