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Dropping firewall checking as the new fail2ban uses pf and anchors on FreeBSD, which while esoteric as fuck works nicely and is reliable.
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202 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Author: Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <vvelox@vvelox.net>
# https://docs.librenms.org/#Extensions/Applications/#fail2ban
# See the above for additional information not documented in the POD below.
A basic SNMP extend for polling fail2ban for LibreNMS.
=head2 -c
Prints the cache file.
=head2 -C <file>
Uses the specified file as the cache file.
If not specified, /var/cache/fail2ban is used.
=head2 -f <fail2ban-client>
This is the path to the fail2ban-client if needed.
If not specified, "/usr/bin/env fail2ban-client" is used.
=head2 -u
Updates the cache.
=head2 -U
When used with -c, allows attempted cache updating if the file is older
than 360 seconds or does not exist.
*/3 * * * * /etc/snmp/fail2ban -u
*/3 * * * * /etc/snmp/fail2ban -u -C /foo/bar/cache
3 minutes is used as LibreNMS runs every 5 minutes, this helps ensure it
is most likely up to date in between runs.
extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban
The above will set it up for basic uncached usage.
This is likely fine for most configurations.
extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban -c
Will use the cache.
extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban -c -U
Will use the cache and update if needed.
extend fail2ban /etc/snmp/fail2ban -f /foo/bin/fail2ban-client
Run it with fail2ban being installed under /foo the the path to
fail2ban-cleint being /foo/bin/fail2ban-client.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
#fail2ban-client path
my $f2bc="/usr/bin/env fail2ban-client";
#the path to the cache
my $cache='/var/cache/fail2ban';
print "fail2ban-client SNMP extend 1.0.0\n";
sub main::HELP_MESSAGE {
print "\n".
"-c Print from the cache.\n".
"-C <file> Use this as the cache file.\n".
"-f <fail2ban-client> The fail2ban-client path if needed.".
"-u Update the cache, '".$cache."'\n".
"-U When used with -c, allow update of the cache file if it does not exist or is older than 360 seconds.".
"Unless -c or -u is given, it just talks to fail2ban-client and prints the results.\n";
#generats stats
sub stats{
#gets a list of jails
my $jailsOutput=`$f2bc status`;
my @jailsOutputA=split(/\n/, $jailsOutput);
my ( $jailsS )=grep( /Jail\ list/, @jailsOutputA );
my @jails=split(/\,/, $jailsS);
#process jail
my $int=0;
my $total=0;
my $toReturn='';
#get the total for this jail
my $jailStatusOutput=`$f2bc status $jails[$int]`;
my @jailStatusOutputA=split(/\n/, $jailStatusOutput);
my ( $jailTotal )=grep(/Currently\ banned\:/, @jailStatusOutputA);
#tally the total and add this jail to the list
$toReturn=$toReturn.$jails[$int].' '.$jailTotal."\n";
return $total."\n".$toReturn;
#updates $cache
sub cacheUpdate{
my $stats=stats;
open(my $writefh, ">", $cache) or die "Can't open '".$cache."'";
print $writefh $stats;
#prints $cache
sub cachePrint{
my $old='';
open(my $readfh, "<", $cache) or die "Can't open '".$cache."'";
# if this is over 2048, something is most likely wrong
read($readfh , $old , 10240);
print $old;
#gets the options
my %opts=();
getopts('uUcC:f:', \%opts);
#use custom cache file if needed
if ( defined( $opts{C} ) ){
#use custom fail2ban location if needed
if ( defined( $opts{f} ) ){
#use the cache
if ( defined( $opts{c} ) ){
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($cache);
if (( -f $cache ) && defined( $mtime ) && ( (time-$mtime) < 360 )){
#cache exists and time is fine
exit 0;
#cache does not exist or is old
if ( $opts{U} ){
#allowed to update it via -U
exit 0;
#-U not given
warn("'".$cache."' does not exist or is to old and -U was not given");
exit 1;
warn('we should never get here...');
exit 2;
#update the cache
if (defined( $opts{u} )){
exit 0;
#no cache opions given, just print it
print &stats;
exit 0;