2008-11-09 23:07:48 +00:00
< ? php
include ( " ../config.php " );
include ( " ../includes/functions.php " );
$link = mysql_connect ( $config [ 'db_host' ], $config [ 'db_user' ], $config [ 'db_pass' ]);
$db = mysql_select_db ( $config [ 'db_name' ], $link );
$query = " SELECT * FROM ipaddr AS A, interfaces as I, devices as D WHERE A.interface_id = I.interface_id AND I.device_id = D.device_id AND D.os = 'ios' " ;
$data = mysql_query ( $query , $link );
while ( $ip = mysql_fetch_array ( $data )) {
unset ( $sub );
$hostname = $ip [ 'hostname' ];
$real_hostname = $hostname ;
$hostname = str_replace ( " .jtibs.net " , " " , $hostname );
$hostname = str_replace ( " .wtibs.net " , " " , $hostname );
$hostname = str_replace ( " .jerseytelecom.net " , " " , $hostname );
2008-11-20 14:58:11 +00:00
list ( $cc , $loc , $host ) = explode ( " . " , $hostname );
2008-11-09 23:07:48 +00:00
if ( $host ) {
2008-11-20 14:58:11 +00:00
$hostname = " $host . $loc . $cc .v4.jerseytelecom.net " ;
2008-11-09 23:07:48 +00:00
} else {
2008-11-20 14:58:11 +00:00
$host = $cc ; unset ( $cc );
2008-11-09 23:07:48 +00:00
$hostname = " $host .v4.jerseytelecom.net " ;
$interface = $ip [ 'ifDescr' ];
$address = $ip [ 'addr' ];
$cidr = $ip [ 'cidr' ];
$interface = strtolower ( makeshortif ( fixifname ( $interface )));
$interface = str_replace ( " / " , " - " , $interface );
$interface = str_replace ( " : " , " _ " , $interface );
list ( $interface , $sub ) = explode ( " . " , $interface );
if ( $sub ) {
$sub = str_replace ( " " , " " , $sub );
$sub = str_replace ( " aal5 " , " " , $sub );
$interface = " $sub . $interface " ;
$hostip = trim ( gethostbyname ( $real_hostname ));
list ( $first , $second , $third , $fourth ) = explode ( " . " , $address );
$revzone = " $third . $second . $first .in-addr.arpa " ;
$reverse = " $fourth . $revzone " ;
$dnsname = " $interface . $hostname " ;
2008-11-20 14:58:11 +00:00
$dns_list [] = str_pad ( $revzone , 24 ) . " | " . str_pad ( $reverse , 30 ) . " IN ADDR " . str_pad ( $dnsname , 30 );
2008-11-09 23:07:48 +00:00
2008-11-20 14:58:11 +00:00
sort ( $dns_list );
foreach ( $dns_list as $entry ) {
list ( $zone , $entry ) = explode ( " | " , $entry );
$zone = trim ( $zone );
if ( $zone != $oldzone ) { echo ( " \n $ $zone\n ------------------------------ \n " ); }
echo ( " $entry \n " );
$oldzone = $zone ;
2008-11-09 23:07:48 +00:00