#!/usr/bin/env perl # add this to your snmpd.conf file as below # extend postfixdetailed /etc/snmp/postfixdetailed # The cache file to use. my $cache='/var/cache/postfixdetailed'; # the location of pflogsumm my $pflogsumm='/usr/bin/env pflogsumm'; #totals # 847 received = received # 852 delivered = delivered # 0 forwarded = forwarded # 3 deferred (67 deferrals)= deferred # 0 bounced = bounced # 593 rejected (41%) = rejected # 0 reject warnings = rejectw # 0 held = held # 0 discarded (0%) = discarded # 16899k bytes received = bytesr # 18009k bytes delivered = bytesd # 415 senders = senders # 266 sending hosts/domains = sendinghd # 15 recipients = recipients # 9 recipient hosts/domains = recipienthd ######message deferral detail #Connection refused = deferralcr #Host is down = deferralhid ########message reject detail #Client host rejected = chr #Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname = hcrnfqh #Sender address rejected: Domain not found = sardnf #Sender address rejected: not owned by user = sarnobu #blocked using = bu #Recipient address rejected: User unknown = raruu #Helo command rejected: Invalid name = hcrin #Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address = sarnfqa #Recipient address rejected: Domain not found = rardnf #Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualified address = rarnfqa #Improper use of SMTP command pipelining = iuscp #Message size exceeds fixed limit = msefl #Server configuration error = sce #Server configuration problem = scp #unknown reject reason = urr my $old=''; #reads in the old data if it exists if ( -f $cache ){ open(my $fh, "<", $cache) or die "Can't open '".$cache."'"; # if this is over 2048, something is most likely wrong read($fh , $old , 2048); close($fh); } my ( $received, $delivered, $forwarded, $deferred, $bounced, $rejected, $rejectw, $held, $discarded, $bytesr, $bytesd, $senders, $sendinghd, $recipients, $recipienthd, $deferralcr, $deferralhid, $chr, $hcrnfqh, $sardnf, $sarnobu, $bu, $raruu, $hcrin, $sarnfqa, $rardnf, $rarnfqa, $iuscp, $msefl, $sce, $scp, $urr) = split ( /\n/, $old ); if ( ! defined( $received ) ){ $received=0; } if ( ! defined( $delivered ) ){ $delivered=0; } if ( ! defined( $forwarded ) ){ $forwarded=0; } if ( ! defined( $deferred ) ){ $deferred=0; } if ( ! defined( $bounced ) ){ $bounced=0; } if ( ! defined( $rejected ) ){ $rejected=0; } if ( ! defined( $rejectw ) ){ $rejectw=0; } if ( ! defined( $held ) ){ $held=0; } if ( ! defined( $discarded ) ){ $discarded=0; } if ( ! defined( $bytesr ) ){ $bytesr=0; } if ( ! defined( $bytesd ) ){ $bytesd=0; } if ( ! defined( $senders ) ){ $senders=0; } if ( ! defined( $sendinghd ) ){ $sendinghd=0; } if ( ! defined( $recipients ) ){ $recipients=0; } if ( ! defined( $recipienthd ) ){ $recipienthd=0; } if ( ! defined( $deferralcr ) ){ $deferralcr=0; } if ( ! defined( $deferralhid ) ){ $deferralhid=0; } if ( ! defined( $chr ) ){ $chr=0; } if ( ! defined( $hcrnfqh ) ){ $hcrnfqh=0; } if ( ! defined( $sardnf ) ){ $sardnf=0; } if ( ! defined( $sarnobu ) ){ $sarnobu=0; } if ( ! defined( $bu ) ){ $bu=0; } if ( ! defined( $raruu ) ){ $raruu=0; } if ( ! defined( $hcrin ) ){ $hcrin=0; } if ( ! defined( $sarnfqa ) ){ $sarnfqa=0; } if ( ! defined( $rardnf ) ){ $rardnf=0; } if ( ! defined( $rarnfqa ) ){ $rarnfqa=0; } if ( ! defined( $iuscp ) ){ $iuscp=0; } if ( ! defined( $msefl ) ){ $msefl=0; } if ( ! defined( $sce ) ){ $sce=0; } if ( ! defined( $scp ) ){ $scp=0; } if ( ! defined( $urr ) ){ $urr=0; } #init current variables my $receivedC=0; my $deliveredC=0; my $forwardedC=0; my $deferredC=0; my $bouncedC=0; my $rejectedC=0; my $rejectwC=0; my $heldC=0; my $discardedC=0; my $bytesrC=0; my $bytesdC=0; my $sendersC=0; my $sendinghdC=0; my $recipientsC=0; my $recipienthdC=0; my $deferralcrC=0; my $deferralhidC=0; my $chrC=0; my $hcrnfqhC=0; my $sardnfC=0; my $sarnobuC=0; my $buC=0; my $raruuC=0; my $hcrinC=0; my $sarnfqaC=0; my $rardnfC=0; my $rarnfqaC=0; my $iuscpC=0; my $mseflC=0; my $sceC=0; my $scpC=0; my $urrC=0; sub newValue{ my $old=$_[0]; my $new=$_[1]; #if new is undefined, just default to 0... this should never happen if ( !defined( $new ) ){ warn('New not defined'); return 0; } #sets it to 0 if old is not defined if ( !defined( $old ) ){ warn('Old not defined'); $old=0; } #make sure they are both numberic and if not set to zero if( $old !~ /^[0123456789]*$/ ){ warn('Old not numeric'); $old=0; } if( $new !~ /^[0123456789]*$/ ){ warn('New not numeric'); $new=0; } #log rotation happened if ( $old > $new ){ return $new; }; return $new - $old; } my $output=`$pflogsumm /var/log/maillog`; #holds client host rejected values till the end when it is compared to the old one my $chrNew=0; #holds RBL values till the end when it is compared to the old one my $buNew=0; # holds recipient address rejected values till the end when it is compared to the old one my $raruuNew=0; #holds the current values for checking later my $current=''; my @outputA=split( /\n/, $output ); my $int=0; while ( defined( $outputA[$int] ) ){ my $line=$outputA[$int]; $line=~s/^ *//; $line=~s/ +/ /g; $line=~s/\)$//; my $handled=0; #received line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] received$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $receivedC=$line; $received=newValue( $received, $line ); $handled=1; } #delivered line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] delivered$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $deliveredC=$line; $delivered=newValue( $delivered, $line ); $handled=1; } #forward line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] forwarded$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $forwardedC=$line; $forwarded=newValue( $forwarded, $line ); $handled=1; } #defereed line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] deferred \(/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $deferredC=$line; $deferred=newValue( $deferred, $line ); $handled=1; } #bounced line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] bounced$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $bouncedC=$line; $bounced=newValue( $bounced, $line ); $handled=1; } #rejected line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] rejected \(/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $rejectedC=$line; $rejected=newValue( $rejected, $line ); $handled=1; } #reject warning line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] reject warnings/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $rejectwC=$line; $rejectw=newValue( $rejectw, $line ); $handled=1; } #held line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] held$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $heldC=$line; $held=newValue( $held, $line ); $handled=1; } #discarded line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] discarded \(/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $discardedC=$line; $discarded=newValue( $discarded, $line ); $handled=1; } #bytes received line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789kM] bytes received$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $line=~s/k/000/; $line=~s/M/000000/; $bytesrC=$line; $bytesr=newValue( $bytesr, $line ); $handled=1; } #bytes delivered line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789kM] bytes delivered$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $line=~s/k/000/; $line=~s/M/000000/; $bytesdC=$line; $bytesd=newValue( $bytesd, $line ); $handled=1; } #senders line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] senders$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $sendersC=$line; $senders=newValue( $senders, $line ); $handled=1; } #sendering hosts/domains line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] sending hosts\/domains$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $sendinghdC=$line; $sendinghd=newValue( $sendinghd, $line ); $handled=1; } #recipients line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] recipients$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $recipientsC=$line; $recipients=newValue( $recipients, $line ); $handled=1; } #recipients line if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] recipient hosts\/domains$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $recipienthdC=$line; $recipienthd=newValue( $recipienthd, $line ); $handled=1; } # deferrals connectios refused if ( ( $line =~ /[0123456789] 25\: Connection refused$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $deferralcrC=$line; $deferralcr=newValue( $deferralcr, $line ); $handled=1; } # deferrals Host is down if ( ( $line =~ /Host is down$/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/ .*//; $deferralhidC=$line; $deferralhid=newValue( $deferralhid, $line ); $handled=1; } # Client host rejected if ( ( $line =~ /Client host rejected/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $chrNew=$chrNew + $line; $handled=1; } #Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname if ( ( $line =~ /Helo command rejected\: need fully\-qualified hostname/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $hcrnfqhC=$line; $hcrnfqh=newValue( $hcrnfqh, $line ); $handled=1; } #Sender address rejected: Domain not found if ( ( $line =~ /Sender address rejected\: Domain not found/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $sardnfC=$line; $sardnf=newValue( $sardnf, $line ); $handled=1; } #Sender address rejected: not owned by user if ( ( $line =~ /Sender address rejected\: not owned by user/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $sarnobuC=$line; $sarnobu=newValue( $sarnobu, $line ); $handled=1; } #blocked using # These lines are RBLs so there will be more than one. # Use $buNew to add them all up. if ( ( $line =~ /blocked using/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $buNew=$buNew + $line; $handled=1; } #Recipient address rejected: User unknown if ( ( $line =~ /Recipient address rejected\: User unknown/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $raruuNew=$raruuNew + $line; $handled=1; } #Helo command rejected: Invalid name if ( ( $line =~ /Helo command rejected\: Invalid name/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $hcrinC=$line; $hcrin=newValue( $hcrin, $line ); } #Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address if ( ( $line =~ /Sender address rejected\: need fully-qualified address/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $sarnfqaC=$line; $sarnfqa=newValue( $sarnfqa, $line ); } #Recipient address rejected: Domain not found if ( ( $line =~ /Recipient address rejected\: Domain not found/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $rardnfC=$line; $rardnf=newValue( $rardnf, $line ); } #Improper use of SMTP command pipelining if ( ( $line =~ /Improper use of SMTP command pipelining/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $iuoscpC=$line; $iuoscp=newValue( $iuoscp, $line ); } #Message size exceeds fixed limit if ( ( $line =~ /Message size exceeds fixed limit/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $mseflC=$line; $msefl=newValue( $msefl, $line ); } #Server configuration error if ( ( $line =~ /Server configuration error/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $sceC=$line; $sce=newValue( $sce, $line ); } #Server configuration problem if ( ( $line =~ /Server configuration problem/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $scpC=$line; $scp=newValue( $scp, $line ); } #unknown reject reason if ( ( $line =~ /unknown reject reason/ ) && ( ! $handled ) ){ $line=~s/.*\: //g; $urrC=$line; $urr=newValue( $urr, $line ); } $int++; } # final client host rejected total $chr=newValue( $chr, $chrNew ); # final RBL total $bu=newValue( $bu, $buNew ); # final recipient address rejected total $raruu=newValue( $raruu, $raruuNew ); my $data=$received."\n". $delivered."\n". $forwarded."\n". $deferred."\n". $bounced."\n". $rejected."\n". $rejectw."\n". $held."\n". $discarded."\n". $bytesr."\n". $bytesd."\n". $senders."\n". $sendinghd."\n". $recipients."\n". $recipienthd."\n". $deferralcr."\n". $deferralhid."\n". $chr."\n". $hcrnfqh."\n". $sardnf."\n". $sarnobu."\n". $bu."\n". $raruu."\n". $hcrin."\n". $sarnfqa."\n". $rardnf."\n". $rarnfqa."\n". $iuscp."\n". $sce."\n". $scp."\n". $urr."\n"; $msefl."\n". print $data; my $current=$receivedC."\n". $deliveredC."\n". $forwardedC."\n". $deferredC."\n". $bouncedC."\n". $rejectedC."\n". $rejectwC."\n". $heldC."\n". $discardedC."\n". $bytesrC."\n". $bytesdC."\n". $sendersC."\n". $sendinghdC."\n". $recipientsC."\n". $recipienthdC."\n". $deferralcrC."\n". $deferralhidC."\n". $chrNew."\n". $hcrnfqhC."\n". $sardnfC."\n". $sarnobuC."\n". $buNew."\n". $raruuNew."\n". $hcrinC."\n". $sarnfqaC."\n". $rardnfC."\n". $rarnfqaC."\n". $iuscpC."\n". $mseflC."\n". $sceC."\n". $scpC."\n". $urrC."\n"; open(my $fh, ">", $cache) or die "Can't open '".$cache."'"; print $fh $current; close($fh);