#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################# # - put this file on the nfs server somewhere like /opt/ # # - edit your snmpd.conf and add line # # extend nfsstat /opt/nfsstats.sh # # - restart snmpd # # - make sure that you have all the binaries required below # ############################################################# CFG_NFSVER='3' BIN_NFSSTAT='/usr/sbin/nfsstat' BIN_TR='/usr/bin/tr' BIN_CUT='/usr/bin/cut' BIN_GREP='/usr/bin/grep' BIN_PASTE='/usr/bin/paste' BIN_RM='/usr/bin/rm' BIN_MV='/usr/bin/mv' LOG_OLD='/var/cache/librenms/nfsstats_old' LOG_NEW='/var/cache/librenms/nfsstats_new' $BIN_NFSSTAT -$CFG_NFSVER -n -l | $BIN_TR -s " " | $BIN_CUT -d ' ' -f 5 | $BIN_GREP -v '^$' > $LOG_NEW 2>&1 $BIN_PASTE $LOG_NEW $LOG_OLD | while read a b ; do echo $(($a - $b)) done $BIN_RM $LOG_OLD 2>&1 $BIN_MV $LOG_NEW $LOG_OLD 2>&1