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Executable File
1445 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env php
// MYSQL Check - FIXME
### This script requires php-cli and php-mysql packages
# ============================================================================
# This program is part of Percona Monitoring Plugins
# License: GPL License (see COPYING)
# Copyright 2008-2016 Baron Schwartz, 2012-2016 Percona
# Authors:
# Baron Schwartz, Roman Vynar
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# To make this code testable, we need to prevent code from running when it is
# included from the test script. The test script and this file have different
# filenames, so we can compare them. In some cases $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']
# seems not to be defined, so we skip the check -- this check should certainly
# pass in the test environment.
# ============================================================================
if (!array_key_exists('SCRIPT_FILENAME', $_SERVER)
|| basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ) {
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Define MySQL connection constants in config.php. Instead of defining
# parameters here, you can define them in another file named the same as this
# file, with a .cnf extension.
# ============================================================================
$mysql_user = '';
$mysql_pass = '';
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_port = 3306;
$mysql_ssl = FALSE; # Whether to use SSL to connect to MySQL.
$mysql_ssl_key = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/mysql/client-key.pem';
$mysql_ssl_cert = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/mysql/client-cert.pem';
$mysql_ssl_ca = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/mysql/ca-cert.pem';
$mysql_connection_timeout = 5;
$check_mk = FALSE; # FALSE for SNMP extend, TRUE for check_mk agent
$heartbeat = FALSE; # Whether to use pt-heartbeat table for repl. delay calculation.
$heartbeat_utc = FALSE; # Whether pt-heartbeat is run with --utc option.
$heartbeat_server_id = 0; # Server id to associate with a heartbeat. Leave 0 if no preference.
$heartbeat_table = 'percona.heartbeat'; # db.tbl.
$cache_dir = '/tmp'; # If set, this uses caching to avoid multiple calls.
$timezone = null; # If not set, uses the system default. Example: "UTC"
$cache_time = 30; # How long to cache data.
$chk_options = array (
'innodb' => true, # Do you want to check InnoDB statistics?
'master' => true, # Do you want to check binary logging?
'slave' => true, # Do you want to check slave status?
'procs' => true, # Do you want to check SHOW PROCESSLIST?
'get_qrt' => true, # Get query response times from Percona Server or MariaDB?
$use_ss = FALSE; # Whether to use the script server or not
$debug = FALSE; # Define whether you want debugging behavior.
$debug_log = FALSE; # If $debug_log is a filename, it'll be used.
# ============================================================================
# You should not need to change anything below this line.
# ============================================================================
$version = "1.1.7";
# ============================================================================
# Include settings from an external config file (issue 39).
# ============================================================================
if ($check_mk) {
if (file_exists(__FILE__ . '.cnf' ) ) {
require(__FILE__ . '.cnf');
debug('Found configuration file ' . __FILE__ . '.cnf');
} else {
echo("No ".__FILE__ . ".cnf found!\n");
# Make this a happy little script even when there are errors.
$no_http_headers = true;
ini_set('implicit_flush', false); # No output, ever.
if ($debug ) {
ini_set('display_errors', true);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', true);
ini_set('error_reporting', 2147483647);
else {
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ERROR);
ob_start(); # Catch all output such as notices of undefined array indexes.
function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
print("$errstr at $errfile line $errline\n");
debug("$errstr at $errfile line $errline");
# ============================================================================
# Set up the stuff we need to be called by the script server.
# ============================================================================
#if ($use_ss ) {
# if (file_exists( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/global.php") ) {
# # See issue 5 for the reasoning behind this.
# debug("including " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/global.php");
# include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/global.php");
# }
# elseif (file_exists( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/config.php" ) ) {
# # Some Cacti installations don't have global.php.
# debug("including " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/config.php");
# include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/config.php");
# }
# ============================================================================
# Set the default timezone either to the configured, system timezone, or the
# default set above in the script.
# ============================================================================
if ( function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")
&& function_exists("date_default_timezone_get") ) {
$tz = ($timezone ? $timezone : @date_default_timezone_get());
if ( $tz ) {
# ============================================================================
# Make sure we can also be called as a script.
# ============================================================================
if (!isset($called_by_script_server)) {
array_shift($_SERVER["argv"]); # Strip off this script's filename
$options = parse_cmdline($_SERVER["argv"]);
$result = ss_get_mysql_stats($options);
if (!$debug ) {
# Throw away the buffer, which ought to contain only errors.
else {
ob_end_flush(); # In debugging mode, print out the errors.
# Split the result up and extract only the desired parts of it.
$options['items'] = "";
$wanted = explode(',', $options['items']);
$output = array();
foreach ( explode(' ', $result) as $item ) {
if (in_array(substr($item, 0, 2), $wanted) ) {
$output[] = $item;
list($short, $val) = explode(":", $item);
debug(array("Final result", $output));
print(implode(' ', $output));
# ============================================================================
# End "if file was not included" section.
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Work around the lack of array_change_key_case in older PHP.
# ============================================================================
if (!function_exists('array_change_key_case') ) {
function array_change_key_case($arr) {
$res = array();
foreach ( $arr as $key => $val ) {
$res[strtolower($key)] = $val;
return $res;
# ============================================================================
# Validate that the command-line options are here and correct
# ============================================================================
function validate_options($options) {
$opts = array('items', 'user', 'pass', 'heartbeat', 'nocache', 'port', 'server-id');
# Required command-line options
foreach ( array() as $option ) {
if (!isset($options[$option]) || !$options[$option] ) {
usage("Required option --$option is missing");
foreach ( $options as $key => $val ) {
if (!in_array($key, $opts) ) {
usage("Unknown option --$key");
# ============================================================================
# Print out a brief usage summary
# ============================================================================
function usage($message) {
global $mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $mysql_port;
$usage = <<<EOF
Usage: php ss_get_mysql_stats.php --host <host> --items <item,...> [OPTION]
--host MySQL host
--items Comma-separated list of the items whose data you want
--user MySQL username
--pass MySQL password
--port MySQL port
--socket MySQL socket
--flags MySQL flags
--connection-timeout MySQL connection timeout
--server-id Server id to associate with a heartbeat if heartbeat usage is enabled
--nocache Do not cache results in a file
--help Show usage
# ============================================================================
# Parse command-line arguments, in the format --arg value --arg value, and
# return them as an array ( arg => value )
# ============================================================================
function parse_cmdline( $args ) {
$result = array();
$cur_arg = '';
foreach ($args as $val) {
if (strpos($val, '--') === 0 ) {
if (strpos($val, '--no') === 0 ) {
# It's an option without an argument, but it's a --nosomething so
# it's OK.
$result[substr($val, 2)] = 1;
$cur_arg = '';
elseif ($cur_arg ) { # Maybe the last --arg was an option with no arg
if ($cur_arg == '--user' || $cur_arg == '--pass' || $cur_arg == '--port' ) {
# Special case because Cacti will pass these without an arg
$cur_arg = '';
else {
die("No arg: $cur_arg\n");
else {
$cur_arg = $val;
else {
$result[substr($cur_arg, 2)] = $val;
$cur_arg = '';
if ($cur_arg && ($cur_arg != '--user' && $cur_arg != '--pass' && $cur_arg != '--port') ) {
die("No arg: $cur_arg\n");
return $result;
# ============================================================================
# This is the main function. Some parameters are filled in from defaults at the
# top of this file.
# ============================================================================
function ss_get_mysql_stats( $options ) {
# Process connection options and connect to MySQL.
global $debug, $mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $cache_dir, $poll_time, $chk_options,
$mysql_port, $mysql_socket, $mysql_flags,
$mysql_ssl, $mysql_ssl_key, $mysql_ssl_cert, $mysql_ssl_ca,
$heartbeat, $heartbeat_table, $heartbeat_server_id, $heartbeat_utc;
# Connect to MySQL.
$user = isset($options['user']) ? $options['user'] : $mysql_user;
$pass = isset($options['pass']) ? $options['pass'] : $mysql_pass;
$port = isset($options['port']) ? $options['port'] : $mysql_port;
$host = isset($options['host']) ? $options['host'] : $mysql_host;
$socket = isset($options['socket']) ? $options['socket'] : $mysql_socket;
$flags = isset($options['flags']) ? $options['flags'] : $mysql_flags;
$connection_timeout = isset($options['connection-timeout']) ? $options['connection-timeout'] : $mysql_connection_timeout;
$heartbeat_server_id = isset($options['server-id']) ? $options['server-id'] : $heartbeat_server_id;
# If there is a port, or if it's a non-standard port, we add ":$port" to the
# hostname.
$host_str = $host.($port != 3306 ? ":$port" : '');
$sanitized_host = str_replace(array(":", "/"), array("", "_"), $host);
$cache_file = "$cache_dir/agent-local-mysql";
debug("Cache file is $cache_file");
# First, check the cache.
$fp = null;
if ( $cache_dir && !array_key_exists('nocache', $options) ) {
if ( $fp = fopen($cache_file, 'a+') ) {
$locked = flock($fp, 1); # LOCK_SH
if ( $locked ) {
if ( filesize($cache_file) > 0
&& filectime($cache_file) + ($poll_time/2) > time()
&& ($arr = file($cache_file))
) {# The cache file is good to use.
debug("Using the cache file");
return $arr[0];
else {
debug("The cache file seems too small or stale");
# Escalate the lock to exclusive, so we can write to it.
if ( flock($fp, 2) ) { # LOCK_EX
# We might have blocked while waiting for that LOCK_EX, and
# another process ran and updated it. Let's see if we can just
# return the data now:
if ( filesize($cache_file) > 0
&& filectime($cache_file) + ($poll_time/2) > time()
&& ($arr = file($cache_file))
) {# The cache file is good to use.
debug("Using the cache file");
return $arr[0];
ftruncate($fp, 0); # Now it's ready for writing later.
else {
$fp = null;
debug("Couldn't lock the cache file, ignoring it");
else {
$fp = null;
debug("Couldn't open the cache file");
else {
debug("Caching is disabled.");
# Connect to MySQL.
debug(array('Connecting to', $host, $port, $user, $pass));
if ( !extension_loaded('mysqli') ) {
debug("PHP MySQLi extension is not loaded");
die("PHP MySQLi extension is not loaded");
$conn = mysqli_init();
$conn->options(MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, $connection_timeout);
if ( $mysql_ssl ) {
mysqli_ssl_set($conn, $mysql_ssl_key, $mysql_ssl_cert, $mysql_ssl_ca, NULL, NULL);
@mysqli_real_connect($conn, $host, $user, $pass, NULL, $port, $socket, $flags);
if ( mysqli_connect_errno() ) {
debug("MySQL connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
die("ERROR: " . mysqli_connect_error());
# MySQL server version.
# The form of this version number is main_version * 10000 + minor_version * 100 + sub_version
# i.e. version 5.5.44 is 50544.
$mysql_version = mysqli_get_server_version($conn);
debug("MySQL server version is " . $mysql_version);
# Set up variables.
$status = array( # Holds the result of SHOW STATUS, SHOW INNODB STATUS, etc
# Define some indexes so they don't cause errors with += operations.
'relay_log_space' => null,
'binary_log_space' => null,
'current_transactions' => 0,
'locked_transactions' => 0,
'active_transactions' => 0,
'innodb_locked_tables' => 0,
'innodb_tables_in_use' => 0,
'innodb_lock_structs' => 0,
'innodb_lock_wait_secs' => 0,
'innodb_sem_waits' => 0,
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms'=> 0,
# Values for the 'state' column from SHOW PROCESSLIST (converted to
# lowercase, with spaces replaced by underscores)
'State_closing_tables' => 0,
'State_copying_to_tmp_table' => 0,
'State_end' => 0,
'State_freeing_items' => 0,
'State_init' => 0,
'State_locked' => 0,
'State_login' => 0,
'State_preparing' => 0,
'State_reading_from_net' => 0,
'State_sending_data' => 0,
'State_sorting_result' => 0,
'State_statistics' => 0,
'State_updating' => 0,
'State_writing_to_net' => 0,
'State_none' => 0,
'State_other' => 0, # Everything not listed above
# Get SHOW STATUS and convert the name-value array into a simple
# associative array.
$result = run_query("SHOW /*!50002 GLOBAL */ STATUS", $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$status[$row[0]] = $row[1];
# Get SHOW VARIABLES and do the same thing, adding it to the $status array.
$result = run_query("SHOW VARIABLES", $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$status[$row[0]] = $row[1];
# Get SHOW SLAVE STATUS, and add it to the $status array.
if ( $chk_options['slave'] ) {
# Leverage lock-free SHOW SLAVE STATUS if available
$result = run_query("SHOW SLAVE STATUS NONBLOCKING", $conn);
if ( !$result ) {
$result = run_query("SHOW SLAVE STATUS NOLOCK", $conn);
if ( !$result ) {
$result = run_query("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", $conn);
$slave_status_rows_gotten = 0;
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
# Must lowercase keys because different MySQL versions have different
# lettercase.
$row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER);
$status['relay_log_space'] = $row['relay_log_space'];
$status['slave_lag'] = $row['seconds_behind_master'];
# Check replication heartbeat, if present.
if ( $heartbeat ) {
if ( $heartbeat_utc ) {
else {
$now_func = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()';
$result2 = run_query(
. " AS delay FROM $heartbeat_table"
. " WHERE $heartbeat_server_id = 0 OR server_id = $heartbeat_server_id", $conn);
$slave_delay_rows_gotten = 0;
foreach ( $result2 as $row2 ) {
if ( $row2 && is_array($row2)
&& array_key_exists('delay', $row2) )
$status['slave_lag'] = $row2['delay'];
else {
debug("Couldn't get slave lag from $heartbeat_table");
if ( $slave_delay_rows_gotten == 0 ) {
debug("Got nothing from heartbeat query");
# Scale slave_running and slave_stopped relative to the slave lag.
$status['slave_running'] = ($row['slave_sql_running'] == 'Yes')
? $status['slave_lag'] : 0;
$status['slave_stopped'] = ($row['slave_sql_running'] == 'Yes')
? 0 : $status['slave_lag'];
if ( $slave_status_rows_gotten == 0 ) {
debug("Got nothing from SHOW SLAVE STATUS");
# Get SHOW MASTER STATUS, and add it to the $status array.
if ($chk_options['master']
&& array_key_exists('log_bin', $status)
&& $status['log_bin'] == 'ON'
) { # See issue #8
$binlogs = array(0);
$result = run_query("SHOW MASTER LOGS", $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER);
# Older versions of MySQL may not have the File_size column in the
# results of the command. Zero-size files indicate the user is
# deleting binlogs manually from disk (bad user! bad!).
if (array_key_exists('file_size', $row) && $row['file_size'] > 0 ) {
$binlogs[] = $row['file_size'];
if (count($binlogs)) {
$status['binary_log_space'] = to_int(array_sum($binlogs));
# Get SHOW PROCESSLIST and aggregate it by state, then add it to the array
# too.
if ( $chk_options['procs'] ) {
$result = run_query('SHOW PROCESSLIST', $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$state = $row['State'];
if ( is_null($state) ) {
$state = 'NULL';
if ( $state == '' ) {
$state = 'none';
# MySQL 5.5 replaces the 'Locked' state with a variety of "Waiting for
# X lock" types of statuses. Wrap these all back into "Locked" because
# we don't really care about the type of locking it is.
$state = preg_replace('/^(Table lock|Waiting for .*lock)$/', 'Locked', $state);
$state = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($state));
if ( array_key_exists("State_$state", $status) ) {
increment($status, "State_$state", 1);
else {
increment($status, "State_other", 1);
# Get SHOW ENGINES to be able to determine whether InnoDB is present.
$engines = array();
$result = run_query("SHOW ENGINES", $conn);
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
$engines[$row[0]] = $row[1];
# Get SHOW INNODB STATUS and extract the desired metrics from it, then add
# those to the array too.
if ($chk_options['innodb']
&& array_key_exists('InnoDB', $engines)
&& ( $engines['InnoDB'] == 'YES'
|| $engines['InnoDB'] == 'DEFAULT' )
) {
$result = run_query("SHOW /*!50000 ENGINE*/ INNODB STATUS", $conn);
$istatus_text = $result[0]['Status'];
$istatus_vals = get_innodb_array($istatus_text, $mysql_version);
# Get response time histogram from Percona Server or MariaDB if enabled.
if ( $chk_options['get_qrt']
&& (( isset($status['have_response_time_distribution'])
&& $status['have_response_time_distribution'] == 'YES')
|| (isset($status['query_response_time_stats'])
&& $status['query_response_time_stats'] == 'ON')) )
debug('Getting query time histogram');
$i = 0;
$result = run_query(
"SELECT `count`, ROUND(total * 1000000) AS total "
. "WHERE `time` <> 'TOO LONG'",
foreach ( $result as $row ) {
if ( $i > 13 ) {
# It's possible that the number of rows returned isn't 14.
# Don't add extra status counters.
$count_key = sprintf("Query_time_count_%02d", $i);
$total_key = sprintf("Query_time_total_%02d", $i);
$status[$count_key] = $row['count'];
$status[$total_key] = $row['total'];
# It's also possible that the number of rows returned is too few.
# Don't leave any status counters unassigned; it will break graphs.
while ( $i <= 13 ) {
$count_key = sprintf("Query_time_count_%02d", $i);
$total_key = sprintf("Query_time_total_%02d", $i);
$status[$count_key] = 0;
$status[$total_key] = 0;
else {
debug('Not getting time histogram because it is not enabled');
# Override values from InnoDB parsing with values from SHOW STATUS,
# because InnoDB status might not have everything and the SHOW STATUS is
# to be preferred where possible.
$overrides = array(
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data' => 'database_pages',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty' => 'modified_pages',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free' => 'free_pages',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total' => 'pool_size',
'Innodb_data_fsyncs' => 'file_fsyncs',
'Innodb_data_pending_reads' => 'pending_normal_aio_reads',
'Innodb_data_pending_writes' => 'pending_normal_aio_writes',
'Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs' => 'pending_log_flushes',
'Innodb_pages_created' => 'pages_created',
'Innodb_pages_read' => 'pages_read',
'Innodb_pages_written' => 'pages_written',
'Innodb_rows_deleted' => 'rows_deleted',
'Innodb_rows_inserted' => 'rows_inserted',
'Innodb_rows_read' => 'rows_read',
'Innodb_rows_updated' => 'rows_updated',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads' => 'pool_reads',
'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests' => 'pool_read_requests',
# If the SHOW STATUS value exists, override...
foreach ( $overrides as $key => $val ) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $status) ) {
debug("Override $key");
$istatus_vals[$val] = $status[$key];
# Now copy the values into $status.
foreach ( $istatus_vals as $key => $val ) {
$status[$key] = $istatus_vals[$key];
# Make table_open_cache backwards-compatible (issue 63).
if (array_key_exists('table_open_cache', $status) ) {
$status['table_cache'] = $status['table_open_cache'];
# Compute how much of the key buffer is used and unflushed (issue 127).
= big_sub($status['key_buffer_size'],
= big_multiply($status['Key_blocks_not_flushed'],
if (array_key_exists('unflushed_log', $status)
&& $status['unflushed_log']
) {
# TODO: I'm not sure what the deal is here; need to debug this. But the
# unflushed log bytes spikes a lot sometimes and it's impossible for it to
# be more than the log buffer.
debug("Unflushed log: $status[unflushed_log]");
= max($status['unflushed_log'], $status['innodb_log_buffer_size']);
# Define the variables to output. I use shortened variable names so maybe
# it'll all fit in 1024 bytes for Cactid and Spine's benefit.
# This list must come right after the word MAGIC_VARS_DEFINITIONS. The Perl script
# parses it and uses it as a Perl variable.
$keys = array(
'Key_read_requests' => 'a0',
'Key_reads' => 'a1',
'Key_write_requests' => 'a2',
'Key_writes' => 'a3',
'history_list' => 'a4',
'innodb_transactions' => 'a5',
'read_views' => 'a6',
'current_transactions' => 'a7',
'locked_transactions' => 'a8',
'active_transactions' => 'a9',
'pool_size' => 'aa',
'free_pages' => 'ab',
'database_pages' => 'ac',
'modified_pages' => 'ad',
'pages_read' => 'ae',
'pages_created' => 'af',
'pages_written' => 'ag',
'file_fsyncs' => 'ah',
'file_reads' => 'ai',
'file_writes' => 'aj',
'log_writes' => 'ak',
'pending_aio_log_ios' => 'al',
'pending_aio_sync_ios' => 'am',
'pending_buf_pool_flushes' => 'an',
'pending_chkp_writes' => 'ao',
'pending_ibuf_aio_reads' => 'ap',
'pending_log_flushes' => 'aq',
'pending_log_writes' => 'ar',
'pending_normal_aio_reads' => 'as',
'pending_normal_aio_writes' => 'at',
'ibuf_inserts' => 'au',
'ibuf_merged' => 'av',
'ibuf_merges' => 'aw',
'spin_waits' => 'ax',
'spin_rounds' => 'ay',
'os_waits' => 'az',
'rows_inserted' => 'b0',
'rows_updated' => 'b1',
'rows_deleted' => 'b2',
'rows_read' => 'b3',
'Table_locks_waited' => 'b4',
'Table_locks_immediate' => 'b5',
'Slow_queries' => 'b6',
'Open_files' => 'b7',
'Open_tables' => 'b8',
'Opened_tables' => 'b9',
'innodb_open_files' => 'ba',
'open_files_limit' => 'bb',
'table_cache' => 'bc',
'Aborted_clients' => 'bd',
'Aborted_connects' => 'be',
'Max_used_connections' => 'bf',
'Slow_launch_threads' => 'bg',
'Threads_cached' => 'bh',
'Threads_connected' => 'bi',
'Threads_created' => 'bj',
'Threads_running' => 'bk',
'max_connections' => 'bl',
'thread_cache_size' => 'bm',
'Connections' => 'bn',
'slave_running' => 'bo',
'slave_stopped' => 'bp',
'Slave_retried_transactions' => 'bq',
'slave_lag' => 'br',
'Slave_open_temp_tables' => 'bs',
'Qcache_free_blocks' => 'bt',
'Qcache_free_memory' => 'bu',
'Qcache_hits' => 'bv',
'Qcache_inserts' => 'bw',
'Qcache_lowmem_prunes' => 'bx',
'Qcache_not_cached' => 'by',
'Qcache_queries_in_cache' => 'bz',
'Qcache_total_blocks' => 'c0',
'query_cache_size' => 'c1',
'Questions' => 'c2',
'Com_update' => 'c3',
'Com_insert' => 'c4',
'Com_select' => 'c5',
'Com_delete' => 'c6',
'Com_replace' => 'c7',
'Com_load' => 'c8',
'Com_update_multi' => 'c9',
'Com_insert_select' => 'ca',
'Com_delete_multi' => 'cb',
'Com_replace_select' => 'cc',
'Select_full_join' => 'cd',
'Select_full_range_join' => 'ce',
'Select_range' => 'cf',
'Select_range_check' => 'cg',
'Select_scan' => 'ch',
'Sort_merge_passes' => 'ci',
'Sort_range' => 'cj',
'Sort_rows' => 'ck',
'Sort_scan' => 'cl',
'Created_tmp_tables' => 'cm',
'Created_tmp_disk_tables' => 'cn',
'Created_tmp_files' => 'co',
'Bytes_sent' => 'cp',
'Bytes_received' => 'cq',
'innodb_log_buffer_size' => 'cr',
'unflushed_log' => 'cs',
'log_bytes_flushed' => 'ct',
'log_bytes_written' => 'cu',
'relay_log_space' => 'cv',
'binlog_cache_size' => 'cw',
'Binlog_cache_disk_use' => 'cx',
'Binlog_cache_use' => 'cy',
'binary_log_space' => 'cz',
'innodb_locked_tables' => 'd0',
'innodb_lock_structs' => 'd1',
'State_closing_tables' => 'd2',
'State_copying_to_tmp_table' => 'd3',
'State_end' => 'd4',
'State_freeing_items' => 'd5',
'State_init' => 'd6',
'State_locked' => 'd7',
'State_login' => 'd8',
'State_preparing' => 'd9',
'State_reading_from_net' => 'da',
'State_sending_data' => 'db',
'State_sorting_result' => 'dc',
'State_statistics' => 'dd',
'State_updating' => 'de',
'State_writing_to_net' => 'df',
'State_none' => 'dg',
'State_other' => 'dh',
'Handler_commit' => 'di',
'Handler_delete' => 'dj',
'Handler_discover' => 'dk',
'Handler_prepare' => 'dl',
'Handler_read_first' => 'dm',
'Handler_read_key' => 'dn',
'Handler_read_next' => 'do',
'Handler_read_prev' => 'dp',
'Handler_read_rnd' => 'dq',
'Handler_read_rnd_next' => 'dr',
'Handler_rollback' => 'ds',
'Handler_savepoint' => 'dt',
'Handler_savepoint_rollback' => 'du',
'Handler_update' => 'dv',
'Handler_write' => 'dw',
# Some InnoDB stats added later...
'innodb_tables_in_use' => 'dx',
'innodb_lock_wait_secs' => 'dy',
'hash_index_cells_total' => 'dz',
'hash_index_cells_used' => 'e0',
'total_mem_alloc' => 'e1',
'additional_pool_alloc' => 'e2',
'uncheckpointed_bytes' => 'e3',
'ibuf_used_cells' => 'e4',
'ibuf_free_cells' => 'e5',
'ibuf_cell_count' => 'e6',
'adaptive_hash_memory' => 'e7',
'page_hash_memory' => 'e8',
'dictionary_cache_memory' => 'e9',
'file_system_memory' => 'ea',
'lock_system_memory' => 'eb',
'recovery_system_memory' => 'ec',
'thread_hash_memory' => 'ed',
'innodb_sem_waits' => 'ee',
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms' => 'ef',
'Key_buf_bytes_unflushed' => 'eg',
'Key_buf_bytes_used' => 'eh',
'key_buffer_size' => 'ei',
'Innodb_row_lock_time' => 'ej',
'Innodb_row_lock_waits' => 'ek',
# Values not parsed by LibreNMS
'Query_time_count_00' => 'ol',
'Query_time_count_01' => 'om',
'Query_time_count_02' => 'on',
'Query_time_count_03' => 'oo',
'Query_time_count_04' => 'op',
'Query_time_count_05' => 'oq',
'Query_time_count_06' => 'or',
'Query_time_count_07' => 'os',
'Query_time_count_08' => 'ot',
'Query_time_count_09' => 'ou',
'Query_time_count_10' => 'ov',
'Query_time_count_11' => 'ow',
'Query_time_count_12' => 'ox',
'Query_time_count_13' => 'oy',
'Query_time_total_00' => 'oz',
'Query_time_total_01' => 'pg',
'Query_time_total_02' => 'ph',
'Query_time_total_03' => 'pi',
'Query_time_total_04' => 'pj',
'Query_time_total_05' => 'pk',
'Query_time_total_06' => 'pl',
'Query_time_total_07' => 'pm',
'Query_time_total_08' => 'pn',
'Query_time_total_09' => 'po',
'Query_time_total_10' => 'pp',
'Query_time_total_11' => 'pq',
'Query_time_total_12' => 'pr',
'Query_time_total_13' => 'ps',
'wsrep_replicated_bytes' => 'pt',
'wsrep_received_bytes' => 'pu',
'wsrep_replicated' => 'pv',
'wsrep_received' => 'pw',
'wsrep_local_cert_failures' => 'px',
'wsrep_local_bf_aborts' => 'py',
'wsrep_local_send_queue' => 'pz',
'wsrep_local_recv_queue' => 'qg',
'wsrep_cluster_size' => 'qh',
'wsrep_cert_deps_distance' => 'qi',
'wsrep_apply_window' => 'qj',
'wsrep_commit_window' => 'qk',
'wsrep_flow_control_paused' => 'ql',
'wsrep_flow_control_sent' => 'qm',
'wsrep_flow_control_recv' => 'qn',
'pool_reads' => 'qo',
'pool_read_requests' => 'qp',
# Return the output.
$output = array();
foreach ($keys as $key => $short ) {
# If the value isn't defined, return -1 which is lower than (most graphs')
# minimum value of 0, so it'll be regarded as a missing value.
$val = isset($status[$key]) ? $status[$key] : -1;
$output[] = "$short:$val";
$result = implode(' ', $output);
if ($fp ) {
if (fwrite($fp, $result) === FALSE ) {
die("Can't write '$cache_file'");
return $result;
# ============================================================================
# Given INNODB STATUS text, returns a key-value array of the parsed text. Each
# line shows a sample of the input for both standard InnoDB as you would find in
# MySQL 5.0, and XtraDB or enhanced InnoDB from Percona if applicable. Note
# that extra leading spaces are ignored due to trim().
# ============================================================================
function get_innodb_array($text, $mysql_version) {
$results = array(
'spin_waits' => array(),
'spin_rounds' => array(),
'os_waits' => array(),
'pending_normal_aio_reads' => null,
'pending_normal_aio_writes' => null,
'pending_ibuf_aio_reads' => null,
'pending_aio_log_ios' => null,
'pending_aio_sync_ios' => null,
'pending_log_flushes' => null,
'pending_buf_pool_flushes' => null,
'file_reads' => null,
'file_writes' => null,
'file_fsyncs' => null,
'ibuf_inserts' => null,
'ibuf_merged' => null,
'ibuf_merges' => null,
'log_bytes_written' => null,
'unflushed_log' => null,
'log_bytes_flushed' => null,
'pending_log_writes' => null,
'pending_chkp_writes' => null,
'log_writes' => null,
'pool_size' => null,
'free_pages' => null,
'database_pages' => null,
'modified_pages' => null,
'pages_read' => null,
'pages_created' => null,
'pages_written' => null,
'queries_inside' => null,
'queries_queued' => null,
'read_views' => null,
'rows_inserted' => null,
'rows_updated' => null,
'rows_deleted' => null,
'rows_read' => null,
'innodb_transactions' => null,
'unpurged_txns' => null,
'history_list' => null,
'current_transactions' => null,
'hash_index_cells_total' => null,
'hash_index_cells_used' => null,
'total_mem_alloc' => null,
'additional_pool_alloc' => null,
'last_checkpoint' => null,
'uncheckpointed_bytes' => null,
'ibuf_used_cells' => null,
'ibuf_free_cells' => null,
'ibuf_cell_count' => null,
'adaptive_hash_memory' => null,
'page_hash_memory' => null,
'dictionary_cache_memory' => null,
'file_system_memory' => null,
'lock_system_memory' => null,
'recovery_system_memory' => null,
'thread_hash_memory' => null,
'innodb_sem_waits' => null,
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms' => null,
$txn_seen = FALSE;
foreach ( explode("\n", $text) as $line ) {
$line = trim($line);
$row = preg_split('/ +/', $line);
if (strpos($line, 'Mutex spin waits') === 0 ) {
# Mutex spin waits 79626940, rounds 157459864, OS waits 698719
# Mutex spin waits 0, rounds 247280272495, OS waits 316513438
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[3]);
$results['spin_rounds'][] = to_int($row[5]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[8]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'RW-shared spins') === 0
&& strpos($line, ';') > 0 ) {
# RW-shared spins 3859028, OS waits 2100750; RW-excl spins 4641946, OS waits 1530310
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[8]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[5]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[11]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'RW-shared spins') === 0 && strpos($line, '; RW-excl spins') === FALSE) {
# Post 5.5.17 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS syntax
# RW-shared spins 604733, rounds 8107431, OS waits 241268
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[7]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'RW-excl spins') === 0) {
# Post 5.5.17 SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS syntax
# RW-excl spins 604733, rounds 8107431, OS waits 241268
$results['spin_waits'][] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['os_waits'][] = to_int($row[7]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'seconds the semaphore:') > 0) {
# --Thread 907205 has waited at handler/ha_innodb.cc line 7156 for 1.00 seconds the semaphore:
increment($results, 'innodb_sem_waits', 1);
'innodb_sem_wait_time_ms', to_int($row[9]) * 1000);
elseif ( strpos($line, 'Trx id counter') === 0 ) {
# The beginning of the TRANSACTIONS section: start counting
# transactions
if ( $mysql_version < 50600 ) {
# For versions prior 5.6: two decimals or one hex
# Trx id counter 0 1170664159
# Trx id counter 861B144C
$results['innodb_transactions'] = isset($row[4]) ? make_bigint(
$row[3], $row[4]) : base_convert($row[3], 16, 10);
else {
# For versions 5.6+ and MariaDB 10.x: one decimal
# Trx id counter 2903813
$results['innodb_transactions'] = $row[3];
$txn_seen = TRUE;
elseif ( strpos($line, 'Purge done for trx') === 0 ) {
if ( $mysql_version < 50600 ) {
# For versions prior 5.6: two decimals or one hex
# Purge done for trx's n:o < 0 1170663853 undo n:o < 0 0
# Purge done for trx's n:o < 861B135D undo n:o < 0
$purged_to = $row[7] == 'undo' ? base_convert($row[6], 16, 10) : make_bigint($row[6], $row[7]);
else {
# For versions 5.6+ and MariaDB 10.x: one decimal
# Purge done for trx's n:o < 2903354 undo n:o < 0 state: running but idle
$purged_to = $row[6];
= big_sub($results['innodb_transactions'], $purged_to);
elseif (strpos($line, 'History list length') === 0 ) {
# History list length 132
$results['history_list'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif ( $txn_seen && strpos($line, '---TRANSACTION') === 0 ) {
# ---TRANSACTION 0, not started, process no 13510, OS thread id 1170446656
increment($results, 'current_transactions', 1);
if ( strpos($line, 'ACTIVE') > 0 ) {
increment($results, 'active_transactions', 1);
elseif ( $txn_seen && strpos($line, '------- TRX HAS BEEN') === 0 ) {
increment($results, 'innodb_lock_wait_secs', to_int($row[5]));
elseif ( strpos($line, 'read views open inside InnoDB') > 0 ) {
# 1 read views open inside InnoDB
$results['read_views'] = to_int($row[0]);
elseif ( strpos($line, 'mysql tables in use') === 0 ) {
# mysql tables in use 2, locked 2
increment($results, 'innodb_tables_in_use', to_int($row[4]));
increment($results, 'innodb_locked_tables', to_int($row[6]));
elseif ( $txn_seen && strpos($line, 'lock struct(s)') > 0 ) {
# 23 lock struct(s), heap size 3024, undo log entries 27
# LOCK WAIT 12 lock struct(s), heap size 3024, undo log entries 5
# LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 368
if ( strpos($line, 'LOCK WAIT') === 0 ) {
increment($results, 'innodb_lock_structs', to_int($row[2]));
increment($results, 'locked_transactions', 1);
else {
increment($results, 'innodb_lock_structs', to_int($row[0]));
elseif (strpos($line, ' OS file reads, ') > 0 ) {
# 8782182 OS file reads, 15635445 OS file writes, 947800 OS fsyncs
$results['file_reads'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['file_writes'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['file_fsyncs'] = to_int($row[8]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Pending normal aio reads:') === 0 ) {
# Pending normal aio reads: 0, aio writes: 0,
$results['pending_normal_aio_reads'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['pending_normal_aio_writes'] = to_int($row[7]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'ibuf aio reads') === 0 ) {
# ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0
$results['pending_ibuf_aio_reads'] = to_int($row[3]);
$results['pending_aio_log_ios'] = to_int($row[6]);
$results['pending_aio_sync_ios'] = to_int($row[9]);
elseif ( strpos($line, 'Pending flushes (fsync)') === 0 ) {
# Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0
$results['pending_log_flushes'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['pending_buf_pool_flushes'] = to_int($row[7]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Ibuf for space 0: size ') === 0 ) {
# Older InnoDB code seemed to be ready for an ibuf per tablespace. It
# had two lines in the output. Newer has just one line, see below.
# Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 887, seg size 889, is not empty
# Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 887, seg size 889,
$results['ibuf_used_cells'] = to_int($row[5]);
$results['ibuf_free_cells'] = to_int($row[9]);
$results['ibuf_cell_count'] = to_int($row[12]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Ibuf: size ') === 0 ) {
# Ibuf: size 1, free list len 4634, seg size 4636,
$results['ibuf_used_cells'] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['ibuf_free_cells'] = to_int($row[6]);
$results['ibuf_cell_count'] = to_int($row[9]);
if (strpos($line, 'merges')) {
$results['ibuf_merges'] = to_int($row[10]);
elseif (strpos($line, ', delete mark ') > 0 && strpos($prev_line, 'merged operations:') === 0 ) {
# Output of show engine innodb status has changed in 5.5
# merged operations:
# insert 593983, delete mark 387006, delete 73092
$results['ibuf_inserts'] = to_int($row[1]);
$results['ibuf_merged'] = to_int($row[1]) + to_int($row[4]) + to_int($row[6]);
elseif (strpos($line, ' merged recs, ') > 0 ) {
# 19817685 inserts, 19817684 merged recs, 3552620 merges
$results['ibuf_inserts'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['ibuf_merged'] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['ibuf_merges'] = to_int($row[5]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Hash table size ') === 0 ) {
# In some versions of InnoDB, the used cells is omitted.
# Hash table size 4425293, used cells 4229064, ....
# Hash table size 57374437, node heap has 72964 buffer(s) <-- no used cells
$results['hash_index_cells_total'] = to_int($row[3]);
= strpos($line, 'used cells') > 0 ? to_int($row[6]) : '0';
elseif (strpos($line, " log i/o's done, ") > 0 ) {
# 3430041 log i/o's done, 17.44 log i/o's/second
# 520835887 log i/o's done, 17.28 log i/o's/second, 518724686 syncs, 2980893 checkpoints
# TODO: graph syncs and checkpoints
$results['log_writes'] = to_int($row[0]);
elseif (strpos($line, " pending log writes, ") > 0 ) {
# 0 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes
$results['pending_log_writes'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['pending_chkp_writes'] = to_int($row[4]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Log sequence number") === 0 ) {
# This number is NOT printed in hex in InnoDB plugin.
# Log sequence number 13093949495856 //plugin
# Log sequence number 125 3934414864 //normal
= isset($row[4])
? make_bigint($row[3], $row[4])
: to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Log flushed up to") === 0 ) {
# This number is NOT printed in hex in InnoDB plugin.
# Log flushed up to 13093948219327
# Log flushed up to 125 3934414864
= isset($row[5])
? make_bigint($row[4], $row[5])
: to_int($row[4]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Last checkpoint at") === 0 ) {
# Last checkpoint at 125 3934293461
= isset($row[4])
? make_bigint($row[3], $row[4])
: to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Total memory allocated") === 0 && strpos($line, "in additional pool allocated") > 0 ) {
# Total memory allocated 29642194944; in additional pool allocated 0
# Total memory allocated by read views 96
$results['total_mem_alloc'] = to_int($row[3]);
$results['additional_pool_alloc'] = to_int($row[8]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'Adaptive hash index ') === 0 ) {
# Adaptive hash index 1538240664 (186998824 + 1351241840)
$results['adaptive_hash_memory'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'Page hash ') === 0 ) {
# Page hash 11688584
$results['page_hash_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'Dictionary cache ') === 0 ) {
# Dictionary cache 145525560 (140250984 + 5274576)
$results['dictionary_cache_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'File system ') === 0 ) {
# File system 313848 (82672 + 231176)
$results['file_system_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'Lock system ') === 0 ) {
# Lock system 29232616 (29219368 + 13248)
$results['lock_system_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'Recovery system ') === 0 ) {
# Recovery system 0 (0 + 0)
$results['recovery_system_memory'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'Threads ') === 0 ) {
# Threads 409336 (406936 + 2400)
$results['thread_hash_memory'] = to_int($row[1]);
elseif(strpos($line, 'innodb_io_pattern ') === 0 ) {
# innodb_io_pattern 0 (0 + 0)
$results['innodb_io_pattern_memory'] = to_int($row[1]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Buffer pool size ") === 0 ) {
# The " " after size is necessary to avoid matching the wrong line:
# Buffer pool size 1769471
# Buffer pool size, bytes 28991012864
$results['pool_size'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Free buffers") === 0 ) {
# Free buffers 0
$results['free_pages'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Database pages") === 0 ) {
# Database pages 1696503
$results['database_pages'] = to_int($row[2]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Modified db pages") === 0 ) {
# Modified db pages 160602
$results['modified_pages'] = to_int($row[3]);
elseif (strpos($line, "Pages read ahead") === 0 ) {
# Must do this BEFORE the next test, otherwise it'll get fooled by this
# line from the new plugin (see samples/innodb-015.txt):
# Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.06/s
# TODO: No-op for now, see issue 134.
elseif (strpos($line, "Pages read") === 0 ) {
# Pages read 15240822, created 1770238, written 21705836
$results['pages_read'] = to_int($row[2]);
$results['pages_created'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['pages_written'] = to_int($row[6]);
elseif (strpos($line, 'Number of rows inserted') === 0 ) {
# Number of rows inserted 50678311, updated 66425915, deleted 20605903, read 454561562
$results['rows_inserted'] = to_int($row[4]);
$results['rows_updated'] = to_int($row[6]);
$results['rows_deleted'] = to_int($row[8]);
$results['rows_read'] = to_int($row[10]);
elseif (strpos($line, " queries inside InnoDB, ") > 0 ) {
# 0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
$results['queries_inside'] = to_int($row[0]);
$results['queries_queued'] = to_int($row[4]);
$prev_line = $line;
foreach ( array('spin_waits', 'spin_rounds', 'os_waits') as $key ) {
$results[$key] = to_int(array_sum($results[$key]));
= big_sub($results['log_bytes_written'], $results['log_bytes_flushed']);
= big_sub($results['log_bytes_written'], $results['last_checkpoint']);
return $results;
# ============================================================================
# Returns a bigint from two ulint or a single hex number. This is tested in
# t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to ss_get_by_ssh.php.
# ============================================================================
function make_bigint ($hi, $lo = null) {
debug(array($hi, $lo));
if (is_null($lo) ) {
# Assume it is a hex string representation.
return base_convert($hi, 16, 10);
else {
$hi = $hi ? $hi : '0'; # Handle empty-string or whatnot
$lo = $lo ? $lo : '0';
return big_add(big_multiply($hi, 4294967296), $lo);
# ============================================================================
# Extracts the numbers from a string. You can't reliably do this by casting to
# an int, because numbers that are bigger than PHP's int (varies by platform)
# will be truncated. And you can't use sprintf(%u) either, because the maximum
# value that will return on some platforms is 4022289582. So this just handles
# them as a string instead. It extracts digits until it finds a non-digit and
# quits. This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php.
# ============================================================================
function to_int ( $str ) {
global $debug;
preg_match('{(\d+)}', $str, $m);
if (isset($m[1]) ) {
return $m[1];
elseif ($debug ) {
else {
return 0;
# ============================================================================
# Wrap mysql_query in error-handling, and instead of returning the result,
# return an array of arrays in the result.
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
function run_query($sql, $conn) {
global $debug;
$result = @mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
if ( $debug && strpos($sql, 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS ') === false ) {
$error = @mysqli_error($conn);
if ( $error ) {
debug(array($sql, $error));
die("SQLERR $error in $sql");
$array = array();
$count = @mysqli_num_rows($result);
if ( $count > 10000 ) {
debug('Abnormal number of rows returned: ' . $count);
else {
while ( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($result) ) {
$array[] = $row;
debug(array($sql, $array));
return $array;
# Safely increments a value that might be null.
# ============================================================================
function increment(&$arr, $key, $howmuch) {
debug(array($key, $howmuch));
if (array_key_exists($key, $arr) && isset($arr[$key]) ) {
$arr[$key] = big_add($arr[$key], $howmuch);
else {
$arr[$key] = $howmuch;
# ============================================================================
# Multiply two big integers together as accurately as possible with reasonable
# effort. This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php. $force is for testability.
# ============================================================================
function big_multiply ($left, $right, $force = null) {
if (function_exists("gmp_mul") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'gmp') ) {
debug(array('gmp_mul', $left, $right));
return gmp_strval( gmp_mul( $left, $right ));
elseif (function_exists("bcmul") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'bc') ) {
debug(array('bcmul', $left, $right));
return bcmul( $left, $right );
else { # Or $force == 'something else'
debug(array('sprintf', $left, $right));
return sprintf("%.0f", $left * $right);
# ============================================================================
# Subtract two big integers as accurately as possible with reasonable effort.
# This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php. $force is for testability.
# ============================================================================
function big_sub ($left, $right, $force = null) {
debug(array($left, $right));
if (is_null($left) ) { $left = 0; }
if (is_null($right) ) { $right = 0; }
if (function_exists("gmp_sub") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'gmp')) {
debug(array('gmp_sub', $left, $right));
return gmp_strval( gmp_sub( $left, $right ));
elseif (function_exists("bcsub") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'bc')) {
debug(array('bcsub', $left, $right));
return bcsub( $left, $right );
else { # Or $force == 'something else'
debug(array('to_int', $left, $right));
return to_int($left - $right);
# ============================================================================
# Add two big integers together as accurately as possible with reasonable
# effort. This is tested in t/mysql_stats.php and copied, without tests, to
# ss_get_by_ssh.php. $force is for testability.
# ============================================================================
function big_add ($left, $right, $force = null) {
if (is_null($left) ) { $left = 0; }
if (is_null($right) ) { $right = 0; }
if (function_exists("gmp_add") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'gmp')) {
debug(array('gmp_add', $left, $right));
return gmp_strval( gmp_add( $left, $right ));
elseif (function_exists("bcadd") && (is_null($force) || $force == 'bc')) {
debug(array('bcadd', $left, $right));
return bcadd( $left, $right );
else { # Or $force == 'something else'
debug(array('to_int', $left, $right));
return to_int($left + $right);
# ============================================================================
# Writes to a debugging log.
# ============================================================================
function debug($val) {
global $debug_log;
if (!$debug_log ) {
if ($fp = fopen($debug_log, 'a+') ) {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$calls = array();
$i = 0;
$line = 0;
$file = '';
foreach ( debug_backtrace() as $arr ) {
if ($i++ ) {
$calls[] = "$arr[function]() at $file:$line";
$line = array_key_exists('line', $arr) ? $arr['line'] : '?';
$file = array_key_exists('file', $arr) ? $arr['file'] : '?';
if (!count($calls) ) {
$calls[] = "at $file:$line";
fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ' ' . implode(' <- ', $calls));
fwrite($fp, "\n" . var_export($val, TRUE) . "\n");
else { # Disable logging
print("Warning: disabling debug logging to $debug_log\n");
$debug_log = FALSE;