#!/usr/bin/env perl #Copyright (c) 2017, Zane C. Bowers-Hadley #All rights reserved. # #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, #are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND #ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. #IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, #INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, #BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, #DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR #OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF #THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =for comment Add this to snmpd.conf like below. extend smart /etc/snmp/smart Then add to root's cron tab, if you have more than a few disks. */3 * * * * /etc/snmp/smart -u You will also need to create the config file, which defaults to the same path as the script, but with .config appended. So if the script is located at /etc/snmp/smart, the config file will be /etc/snmp/smart.config. Alternatively you can also specific a config via -c. Anything starting with a # is comment. The format for variables is $variable=$value. Empty lines are ignored. Spaces and tabes at either the start or end of a line are ignored. Any line with out a = or # are treated as a disk. #This is a comment cache=/var/cache/smart smartctl=/usr/bin/env smartctl ada0 ada1 The variables are as below. cache = The path to the cache file to use. Default: /var/cache/smart smartctl = The path to use for smartctl. Default: /usr/bin/env smartctl If you want to guess at the configuration, call it with -g and it will print out what it thinks it should be. =cut ## ## You should not need to touch anything below here. ## my $cache='/var/cache/smart'; my $smartctl='/usr/bin/env smartctl'; my @disks; use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std; $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1; sub main::VERSION_MESSAGE { print "SMART SNMP extend 0.0.0\n"; }; sub main::HELP_MESSAGE { print "\n". "-u Update '".$cache."'\n". "-g Guess at the config and print it to STDOUT.\n". "-c The config file to use.\n"; } #gets the options my %opts=(); getopts('ugc:', \%opts); # guess if asked if ( defined( $opts{g} ) ){ #get what path to use for smartctl $smartctl=`which smartctl`; chomp($smartctl); if ( $? != 0 ){ warn("'which smartctl' failed with a exit code of $?"); exit 1; } #try to touch the default cache location and warn if it can't be done system('touch '.$cache.'>/dev/null'); if ( $? != 0 ){ $cache='#Could not touch '.$cache. "You will need to manually set it\n". "cache=?\n"; }else{ $cache='cache='.$cache."\n"; } my %found_disks; #check for drives named /dev/sd* my @matches=glob('/dev/sd*'); @matches=grep(!/[0-9]/, @matches); my $matches_int=0; while ( defined( $matches[$matches_int] ) ){ my $device=$matches[$matches_int]; system( $smartctl.' -A '.$device.' > /dev/null' ); if ( $? == 0 ){ $device =~ s/\/dev\///; $found_disks{$device}=1; } $matches_int++; } #check for drives named /dev/ada* @matches=glob('/dev/ada*'); @matches=grep(!/[ps]/, @matches); $matches_int=0; while ( defined( $matches[$matches_int] ) ){ my $device=$matches[$matches_int]; system( $smartctl.' -A '.$device.' > /dev/null' ); if ( $? == 0 ){ $device =~ s/\/dev\///; $found_disks{$device}=1; } $matches_int++; } #check for drives named /dev/da* @matches=glob('/dev/da*'); @matches=grep(!/[ps]/, @matches); $matches_int=0; while ( defined( $matches[$matches_int] ) ){ my $device=$matches[$matches_int]; system( $smartctl.' -A '.$device.' > /dev/null' ); if ( $? == 0 ){ $device =~ s/\/dev\///; $found_disks{$device}=1; } $matches_int++; } #have smartctl scan and see if it finds anythings not get found my $scan_output=`$smartctl --scan-open`; my @scan_outputA=split(/\n/, $scan_output); @scan_outputA=grep(!/ses[0-9]/, @scan_outputA); # not a disk, but may or may not have SMART attributes @scan_outputA=grep(!/pass[0-9]/, @scan_outputA); # very likely a duplicate and a disk under another name $matches_int=0; while ( defined( $scan_outputA[$matches_int] ) ){ my $device=$scan_outputA[$matches_int]; $device =~ s/ .*//; system( $smartctl.' -A '.$device.' > /dev/null' ); if ( $? == 0 ){ $device =~ s/\/dev\///; $found_disks{$device}=1; } $matches_int++; } print 'smartctl='.$smartctl."\n". $cache. join( "\n", keys(%found_disks) )."\n"; exit 0; } #get which config file to use my $config=$0.'.config'; if ( defined( $opts{c} ) ){ $config=$opts{c}; } #reads the config file, optionally my $config_file=''; open(my $readfh, "<", $config) or die "Can't open '".$config."'"; read($readfh , $config_file , 1000000); close($readfh); #parse the config file and remove comments and empty lines my @configA=split(/\n/, $config_file); @configA=grep(!/^$/, @configA); @configA=grep(!/^\#/, @configA); @configA=grep(!/^[\s\t]*$/, @configA); my $configA_int=0; while ( defined( $configA[$configA_int] ) ){ my $line=$configA[$configA_int]; $line=~s/^[\t\s]+//; $line=~s/[\t\s]+$//; my ( $var, $val )=split(/=/, $line, 2); if ( $var eq 'cache' ){ $cache=$val; } if ( $var eq 'smartctl' ){ $smartctl=$val; } if ( !defined( $val ) ){ push(@disks, $var); } $configA_int++; } #if set to 1, no cache will be written and it will be printed instead my $noWrite=0; # if no -u, it means we are being called from snmped if ( ! defined( $opts{u} ) ){ # if the cache file exists, print it, otherwise assume one is not being used if ( -f $cache ){ my $old=''; open(my $readfh, "<", $cache) or die "Can't open '".$cache."'"; read($readfh , $old , 1000000); close($readfh); print $old; exit 0; }else{ $opts{u}=1; $noWrite=1; } } my $toReturn=''; my $int=0; while ( defined($disks[$int]) ) { my $disk=$disks[$int]; my $output=`$smartctl -A /dev/$disk`; my %IDs=( '5'=>'null', '10'=>'null', '173'=>'null', '177'=>'null', '183'=>'null', '184'=>'null', '187'=>'null', '188'=>'null', '190'=>'null', '194'=>'null', '196'=>'null', '197'=>'null', '198'=>'null', '199'=>'null', '231'=>'null', '233'=>'null', ); my @outputA=split( /\n/, $output ); my $outputAint=0; while ( defined($outputA[$outputAint]) ) { my $line=$outputA[$outputAint]; $line=~s/^ +//; $line=~s/ +/ /g; if ( $line =~ /^[0123456789]+ / ) { my @lineA=split(/\ /, $line, 10); my $raw=$lineA[9]; my $id=$lineA[0]; # single int raw values if ( ( $id == 5 ) || ( $id == 10 ) || ( $id == 173 ) || ( $id == 177 ) || ( $id == 183 ) || ( $id == 184 ) || ( $id == 187 ) || ( $id == 196 ) || ( $id == 197 ) || ( $id == 198 ) || ( $id == 199 ) || ( $id == 231 ) || ( $id == 233 ) ) { $IDs{$id}=$raw; } # 188, Command_Timeout if ( $id == 188 ) { my $total=0; my @rawA=split( /\ /, $raw ); my $rawAint=0; while ( defined( $rawA[$rawAint] ) ) { $total=$total+$rawA[$rawAint]; $rawAint++; } } # 190, airflow temp # 194, temp if ( ( $id == 190 ) || ( $id == 194 ) ) { my ( $temp )=split(/\ /, $raw); $IDs{$id}=$temp; } } $outputAint++; } #get the selftest logs $output=`$smartctl -l selftest /dev/$disk`; @outputA=split( /\n/, $output ); my $completed=scalar grep(/Completed without error/, @outputA); my $interrupted=scalar grep(/Interrupted/, @outputA); my $read_failure=scalar grep(/read failure/, @outputA); my $unknown_failure=scalar grep(/unknown failure/, @outputA); my $extended=scalar grep(/Extended/, @outputA); my $short=scalar grep(/Short/, @outputA); my $conveyance=scalar grep(/Conveyance/, @outputA); my $selective=scalar grep(/Selective/, @outputA); $toReturn=$toReturn.$disk.','.$IDs{'5'}.','.$IDs{'10'}.','.$IDs{'173'}.','.$IDs{'177'}.','.$IDs{'183'}.','.$IDs{'184'}.','.$IDs{'187'}.','.$IDs{'188'} .','.$IDs{'190'} .','.$IDs{'194'}.','.$IDs{'196'}.','.$IDs{'197'}.','.$IDs{'198'}.','.$IDs{'199'}.','.$IDs{'231'}.','.$IDs{'233'}.','. $completed.','.$interrupted.','.$read_failure.','.$unknown_failure.','.$extended.','.$short.','.$conveyance.','.$selective."\n"; $int++; } if ( ! $noWrite ){ open(my $writefh, ">", $cache) or die "Can't open '".$cache."'"; print $writefh $toReturn; close($writefh); }else{ print $toReturn; }