2008-03-23 21:32:54 +00:00
< ? php
2012-05-25 12:24:34 +00:00
// FIXME : use db functions properly
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
// $device_id_host = @dbFetchCell("SELECT device_id FROM devices WHERE `hostname` = '".mres($entry['host'])."' OR `sysName` = '".mres($entry['host'])."'");
// $device_id_ip = @dbFetchCell("SELECT device_id FROM ipv4_addresses AS A, ports AS I WHERE A.ipv4_address = '" . $entry['host']."' AND I.port_id = A.port_id");
2011-09-02 06:56:21 +00:00
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
function get_cache ( $host , $value ) {
global $dev_cache ;
if ( ! isset ( $dev_cache [ $host ][ $value ])) {
switch ( $value ) {
case 'device_id' :
// Try by hostname
$dev_cache [ $host ][ 'device_id' ] = dbFetchCell ( 'SELECT `device_id` FROM devices WHERE `hostname` = ? OR `sysName` = ?' , array ( $host , $host ));
// If failed, try by IP
if ( ! is_numeric ( $dev_cache [ $host ][ 'device_id' ])) {
$dev_cache [ $host ][ 'device_id' ] = dbFetchCell ( 'SELECT `device_id` FROM `ipv4_addresses` AS A, `ports` AS I WHERE A.ipv4_address = ? AND I.port_id = A.port_id' , array ( $host ));
break ;
case 'os' :
$dev_cache [ $host ][ 'os' ] = dbFetchCell ( 'SELECT `os` FROM devices WHERE `device_id` = ?' , array ( get_cache ( $host , 'device_id' )));
break ;
case 'version' :
$dev_cache [ $host ][ 'version' ] = dbFetchCell ( 'SELECT `version` FROM devices WHERE `device_id`= ?' , array ( get_cache ( $host , 'device_id' )));
break ;
default :
return null ;
} //end switch
} //end if
return $dev_cache [ $host ][ $value ];
} //end get_cache()
function process_syslog ( $entry , $update ) {
global $config , $dev_cache ;
foreach ( $config [ 'syslog_filter' ] as $bi ) {
if ( strpos ( $entry [ 'msg' ], $bi ) !== false ) {
return $entry ;
2011-09-20 09:55:11 +00:00
2011-05-26 21:27:40 +00:00
2011-09-02 06:56:21 +00:00
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
$entry [ 'device_id' ] = get_cache ( $entry [ 'host' ], 'device_id' );
if ( $entry [ 'device_id' ]) {
$os = get_cache ( $entry [ 'host' ], 'os' );
if ( in_array ( $os , array ( 'ios' , 'iosxe' , 'catos' ))) {
$matches = array ();
// if (preg_match('#%(?P<program>.*):( ?)(?P<msg>.*)#', $entry['msg'], $matches)) {
// $entry['msg'] = $matches['msg'];
// $entry['program'] = $matches['program'];
// }
// unset($matches);
if ( strstr ( $entry [ msg ], '%' )) {
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^%(.+?):\ /' , '\\1||' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
list (, $entry [ msg ]) = split ( ': %' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
$entry [ 'msg' ] = '%' . $entry [ 'msg' ];
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^%(.+?):\ /' , '\\1||' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
else {
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^.*[0-9]:/' , '' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^[0-9][0-9]\ [A-Z]{3}:/' , '' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^(.+?):\ /' , '\\1||' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^.+\.[0-9]{3}:/' , '' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^.+-Traceback=/' , 'Traceback||' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
list ( $entry [ 'program' ], $entry [ 'msg' ]) = explode ( '||' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^[0-9]+:/' , '' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
if ( ! $entry [ 'program' ]) {
$entry [ 'msg' ] = preg_replace ( '/^([0-9A-Z\-]+?):\ /' , '\\1||' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
list ( $entry [ 'program' ], $entry [ 'msg' ]) = explode ( '||' , $entry [ 'msg' ]);
if ( ! $entry [ 'msg' ]) {
$entry [ 'msg' ] = $entry [ 'program' ];
unset ( $entry [ 'program' ]);
else if ( $os == 'linux' and get_cache ( $entry [ 'host' ], 'version' ) == 'Point' ) {
// Cisco WAP200 and similar
$matches = array ();
if ( preg_match ( '#Log: \[(?P<program>.*)\] - (?P<msg>.*)#' , $entry [ 'msg' ], $matches )) {
$entry [ 'msg' ] = $matches [ 'msg' ];
$entry [ 'program' ] = $matches [ 'program' ];
unset ( $matches );
else if ( $os == 'linux' ) {
$matches = array ();
// User_CommonName/ VERIFY OK: depth=1, /C=PL/ST=Malopolska/O=VLO/CN=v-lo.krakow.pl/emailAddress=root@v-lo.krakow.pl
if ( $entry [ 'facility' ] == 'daemon' and preg_match ( '#/([0-9]{1,3}\.) {3}[0-9]{1,3}:[0-9]{4,} ([A-Z]([A-Za-z])+( ?)) {2,}:#' , $entry [ 'msg' ])) {
$entry [ 'program' ] = 'OpenVPN' ;
} //end if
// POP3(username): Disconnected: Logged out top=0/0, retr=0/0, del=0/1, size=2802
else if ( $entry [ 'facility' ] == 'mail' and preg_match ( '#^(((pop3|imap)\-login)|((POP3|IMAP)\(.*\))):' , $entry [ 'msg' ])) {
$entry [ 'program' ] = 'Dovecot' ;
} // pam_krb5(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname=root uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
// pam_krb5[sshd:auth]: authentication failure; logname=root uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
else if ( preg_match ( '#^(?P<program>(.*((\(|\[).*(\)|\])))):(?P<msg>.*)$#' , $entry [ 'msg' ], $matches )) {
$entry [ 'msg' ] = $matches [ 'msg' ];
$entry [ 'program' ] = $matches [ 'program' ];
} // SYSLOG CONNECTION BROKEN; FD='6', SERVER='AF_INET(', time_reopen='60'
// pam_krb5: authentication failure; logname=root uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
// Disabled because broke this:
// diskio.c: don't know how to handle 10 request
// elseif($pos = strpos($entry['msg'], ';') or $pos = strpos($entry['msg'], ':')) {
// $entry['program'] = substr($entry['msg'], 0, $pos);
// $entry['msg'] = substr($entry['msg'], $pos+1);
// }
// fallback, better than nothing...
else if ( empty ( $entry [ 'program' ]) and ! empty ( $entry [ 'facility' ])) {
$entry [ 'program' ] = $entry [ 'facility' ];
unset ( $matches );
} //end if
if ( ! isset ( $entry [ 'program' ])) {
$entry [ 'program' ] = $entry [ 'msg' ];
unset ( $entry [ 'msg' ]);
$entry [ 'program' ] = strtoupper ( $entry [ 'program' ]);
array_walk ( $entry , 'trim' );
if ( $update ) {
dbInsert (
array (
'device_id' => $entry [ 'device_id' ],
'program' => $entry [ 'program' ],
'facility' => $entry [ 'facility' ],
'priority' => $entry [ 'priority' ],
'level' => $entry [ 'level' ],
'tag' => $entry [ 'tag' ],
'msg' => $entry [ 'msg' ],
'timestamp' => $entry [ 'timestamp' ],
unset ( $os );
} //end if
return $entry ;
2012-04-05 16:44:58 +00:00
2015-07-13 20:10:26 +02:00
} //end process_syslog()