mirror of https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo.git synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00
Bjørn Erik Pedersen eb42774e58 Add support for a content dir set per language
A sample config:

defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true

weight = 10
title = "In English"
languageName = "English"
contentDir = "content/english"

weight = 20
title = "På Norsk"
languageName = "Norsk"
contentDir = "content/norwegian"

The value of `contentDir` can be any valid path, even absolute path references. The only restriction is that the content dirs cannot overlap.

The content files will be assigned a language by

1. The placement: `content/norwegian/post/my-post.md` will be read as Norwegian content.
2. The filename: `content/english/post/my-post.nn.md` will be read as Norwegian even if it lives in the English content folder.

The content directories will be merged into a big virtual filesystem with one simple rule: The most specific language file will win.
This means that if both `content/norwegian/post/my-post.md` and `content/english/post/my-post.nn.md` exists, they will be considered duplicates and the version inside `content/norwegian` will win.

Note that translations will be automatically assigned by Hugo by the content file's relative placement, so `content/norwegian/post/my-post.md` will be a translation of `content/english/post/my-post.md`.

If this does not work for you, you can connect the translations together by setting a `translationKey` in the content files' front matter.

Fixes #4523
Fixes #4552
Fixes #4553
2018-04-02 08:06:21 +02:00

148 lines
2.6 KiB

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