mirror of https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo.git synced 2024-05-11 05:54:58 +00:00
Bjørn Erik Pedersen fea4fd86a3 hugolib: Avoid index.md in /index/index.html
Hugo 0.20 broke some sites that grouped their blog post and images together in subfolders.

This commit re-introduces that behaviour:

* If the file base name resolves to the same as the base name for the output type (i.e. "index" for HTML), the user probably meant it, so we treat that as an `uglyURL`, i.e. `my-blog-post-1.md`=> `/my-blog-post-1/index.html`
* The main use case for this is to group blog post and images together.
* Note that for the top level folder there will be a potential name conflict with a `section` `index.html` (if enabled)
* This issue will not be relevant for subfolders in sections
* Hugo will soon add support for nested sections, but we will have to find a way to separate them from the rest (`/content/_mysubsection` maybe).

Fixes #3396
2017-04-27 09:50:13 +02:00

179 lines
6.1 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
func TestPageTargetPath(t *testing.T) {
pathSpec := newTestDefaultPathSpec()
for _, langPrefix := range []string{"", "no"} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("langPrefix=%q", langPrefix), func(t *testing.T) {
for _, uglyURLs := range []bool{false, true} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("uglyURLs=%t", uglyURLs), func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
d targetPathDescriptor
expected string
{"JSON home", targetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, Type: output.JSONFormat}, "/index.json"},
{"AMP home", targetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, Type: output.AMPFormat}, "/amp/index.html"},
{"HTML home", targetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, BaseName: "_index", Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/index.html"},
{"HTML section list", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindSection,
Sections: []string{"sect1"},
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/sect1/index.html"},
{"HTML taxonomy list", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindTaxonomy,
Sections: []string{"tags", "hugo"},
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/tags/hugo/index.html"},
{"HTML taxonomy term", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindTaxonomy,
Sections: []string{"tags"},
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/tags/index.html"},
"HTML page", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "mypage",
Sections: []string{"a"},
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/a/b/mypage/index.html"},
// Issue #3396
"HTML page with index as base", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "index",
Sections: []string{"a"},
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/a/b/index.html"},
"HTML page with special chars", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "My Page!",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/a/b/My-Page/index.html"},
{"RSS home", targetPathDescriptor{Kind: kindRSS, Type: output.RSSFormat}, "/index.xml"},
{"RSS section list", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: kindRSS,
Sections: []string{"sect1"},
Type: output.RSSFormat}, "/sect1/index.xml"},
"AMP page", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b/c",
BaseName: "myamp",
Type: output.AMPFormat}, "/amp/a/b/c/myamp/index.html"},
"AMP page with URL with suffix", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/sect/",
BaseName: "mypage",
URL: "/some/other/url.xhtml",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/some/other/url.xhtml"},
"JSON page with URL without suffix", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/sect/",
BaseName: "mypage",
URL: "/some/other/path/",
Type: output.JSONFormat}, "/some/other/path/index.json"},
"JSON page with URL without suffix and no trailing slash", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/sect/",
BaseName: "mypage",
URL: "/some/other/path",
Type: output.JSONFormat}, "/some/other/path/index.json"},
"HTML page with expanded permalink", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "mypage",
ExpandedPermalink: "/2017/10/my-title",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/2017/10/my-title/index.html"},
"Paginated HTML home", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindHome,
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat,
Addends: "page/3"}, "/page/3/index.html"},
"Paginated Taxonomy list", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindTaxonomy,
BaseName: "_index",
Sections: []string{"tags", "hugo"},
Type: output.HTMLFormat,
Addends: "page/3"}, "/tags/hugo/page/3/index.html"},
"Regular page with addend", targetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "mypage",
Addends: "c/d/e",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, "/a/b/mypage/c/d/e/index.html"},
for i, test := range tests {
test.d.PathSpec = pathSpec
test.d.UglyURLs = uglyURLs
test.d.LangPrefix = langPrefix
test.d.Dir = filepath.FromSlash(test.d.Dir)
isUgly := uglyURLs && !test.d.Type.NoUgly
expected := test.expected
// TODO(bep) simplify
if test.d.BaseName == test.d.Type.BaseName {
} else if test.d.Kind == KindHome && test.d.Type.Path != "" {
} else if (!strings.HasPrefix(expected, "/index") || test.d.Addends != "") && test.d.URL == "" && isUgly {
expected = strings.Replace(expected,
"."+test.d.Type.MediaType.Suffix, -1)
if test.d.LangPrefix != "" && !(test.d.Kind == KindPage && test.d.URL != "") {
expected = "/" + test.d.LangPrefix + expected
expected = filepath.FromSlash(expected)
pagePath := createTargetPath(test.d)
if pagePath != expected {
t.Fatalf("[%d] [%s] targetPath expected %q, got: %q", i, test.name, expected, pagePath)