Please try compiling your code with --enable-warnings to see them. (The
unused parameter warnings are usually bogus, the unused variable ones
are very useful, but gcc is unable to control them separately.)
of calling the protocols manually.
Implemented printing of dynamic attributes in `show route all'.
Each protocol can now register its own attribute class (protocol->attr_class,
set to EAP_xxx) and also a callback for naming and formatting of attributes.
The callback can return one of the following results:
GA_UNKNOWN Attribute not recognized.
GA_NAME Attribute name recognized and put to the buffer,
generic code should format the value.
GA_FULL Both attribute name and value put to the buffer.
Please update protocols generating dynamic attributes to provide
the attr_class and formatting hook.
address, not per interface (hence it's ifa->flags & IA_UNNUMBERED) and
should be set reliably. IF_MULTIACCESS should be fixed now, but it isn't
wise to rely on it on interfaces configured with /30 prefix.
(the current version UNIX-specific) anyway, so it's useless to try splitting it
to sysdep and generic part. Instead of this, configure script decides (based on
system type and user's wish) what (if any) client should be built and what
autoconfiguration it requires. Also, the client provides its own die/bug/...
used for automatic generation of instance names.
protocol->name is the official name
protocol->template is the name template (usually "name%d"),
should be all lowercase.
Updated all protocols to define the templates, checked that their configuration
grammar includes proto_name which generates the name and interns it in the
symbol table.
multicast abilities depending on definedness of symbols and use hard-wired
system-dependent configuration defines instead.
Please test whereever you can.
with protocols wanting to use the same port on the same interface
during reconfiguration time.
How to use locks: In the if_notify hook, just order locks for the
interfaces you want to work with and do the real socket opening after the
lock hook function gets called. When you stop using the socket, close
it and rfree() the lock.
Please update your protocols to use the new locking mechanism.