2009-09-07 11:07:59 +00:00
< ? php
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
include ( " ../config.php " );
include ( " ../includes/functions.php " );
2010-01-06 00:32:33 +00:00
#FIXME if no get device this produces an error (and there is no authentication on this file?)
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
$device = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * from devices WHERE device_id = " . $_GET [ 'device' ] . " " ));
if ( $device && preg_match ( " /^[a-z]* $ / " , $_GET [ 'format' ])) {
$map = " digraph G { sep=0.01; size= \" 12,5.5 \" ; pack=100; bgcolor=transparent; splines=true; overlap=scale; concentrate=0; epsilon=0.001; rankdir=0;
node [ fontname = \ " helvetica \" , fontstyle=bold, style=filled, color=white, fillcolor=lightgrey, overlap=false;];
edge [ bgcolor = white ; fontname = \ " helvetica \" ; fontstyle=bold; arrowhead=dot; arrowtail=dot];
graph [ bgcolor = transparent ;];
" ;
$map .= " \" " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " \" [fontsize=20 fillcolor= \" lightblue \" URL= \" /device/ " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " /map/ \" shape=box3d] \n " ;
$sql = " SELECT * from interfaces AS I, links AS L WHERE I.device_id = " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " AND L.src_if = I.interface_id " ;
$links = mysql_query ( $sql );
while ( $link = mysql_fetch_array ( $links )) {
$src_if = $link [ 'src_if' ];
$dst_if = $link [ 'dst_if' ];
$i = 0 ; $done = 0 ;
while ( $i < count ( $linkdone )) {
$thislink = " $dst_if $src_if " ;
if ( $linkdone [ $i ] == $thislink ) { $done = 1 ; }
$i ++ ;
if ( ! $done ) {
$linkdone [] = " $src_if $dst_if " ;
if ( $link [ 'ifSpeed' ] >= " 10000000000 " ) {
$info = " color=lightred style= \" setlinewidth(8) \" " ;
} elseif ( $link [ 'ifSpeed' ] >= " 1000000000 " ) {
$info = " color=lightblue style= \" setlinewidth(4) \" " ;
} elseif ( $link [ 'ifSpeed' ] >= " 100000000 " ) {
$info = " color=lightgrey style= \" setlinewidth(2) \" " ;
} elseif ( $link [ 'ifSpeed' ] >= " 10000000 " ) {
$info = " style= \" setlinewidth(1) \" " ;
} else {
$info = " style= \" setlinewidth(1) \" " ;
$src = $device [ 'hostname' ];
$dst = mysql_result ( mysql_query ( " SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` AS D, `interfaces` AS I WHERE I.interface_id = ' $dst_if ' AND D.device_id = I.device_id " ), 0 );
$dst_host = mysql_result ( mysql_query ( " SELECT D.device_id FROM `devices` AS D, `interfaces` AS I WHERE I.interface_id = ' $dst_if ' AND D.device_id = I.device_id " ), 0 );
2010-01-06 00:32:33 +00:00
$sif = ifNameDescr ( mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM interfaces WHERE `interface_id`= " . $link [ 'src_if' ])), $device );
$dif = ifNameDescr ( mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM interfaces WHERE `interface_id`= " . $link [ 'dst_if' ])));
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
2010-01-06 00:32:33 +00:00
$map .= " \" " . $sif [ 'interface_id' ] . " \" [label= \" " . $sif [ 'label' ] . " \" , fontsize=12, fillcolor=lightblue URL= \" /device/ " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " /interface/ $src_if / \" ] \n " ;
$map .= " \" $src\ " -> \ " " . $sif [ 'interface_id' ] . " \" [weight=500000, arrowsize=0, len=0]; \n " ;
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
$map .= " \" $dst\ " [ URL = \ " /device/ $dst_host /map/ \" fontsize=20 shape=box3d] \n " ;
if ( $dst_host == $device [ 'device_id' ]) {
2010-01-06 00:32:33 +00:00
$map .= " \" " . $dif [ 'interface_id' ] . " \" [label= \" " . $dif [ 'label' ] . " \" , fontsize=12, fillcolor=lightblue, URL= \" /device/ $dst_host /interface/ $dst_if / \" ] \n " ;
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
} else {
2010-01-06 00:32:33 +00:00
$map .= " \" " . $dif [ 'interface_id' ] . " \" [label= \" " . $dif [ 'label' ] . " \" , fontsize=12, fillcolor=lightgray, URL= \" /device/ $dst_host /interface/ $dst_if / \" ] \n " ;
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
2010-01-06 00:32:33 +00:00
$map .= " \" " . $dif [ 'interface_id' ] . " \" -> \" $dst\ " [ weight = 500000 , arrowsize = 0 , len = 0 ]; \n " ;
$map .= " \" " . $sif [ 'interface_id' ] . " \" -> \" " . $dif [ 'interface_id' ] . " \" [weight=1, arrowhead=normal, arrowtail=normal, len=2, $info ] \n " ;
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
$map .= "
}; " ;
2010-01-06 00:32:33 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'debug' ] == 1 ) { echo ( " <pre> $map </pre> " ); exit (); }
2009-03-11 14:54:13 +00:00
$img = shell_exec ( " echo \" " . addslashes ( $map ) . " \" | dot -T " . $_GET [ 'format' ] . " " );
if ( $_GET [ 'format' ] == " png " ) {
header ( " Content-type: image/ " . $_GET [ 'format' ]);
} elseif ( $_GET [ 'format' ] == " svg " ) {
header ( " Content-type: image/svg+xml " );
$img = str_replace ( " <a " , " <a target = \" _parent \" " , $img );
echo ( " $img " );