2011-05-16 22:40:29 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/php -q
2011-09-28 16:47:12 +00:00
< ? php
2011-05-16 22:40:29 +00:00
ex : set tabstop = 4 shiftwidth = 4 autoindent :
| Copyright ( C ) 2004 - 2009 The Cacti Group |
| |
| This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 |
| of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details . |
| Cacti : The Complete RRDTool - based Graphing Solution |
| This code is designed , written , and maintained by the Cacti Group . See |
| about . php and / or the AUTHORS file for specific developer information . |
| http :// www . cacti . net / |
/* do NOT run this script through a web browser */
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ " argv " ][ 0 ]) || isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ]) || isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])) {
die ( " <br><strong>This script is only meant to run at the command line.</strong> " );
/* We are not talking to the browser */
$no_http_headers = true ;
$dir = dirname ( __FILE__ );
chdir ( $dir );
if ( strpos ( $dir , 'spikekill' ) !== false ) {
chdir ( '../../' );
$using_cacti = false ;
/* setup defaults */
$debug = FALSE ;
$dryrun = FALSE ;
$avgnan = 'avg' ;
$rrdfile = " " ;
$std_kills = TRUE ;
$var_kills = TRUE ;
$html = FALSE ;
if ( $using_cacti ) {
$method = read_config_option ( " spikekill_method " );
$numspike = read_config_option ( " spikekill_number " );
$stddev = read_config_option ( " spikekill_deviations " );
$percent = read_config_option ( " spikekill_percent " );
$outliers = read_config_option ( " spikekill_outliers " );
} else {
$method = 1 ; // Standard Deviation
$numspike = 10 ;
$stddev = 10 ;
$percent = 500 ;
$outliers = 5 ;
/* process calling arguments */
$parms = $_SERVER [ " argv " ];
array_shift ( $parms );
foreach ( $parms as $parameter ) {
@ list ( $arg , $value ) = @ explode ( " = " , $parameter );
switch ( $arg ) {
case " --method " :
case " -M " :
if ( $value == " variance " ) {
$method = 2 ;
} elseif ( $value == " stddev " ) {
$method = 1 ;
} else {
echo " FATAL: You must specify either 'stddev' or 'variance' as methods. \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
break ;
case " --avgnan " :
case " -A " :
if ( $value == " avg " ) {
$avgnan = " avg " ;
} elseif ( $value == " nan " ) {
$avgnan = " nan " ;
} else {
echo " FATAL: You must specify either 'avg' or 'nan' as replacement methods. \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
break ;
case " --rrdfile " :
case " -R " :
$rrdfile = $value ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $rrdfile )) {
echo " FATAL: File ' $rrdfile ' does not exist. \n " ;
exit ;
if ( ! is_writable ( $rrdfile )) {
echo " FATAL: File ' $rrdfile ' is not writable by this account. \n " ;
exit ;
break ;
case " --stddev " :
case " -S " :
$stddev = $value ;
if ( ! is_numeric ( $stddev ) || ( $stddev < 1 )) {
echo " FATAL: Standard Deviation must be a positive integer. \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
break ;
case " --outliers " :
case " -O " :
$outliers = $value ;
if ( ! is_numeric ( $outliers ) || ( $outliers < 1 )) {
echo " FATAL: The number of outliers to exlude must be a positive integer. \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
break ;
case " --percent " :
case " -P " :
$percent = $value / 100 ;
if ( ! is_numeric ( $percent ) || ( $percent <= 0 )) {
echo " FATAL: Percent deviation must be a positive floating point number. \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
break ;
case " --html " :
$html = TRUE ;
break ;
case " -d " :
case " --debug " :
$debug = TRUE ;
break ;
case " -D " :
case " --dryrun " :
$dryrun = TRUE ;
break ;
case " --number " :
case " -n " :
$numspike = $value ;
if ( ! is_numeric ( $numspike ) || ( $numspike < 1 )) {
echo " FATAL: Number of spikes to remove must be a positive integer \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
break ;
case " -h " :
case " -v " :
case " -V " :
case " --version " :
case " --help " :
display_help ();
exit ;
default :
print " ERROR: Invalid Parameter " . $parameter . " \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
/* additional error check */
if ( $rrdfile == " " ) {
echo " FATAL: You must specify an RRDfile! \n \n " ;
display_help ();
exit ;
/* determine the temporary file name */
$seed = mt_rand ();
if ( $config [ " cacti_server_os " ] == " win32 " ) {
$tempdir = getenv ( " TEMP " );
$xmlfile = $tempdir . " / " . str_replace ( " .rrd " , " " , basename ( $rrdfile )) . " .dump. " . $seed ;
} else {
$tempdir = " /tmp " ;
$xmlfile = " /tmp/ " . str_replace ( " .rrd " , " " , basename ( $rrdfile )) . " .dump. " . $seed ;
if ( $html ) {
echo " <table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' class='spikekill_data' id='spikekill_data'> " ;
if ( $using_cacti ) {
cacti_log ( " NOTE: Removing Spikes for ' $rrdfile ', Method:' $method ' " , false , " WEBUI " );
/* execute the dump command */
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " NOTE: Creating XML file ' $xmlfile ' from ' $rrdfile ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
if ( $using_cacti ) {
shell_exec ( read_config_option ( " path_rrdtool " ) . " dump $rrdfile > $xmlfile " );
} else {
shell_exec ( " rrdtool dump $rrdfile > $xmlfile " );
/* read the xml file into an array*/
if ( file_exists ( $xmlfile )) {
$output = file ( $xmlfile );
/* remove the temp file */
unlink ( $xmlfile );
} else {
if ( $using_cacti ) {
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " FATAL: RRDtool Command Failed. Please verify that the RRDtool path is valid in Settings->Paths! " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
} else {
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " FATAL: RRDtool Command Failed. Please insure RRDtool is in your path! " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
exit ;
/* process the xml file and remove all comments */
$output = removeComments ( $output );
/* Read all the rra ' s ds values and obtain the following pieces of information from each
rra archive .
* numsamples - The number of 'valid' non - nan samples
* sumofsamples - The sum of all 'valid' samples .
* average - The average of all samples
* standard_deviation - The standard deviation of all samples
* max_value - The maximum value of all samples
* min_value - The minimum value of all samples
* max_cutoff - Any value above this value will be set to the average .
* min_cutoff - Any value lower than this value will be set to the average .
This will end up being a n - dimensional array as follows :
rra [ x ][ ds #]['totalsamples'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['numsamples'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['sumofsamples'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['average'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['stddev'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['max_value'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['min_value'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['max_cutoff'];
rra [ x ][ ds #]['min_cutoff'];
There will also be a secondary array created with the actual samples . This
array will be used to calculate the standard deviation of the sample set .
samples [ rra_num ][ ds_num ][];
Also track the min and max value for each ds and store it into the two
arrays : ds_min [ ds #], ds_max[ds#].
The we don 't need to know the type of rra, only it' s number for this analysis
the same applies for the ds ' as well .
$rra = array ();
$rra_cf = array ();
$rra_pdp = array ();
$rra_num = 0 ;
$ds_num = 0 ;
$total_kills = 0 ;
$in_rra = false ;
$in_db = false ;
$ds_min = array ();
$ds_max = array ();
$ds_name = array ();
/* perform a first pass on the array and do the following :
1 ) Get the number of good samples per ds
2 ) Get the sum of the samples per ds
3 ) Get the max and min values for all samples
4 ) Build both the rra and sample arrays
5 ) Get each ds ' min and max values
if ( sizeof ( $output )) {
foreach ( $output as $line ) {
if ( substr_count ( $line , " <v> " )) {
$linearray = explode ( " <v> " , $line );
/* discard the row */
array_shift ( $linearray );
$ds_num = 0 ;
foreach ( $linearray as $dsvalue ) {
/* peel off garbage */
$dsvalue = trim ( str_replace ( " </row> " , " " , str_replace ( " </v> " , " " , $dsvalue )));
if ( strtolower ( $dsvalue ) != " nan " ) {
if ( ! isset ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numsamples " ])) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numsamples " ] = 1 ;
} else {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numsamples " ] ++ ;
if ( ! isset ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumofsamples " ])) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumofsamples " ] = $dsvalue ;
} else {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumofsamples " ] += $dsvalue ;
if ( ! isset ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_value " ])) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_value " ] = $dsvalue ;
} else if ( $dsvalue > $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_value " ]) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_value " ] = $dsvalue ;
if ( ! isset ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_value " ])) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_value " ] = $dsvalue ;
} else if ( $dsvalue < $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_value " ]) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_value " ] = $dsvalue ;
/* store the sample for standard deviation calculation */
$samples [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][] = $dsvalue ;
if ( ! isset ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " totalsamples " ])) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " totalsamples " ] = 1 ;
} else {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " totalsamples " ] ++ ;
$ds_num ++ ;
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " <rra> " )) {
$in_rra = true ;
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " <min> " )) {
$ds_min [] = trim ( str_replace ( " <min> " , " " , str_replace ( " </min> " , " " , trim ( $line ))));
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " <max> " )) {
$ds_max [] = trim ( str_replace ( " <max> " , " " , str_replace ( " </max> " , " " , trim ( $line ))));
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " <name> " )) {
$ds_name [] = trim ( str_replace ( " <name> " , " " , str_replace ( " </name> " , " " , trim ( $line ))));
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " <cf> " )) {
$rra_cf [] = trim ( str_replace ( " <cf> " , " " , str_replace ( " </cf> " , " " , trim ( $line ))));
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " <pdp_per_row> " )) {
$rra_pdp [] = trim ( str_replace ( " <pdp_per_row> " , " " , str_replace ( " </pdp_per_row> " , " " , trim ( $line ))));
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " </rra> " )) {
$in_rra = false ;
$rra_num ++ ;
} elseif ( substr_count ( $line , " <step> " )) {
$step = trim ( str_replace ( " <step> " , " " , str_replace ( " </step> " , " " , trim ( $line ))));
/* For all the samples determine the average with the outliers removed */
calculateVarianceAverages ( $rra , $samples );
/* Now scan the rra array and the samples array and calculate the following
1 ) The standard deviation of all samples
2 ) The average of all samples per ds
3 ) The max and min cutoffs of all samples
4 ) The number of kills in each ds based upon the thresholds
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " NOTE: Searching for Spikes in XML file ' $xmlfile ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
calculateOverallStatistics ( $rra , $samples );
/* debugging and/or status report */
if ( $debug || $dryrun ) {
outputStatistics ( $rra );
/* create an output array */
if ( $method == 1 ) {
/* standard deviation subroutine */
if ( $std_kills ) {
if ( ! $dryrun ) {
$new_output = updateXML ( $output , $rra );
} else {
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " NOTE: NO Standard Deviation Spikes found in ' $rrdfile ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
} else {
/* variance subroutine */
if ( $var_kills ) {
if ( ! $dryrun ) {
$new_output = updateXML ( $output , $rra );
} else {
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " NOTE: NO Variance Spikes found in ' $rrdfile ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
/* finally update the file XML file and Reprocess the RRDfile */
if ( ! $dryrun ) {
if ( $total_kills ) {
if ( writeXMLFile ( $new_output , $xmlfile )) {
if ( backupRRDFile ( $rrdfile )) {
createRRDFileFromXML ( $xmlfile , $rrdfile );
} else {
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " FATAL: Unable to backup ' $rrdfile ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
} else {
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " FATAL: Unable to write XML file ' $xmlfile ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
} else {
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " NOTE: Dryrun requested. No updates performed " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
if ( $html ) {
echo " </table> " ;
/* All Functions */
function createRRDFileFromXML ( $xmlfile , $rrdfile ) {
global $using_cacti , $html ;
/* execute the dump command */
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " NOTE: Re-Importing ' $xmlfile ' to ' $rrdfile ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
if ( $using_cacti ) {
$response = shell_exec ( read_config_option ( " path_rrdtool " ) . " restore -f -r $xmlfile $rrdfile " );
} else {
$response = shell_exec ( " rrdtool restore -f -r $xmlfile $rrdfile " );
if ( strlen ( $response )) echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . $response . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
function writeXMLFile ( $output , $xmlfile ) {
return file_put_contents ( $xmlfile , $output );
function backupRRDFile ( $rrdfile ) {
global $using_cacti , $tempdir , $seed , $html ;
if ( $using_cacti ) {
$backupdir = read_config_option ( " spikekill_backupdir " );
if ( $backupdir == " " ) {
$backupdir = $tempdir ;
} else {
$backupdir = $tempdir ;
if ( file_exists ( $backupdir . " / " . basename ( $rrdfile ))) {
$newfile = basename ( $rrdfile ) . " . " . $seed ;
} else {
$newfile = basename ( $rrdfile );
echo ( $html ? " <tr><td colspan='20' class='spikekill_note'> " : " " ) . " NOTE: Backing Up ' $rrdfile ' to ' " . $backupdir . " / " . $newfile . " ' " . ( $html ? " </td></tr> \n " : " \n " );
return copy ( $rrdfile , $backupdir . " / " . $newfile );
function calculateVarianceAverages ( & $rra , & $samples ) {
global $outliers ;
if ( sizeof ( $samples )) {
foreach ( $samples as $rra_num => $dses ) {
if ( sizeof ( $dses )) {
foreach ( $dses as $ds_num => $ds ) {
if ( sizeof ( $ds ) < $outliers * 3 ) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ] = " NAN " ;
} else {
rsort ( $ds , SORT_NUMERIC );
$ds = array_slice ( $ds , $outliers );
sort ( $ds , SORT_NUMERIC );
$ds = array_slice ( $ds , $outliers );
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ] = array_sum ( $ds ) / sizeof ( $ds );
function calculateOverallStatistics ( & $rra , & $samples ) {
global $percent , $stddev , $ds_min , $ds_max , $var_kills , $std_kills ;
$rra_num = 0 ;
if ( sizeof ( $rra )) {
foreach ( $rra as $dses ) {
$ds_num = 0 ;
if ( sizeof ( $dses )) {
foreach ( $dses as $ds ) {
if ( isset ( $samples [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ])) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " standard_deviation " ] = standard_deviation ( $samples [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ]);
if ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " standard_deviation " ] == " NAN " ) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " standard_deviation " ] = 0 ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " average " ] = $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumofsamples " ] / $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numsamples " ];
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_cutoff " ] = $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " average " ] - ( $stddev * $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " standard_deviation " ]);
if ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_cutoff " ] < $ds_min [ $ds_num ]) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_cutoff " ] = $ds_min [ $ds_num ];
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_cutoff " ] = $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " average " ] + ( $stddev * $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " standard_deviation " ]);
if ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_cutoff " ] > $ds_max [ $ds_num ]) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_cutoff " ] = $ds_max [ $ds_num ];
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numnksamples " ] = 0 ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumnksamples " ] = 0 ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " avgnksamples " ] = 0 ;
/* go through values and find cutoffs */
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " stddev_killed " ] = 0 ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_killed " ] = 0 ;
if ( sizeof ( $samples [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ])) {
foreach ( $samples [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ] as $sample ) {
if (( $sample > $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_cutoff " ]) ||
( $sample < $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_cutoff " ])) {
debug ( sprintf ( " Std Kill: Value '%.4e', StandardDev '%.4e', StdDevLimit '%.4e' " , $sample , $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " standard_deviation " ], ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_cutoff " ] * ( 1 + $percent ))));
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " stddev_killed " ] ++ ;
$std_kills = true ;
} else {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numnksamples " ] ++ ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumnksamples " ] += $sample ;
if ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ] == " NAN " ) {
/* not enought samples to calculate */
} else if ( $sample > ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ] * ( 1 + $percent ))) {
/* kill based upon variance */
debug ( sprintf ( " Var Kill: Value '%.4e', VarianceDev '%.4e', VarianceLimit '%.4e' " , $sample , $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ], ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ] * ( 1 + $percent ))));
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_killed " ] ++ ;
$var_kills = true ;
if ( $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numnksamples " ] > 0 ) {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " avgnksamples " ] = $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumnksamples " ] / $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numnksamples " ];
} else {
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " standard_deviation " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " average " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_cutoff " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_cutoff " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numnksamples " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumnksamples " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " avgnksamples " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " stddev_killed " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_killed " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " stddev_killed " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " numnksamples " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " sumnksamples " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_killed " ] = " N/A " ;
$rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " avgnksamples " ] = " N/A " ;
$ds_num ++ ;
$rra_num ++ ;
function outputStatistics ( $rra ) {
global $rra_cf , $rra_name , $ds_name , $rra_pdp , $html ;
if ( sizeof ( $rra )) {
if ( ! $html ) {
echo " \n " ;
printf ( " %10s %16s %10s %7s %7s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s \n " ,
" Size " , " DataSource " , " CF " , " Samples " , " NonNan " , " Avg " , " StdDev " ,
" MaxValue " , " MinValue " , " MaxStdDev " , " MinStdDev " , " StdKilled " , " VarKilled " , " StdDevAvg " , " VarAvg " );
printf ( " %10s %16s %10s %7s %7s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s \n " ,
" ---------- " , " --------------- " , " ---------- " , " ------- " , " ------- " , " ---------- " , " ---------- " , " ---------- " ,
" ---------- " , " ---------- " , " ---------- " , " ---------- " , " ---------- " , " ---------- " ,
" ---------- " );
foreach ( $rra as $rra_key => $dses ) {
if ( sizeof ( $dses )) {
foreach ( $dses as $dskey => $ds ) {
printf ( " %10s %16s %10s %7s %7s " .
( $ds [ " average " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) .
( $ds [ " standard_deviation " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " max_value " ]) ? ( $ds [ " max_value " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) : " %10s " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " min_value " ]) ? ( $ds [ " min_value " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) : " %10s " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ]) ? ( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) : " %10s " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ]) ? ( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) : " %10s " ) .
" %10s %10s " .
( isset ( $ds [ " avgnksampled " ]) ? ( $ds [ " avgnksamples " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) : " %10s " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ]) ? ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ] < 1E6 ? " %10s " : " %10.4e " ) : " %10s " ) . " \n " ,
displayTime ( $rra_pdp [ $rra_key ]),
$ds_name [ $dskey ],
$rra_cf [ $rra_key ],
$ds [ " totalsamples " ],
( isset ( $ds [ " numsamples " ]) ? $ds [ " numsamples " ] : " 0 " ),
( $ds [ " average " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " average " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " average " ]),
( $ds [ " standard_deviation " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " standard_deviation " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " standard_deviation " ]),
( isset ( $ds [ " max_value " ]) ? round ( $ds [ " max_value " ], 2 ) : " N/A " ),
( isset ( $ds [ " min_value " ]) ? round ( $ds [ " min_value " ], 2 ) : " N/A " ),
( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " max_cutoff " ]),
( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " min_cutoff " ]),
$ds [ " stddev_killed " ],
$ds [ " variance_killed " ],
( $ds [ " avgnksamples " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " avgnksamples " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " avgnksamples " ]),
( isset ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ]) ? round ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ], 2 ) : " N/A " ));
echo " \n " ;
} else {
printf ( " <tr><th style='width:10%%;'>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr> \n " ,
" Size " , " DataSource " , " CF " , " Samples " , " NonNan " , " Avg " , " StdDev " ,
" MaxValue " , " MinValue " , " MaxStdDev " , " MinStdDev " , " StdKilled " , " VarKilled " , " StdDevAvg " , " VarAvg " );
foreach ( $rra as $rra_key => $dses ) {
if ( sizeof ( $dses )) {
foreach ( $dses as $dskey => $ds ) {
printf ( " <tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td> " .
( $ds [ " average " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td><td> " : " %.4e</td><td> " ) .
( $ds [ " standard_deviation " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td><td> " : " %.4e</td><td> " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " max_value " ]) ? ( $ds [ " max_value " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td><td> " : " %.4e</td><td> " ) : " %s</td><td> " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " min_value " ]) ? ( $ds [ " min_value " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td><td> " : " %.4e</td><td> " ) : " %s</td><td> " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ]) ? ( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td><td> " : " %.4e</td><td> " ) : " %s</td><td> " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ]) ? ( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td><td> " : " %.4e</td><td> " ) : " %s</td><td> " ) .
" %s</td><td>%s</td><td> " .
( isset ( $ds [ " avgnksampled " ]) ? ( $ds [ " avgnksamples " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td><td> " : " %.4e</td><td> " ) : " %s</td><td> " ) .
( isset ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ]) ? ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ] < 1E6 ? " %s</td></tr> \n " : " %.4e</td></tr> \n " ) : " %s</td></tr> \n " ) . " \n " ,
displayTime ( $rra_pdp [ $rra_key ]),
$ds_name [ $dskey ],
$rra_cf [ $rra_key ],
$ds [ " totalsamples " ],
( isset ( $ds [ " numsamples " ]) ? $ds [ " numsamples " ] : " 0 " ),
( $ds [ " average " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " average " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " average " ]),
( $ds [ " standard_deviation " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " standard_deviation " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " standard_deviation " ]),
( isset ( $ds [ " max_value " ]) ? round ( $ds [ " max_value " ], 2 ) : " N/A " ),
( isset ( $ds [ " min_value " ]) ? round ( $ds [ " min_value " ], 2 ) : " N/A " ),
( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " max_cutoff " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " max_cutoff " ]),
( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " min_cutoff " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " min_cutoff " ]),
$ds [ " stddev_killed " ],
$ds [ " variance_killed " ],
( $ds [ " avgnksamples " ] != " N/A " ? round ( $ds [ " avgnksamples " ], 2 ) : $ds [ " avgnksamples " ]),
( isset ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ]) ? round ( $ds [ " variance_avg " ], 2 ) : " N/A " ));
function updateXML ( & $output , & $rra ) {
global $numspike , $percent , $avgnan , $method , $total_kills ;
/* variance subroutine */
$rra_num = 0 ;
$ds_num = 0 ;
$kills = 0 ;
if ( sizeof ( $output )) {
foreach ( $output as $line ) {
if ( substr_count ( $line , " <v> " )) {
$linearray = explode ( " <v> " , $line );
/* discard the row */
array_shift ( $linearray );
/* initialize variables */
$ds_num = 0 ;
$out_row = " <row> " ;
foreach ( $linearray as $dsvalue ) {
/* peel off garbage */
$dsvalue = trim ( str_replace ( " </row> " , " " , str_replace ( " </v> " , " " , $dsvalue )));
if ( strtolower ( $dsvalue ) == " nan " ) {
/* do nothing, it's a NaN */
} else {
if ( $method == 2 ) {
if ( $dsvalue > ( 1 + $percent ) * $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ]) {
if ( $kills < $numspike ) {
if ( $avgnan == " avg " ) {
$dsvalue = $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " variance_avg " ];
} else {
$dsvalue = " NaN " ;
$kills ++ ;
$total_kills ++ ;
} else {
if (( $dsvalue > $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " max_cutoff " ]) ||
( $dsvalue < $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " min_cutoff " ])) {
if ( $kills < $numspike ) {
if ( $avgnan == " avg " ) {
$dsvalue = $rra [ $rra_num ][ $ds_num ][ " average " ];
} else {
$dsvalue = " NaN " ;
$kills ++ ;
$total_kills ++ ;
$out_row .= " <v> " . $dsvalue . " </v> " ;
$ds_num ++ ;
$out_row .= " </row> " ;
$new_array [] = $out_row ;
} else {
if ( substr_count ( $line , " </rra> " )) {
$ds_minmax = array ();
$rra_num ++ ;
$kills = 0 ;
} else if ( substr_count ( $line , " </database> " )) {
$ds_num ++ ;
$kills = 0 ;
$new_array [] = $line ;
return $new_array ;
function removeComments ( & $output ) {
if ( sizeof ( $output )) {
foreach ( $output as $line ) {
$line = trim ( $line );
if ( $line == " " ) {
continue ;
} else {
/* is there a comment, remove it */
$comment_start = strpos ( $line , " <!-- " );
if ( $comment_start === false ) {
/* do nothing no line */
} else {
$comment_end = strpos ( $line , " --> " );
if ( $comment_start == 0 ) {
$line = trim ( substr ( $line , $comment_end + 3 ));
} else {
$line = trim ( substr ( $line , 0 , $comment_start - 1 ) . substr ( $line , $comment_end + 3 ));
if ( $line != " " ) {
$new_array [] = $line ;
/* transfer the new array back to the original array */
return $new_array ;
function displayTime ( $pdp ) {
global $step ;
$total_time = $pdp * $step ; // seconds
if ( $total_time < 60 ) {
return $total_time . " secs " ;
} else {
$total_time = $total_time / 60 ;
if ( $total_time < 60 ) {
return $total_time . " mins " ;
} else {
$total_time = $total_time / 60 ;
if ( $total_time < 24 ) {
return $total_time . " hours " ;
} else {
$total_time = $total_time / 24 ;
return $total_time . " days " ;
function debug ( $string ) {
global $debug ;
if ( $debug ) {
echo " DEBUG: " . $string . " \n " ;
function standard_deviation ( $samples ) {
$sample_count = count ( $samples );
for ( $current_sample = 0 ; $sample_count > $current_sample ; ++ $current_sample ) {
$sample_square [ $current_sample ] = pow ( $samples [ $current_sample ], 2 );
return sqrt ( array_sum ( $sample_square ) / $sample_count - pow (( array_sum ( $samples ) / $sample_count ), 2 ));
/* display_help - displays the usage of the function */
function display_help () {
global $using_cacti ;
if ( $using_cacti ) {
$version = spikekill_version ();
} else {
$version = " v1.0 " ;
echo " Cacti Spike Remover " . ( $using_cacti ? " v " . $version [ " version " ] : $version ) . " , Copyright 2009, The Cacti Group, Inc. \n \n " ;
echo " Usage: \n " ;
echo " removespikes.php -R|--rrdfile=rrdfile [-M|--method=stddev] [-A|--avgnan] [-S|--stddev=N] \n " ;
echo " [-P|--percent=N] [-N|--number=N] [-D|--dryrun] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help|-v|-V|--version] \n \n " ;
echo " The RRDfile input parameter is mandatory. If no other input parameters are specified the defaults \n " ;
echo " are taken from the Spikekill Plugin settings. \n \n " ;
echo " -M|--method - The spike removal method to use. Options are 'stddev'|'variance' \n " ;
echo " -A|--avgnan - The spike replacement method to use. Options are 'avg'|'nan' \n " ;
echo " -S|--stddev - The number of standard deviations +/- allowed \n " ;
echo " -P|--percent - The sample to sample percentage variation allowed \n " ;
echo " -N|--number - The maximum number of spikes to remove from the RRDfile \n " ;
echo " -D|--dryrun - If specified, the RRDfile will not be changed. Instead a summary of \n " ;
echo " changes that would have been performed will be issued. \n \n " ;
echo " The remainder of arguments are informational \n " ;
echo " -d|--debug - Display verbose output during execution \n " ;
echo " -v -V --version - Display this help message \n " ;
echo " -h --help - display this help message \n " ;