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synced 2024-05-11 16:54:54 +00:00
This is a major change of how the filters are interpreted. If everything works how it should, it should not affect you unless you are hacking the filters themselves. Anyway, this change should make a huge improvement in the filter performance as previous benchmarks showed that our major problem lies in the recursion itself. There are also some changes in nest and protocols, related mostly to spreading const declarations throughout the whole BIRD and also to refactored dynamic attribute definitions. The need of these came up during the whole work and it is too difficult to split out these not-so-related changes.
394 lines
11 KiB
394 lines
11 KiB
* BIRD Internet Routing Daemon -- Filters
* (c) 1999 Pavel Machek <pavel@ucw.cz>
* Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL.
#ifndef _BIRD_FILT_H_
#define _BIRD_FILT_H_
#include "lib/resource.h"
#include "lib/ip.h"
#include "nest/route.h"
#include "nest/attrs.h"
/* IP prefix range structure */
struct f_prefix {
net_addr net; /* The matching prefix must match this net */
u8 lo, hi; /* And its length must fit between lo and hi */
/* Type numbers must be in 0..0xff range */
#define T_MASK 0xff
/* Internal types */
enum f_type {
/* Do not use type of zero, that way we'll see errors easier. */
T_VOID = 1,
/* User visible types, which fit in int */
T_INT = 0x10,
T_BOOL = 0x11,
T_PAIR = 0x12, /* Notice that pair is stored as integer: first << 16 | second */
T_QUAD = 0x13,
/* Put enumerational types in 0x30..0x3f range */
T_ENUM_LO = 0x30,
T_ENUM_HI = 0x3f,
T_ENUM_RTS = 0x30,
T_ENUM_SCOPE = 0x32,
T_ENUM_RTC = 0x33,
T_ENUM_RTD = 0x34,
T_ENUM_ROA = 0x35,
/* new enums go here */
T_ENUM_EMPTY = 0x3f, /* Special hack for atomic_aggr */
#define T_ENUM T_ENUM_LO ... T_ENUM_HI
/* Bigger ones */
T_IP = 0x20,
T_NET = 0x21,
T_STRING = 0x22,
T_PATH_MASK = 0x23, /* mask for BGP path */
T_PATH = 0x24, /* BGP path */
T_CLIST = 0x25, /* Community list */
T_EC = 0x26, /* Extended community value, u64 */
T_ECLIST = 0x27, /* Extended community list */
T_LC = 0x28, /* Large community value, lcomm */
T_LCLIST = 0x29, /* Large community list */
T_RD = 0x2a, /* Route distinguisher for VPN addresses */
T_PATH_MASK_ITEM = 0x2b, /* Path mask item for path mask constructors */
T_SET = 0x80,
T_PREFIX_SET = 0x81,
/* Filter value; size of this affects filter memory consumption */
struct f_val {
enum f_type type; /* T_* */
union {
uint i;
u64 ec;
lcomm lc;
ip_addr ip;
const net_addr *net;
char *s;
const struct f_tree *t;
const struct f_trie *ti;
const struct adata *ad;
const struct f_path_mask *path_mask;
struct f_path_mask_item pmi;
} val;
/* Dynamic attribute definition (eattrs) */
struct f_dynamic_attr {
u8 type; /* EA type (EAF_*) */
u8 bit; /* For bitfield accessors */
enum f_type f_type; /* Filter type */
uint ea_code; /* EA code */
enum f_sa_code {
SA_FROM = 1,
/* Static attribute definition (members of struct rta) */
struct f_static_attr {
enum f_type f_type; /* Filter type */
enum f_sa_code sa_code; /* Static attribute id */
int readonly:1; /* Don't allow writing */
/* Filter instruction words */
#define FI__TWOCHAR(a,b) ((a<<8) | b)
#define FI__LIST \
F(FI_NOP, 0, '0') \
F(FI_ADD, 0, '+') \
F(FI_SUBTRACT, 0, '-') \
F(FI_MULTIPLY, 0, '*') \
F(FI_DIVIDE, 0, '/') \
F(FI_AND, 0, '&') \
F(FI_OR, 0, '|') \
F(FI_PAIR_CONSTRUCT, 'm', 'p') \
F(FI_EC_CONSTRUCT, 'm', 'c') \
F(FI_LC_CONSTRUCT, 'm', 'l') \
F(FI_NEQ, '!', '=') \
F(FI_EQ, '=', '=') \
F(FI_LT, 0, '<') \
F(FI_LTE, '<', '=') \
F(FI_NOT, 0, '!') \
F(FI_MATCH, 0, '~') \
F(FI_NOT_MATCH, '!', '~') \
F(FI_DEFINED, 'd', 'e') \
F(FI_TYPE, 0, 'T') \
F(FI_IS_V4, 'I', 'i') \
F(FI_SET, 0, 's') \
F(FI_CONSTANT, 0, 'c') \
F(FI_VARIABLE, 0, 'V') \
F(FI_PRINT, 0, 'p') \
F(FI_CONDITION, 0, '?') \
F(FI_PRINT_AND_DIE, 'p', ',') \
F(FI_RTA_GET, 0, 'a') \
F(FI_RTA_SET, 'a', 'S') \
F(FI_EA_GET, 'e', 'a') \
F(FI_EA_SET, 'e', 'S') \
F(FI_PREF_GET, 0, 'P') \
F(FI_PREF_SET, 'P', 'S') \
F(FI_LENGTH, 0, 'L') \
F(FI_ROA_MAXLEN, 'R', 'M') \
F(FI_ROA_ASN, 'R', 'A') \
F(FI_SADR_SRC, 'n', 's') \
F(FI_IP, 'c', 'p') \
F(FI_AS_PATH_FIRST, 'a', 'f') \
F(FI_AS_PATH_LAST, 'a', 'l') \
F(FI_AS_PATH_LAST_NAG, 'a', 'L') \
F(FI_RETURN, 0, 'r') \
F(FI_CALL, 'c', 'a') \
F(FI_DROP_RESULT, 'd', 'r') \
F(FI_SWITCH, 'S', 'W') \
F(FI_IP_MASK, 'i', 'M') \
F(FI_PATH_PREPEND, 'A', 'p') \
F(FI_CLIST_ADD, 'C', 'a') \
F(FI_CLIST_DEL, 'C', 'd') \
F(FI_CLIST_FILTER, 'C', 'f') \
F(FI_FORMAT, 0, 'F') \
F(FI_ASSERT, 'a', 's')
/* The enum itself */
enum f_instruction_code {
#define F(c,a,b) \
#undef F
/* Convert the instruction back to the enum name */
const char *f_instruction_name(enum f_instruction_code fi);
enum f_instruction_flags {
FIF_PRINTED = 1, /* FI_PRINT_AND_DIE: message put in buffer */
union f_inst_attr {
uint i;
void *p;
struct rtable_config *rtc;
/* Instruction structure for config */
struct f_inst {
struct f_inst *next; /* Next instruction to be executed */
enum f_instruction_code fi_code; /* The instruction itself */
u16 aux; /* Extension to instruction code, T_*, EA_*, EAF_* */
union {
union f_inst_attr a[3]; /* The three arguments */
struct f_val val; /* The value if FI_CONSTANT */
struct {
union f_inst_attr sa_a[1];
struct f_static_attr sa; /* Static attribute def for FI_RTA_* */
struct {
union f_inst_attr da_a[1];
struct f_dynamic_attr da; /* Dynamic attribute def for FI_EA_* */
int lineno;
/* Possible return values of filter execution */
enum filter_return {
F_NOP = 0,
F_ACCEPT, /* Need to preserve ordering: accepts < rejects! */
/* Filter structures for execution */
struct f_line;
/* The single instruction item */
struct f_line_item {
enum f_instruction_code fi_code; /* What to do */
enum f_instruction_flags flags; /* Flags, instruction-specific */
uint lineno; /* Where */
union {
struct {
const struct f_val *vp;
const struct symbol *sym;
const struct f_line *lines[2];
enum filter_return fret;
struct f_static_attr sa;
struct f_dynamic_attr da;
enum ec_subtype ecs;
const char *s;
const struct f_tree *tree;
const struct rtable_config *rtc;
uint count;
}; /* Additional instruction data */
/* Line of instructions to be unconditionally executed one after another */
struct f_line {
uint len; /* Line length */
struct f_line_item items[0]; /* The items themselves */
/* The filter encapsulating structure to be pointed-to from outside */
struct filter {
char *name;
struct f_line *root;
/* Convert the f_inst infix tree to the f_line structures */
struct f_line *f_postfixify_concat(struct f_inst *root, ...);
static inline struct f_line *f_postfixify(struct f_inst *root)
{ return f_postfixify_concat(root, NULL); }
#define F_VAL_STACK_MAX 4096
/* Value stack for execution */
struct f_val_stack {
uint cnt; /* Current stack size; 0 for empty */
struct f_val val[F_VAL_STACK_MAX]; /* The stack itself */
#define F_EXEC_STACK_MAX 4096
/* Exception bits */
enum f_exception {
FE_RETURN = 0x1,
/* Instruction stack for execution */
struct f_exec_stack {
struct {
const struct f_line *line; /* The line that is being executed */
uint pos; /* Instruction index in the line */
uint ventry; /* Value stack depth on entry */
enum f_exception emask; /* Exception mask */
uint cnt; /* Current stack size; 0 for empty */
struct f_inst *f_new_inst(enum f_instruction_code fi_code);
struct f_inst *f_new_inst_da(enum f_instruction_code fi_code, struct f_dynamic_attr da);
struct f_inst *f_new_inst_sa(enum f_instruction_code fi_code, struct f_static_attr sa);
static inline struct f_dynamic_attr f_new_dynamic_attr(u8 type, u8 bit, enum f_type f_type, uint code) /* Type as core knows it, type as filters know it, and code of dynamic attribute */
{ return (struct f_dynamic_attr) { .type = type, .bit = bit, .f_type = f_type, .ea_code = code }; } /* f_type currently unused; will be handy for static type checking */
static inline struct f_static_attr f_new_static_attr(int f_type, int code, int readonly)
{ return (struct f_static_attr) { .f_type = f_type, .sa_code = code, .readonly = readonly }; }
struct f_tree *f_new_tree(void);
struct f_inst *f_generate_complex(enum f_instruction_code fi_code, struct f_dynamic_attr da, struct f_inst *argument);
struct f_inst *f_generate_roa_check(struct rtable_config *table, struct f_inst *prefix, struct f_inst *asn);
struct f_tree *build_tree(struct f_tree *);
const struct f_tree *find_tree(const struct f_tree *t, const struct f_val *val);
int same_tree(const struct f_tree *t1, const struct f_tree *t2);
void tree_format(const struct f_tree *t, buffer *buf);
struct f_trie *f_new_trie(linpool *lp, uint node_size);
void *trie_add_prefix(struct f_trie *t, const net_addr *n, uint l, uint h);
int trie_match_net(const struct f_trie *t, const net_addr *n);
int trie_same(const struct f_trie *t1, const struct f_trie *t2);
void trie_format(const struct f_trie *t, buffer *buf);
struct ea_list;
struct rte;
enum filter_return f_run(const struct filter *filter, struct rte **rte, struct linpool *tmp_pool, int flags);
enum filter_return f_eval_rte(const struct f_line *expr, struct rte **rte, struct linpool *tmp_pool);
enum filter_return f_eval(const struct f_line *expr, struct linpool *tmp_pool, struct f_val *pres);
uint f_eval_int(const struct f_line *expr);
char *filter_name(struct filter *filter);
int filter_same(struct filter *new, struct filter *old);
int f_same(const struct f_line *f1, const struct f_line *f2);
int val_compare(const struct f_val *v1, const struct f_val *v2);
void val_format(const struct f_val *v, buffer *buf);
extern const struct f_val f_const_empty_path, f_const_empty_clist, f_const_empty_eclist, f_const_empty_lclist;
#define FILTER_REJECT ((void *) 1)
#define FILTER_UNDEF ((void *) 2) /* Used in BGP */
struct f_tree {
struct f_tree *left, *right;
struct f_val from, to;
void *data;
struct f_trie_node
ip_addr addr, mask, accept;
uint plen;
struct f_trie_node *c[2];
struct f_trie
linpool *lp;
int zero;
uint node_size;
struct f_trie_node root[0]; /* Root trie node follows */
#define NEW_F_VAL struct f_val * val; val = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_val));
#define FF_SILENT 2 /* Silent filter execution */
/* Custom route attributes */
struct custom_attribute {
resource r;
struct f_dynamic_attr *fda;
const char *name;
struct custom_attribute *ca_lookup(pool *p, const char *name, int ea_type);
/* Bird Tests */
struct f_bt_test_suite {
node n; /* Node in config->tests */
struct f_line *fn; /* Root of function */
const char *fn_name; /* Name of test */
const char *dsc; /* Description */
/* Hook for call bt_assert() function in configuration */
extern void (*bt_assert_hook)(int result, const struct f_line_item *assert);