2008-11-05 14:02:45 +00:00
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " js/tw-sack.js " ></ script >
2008-03-09 22:49:53 +00:00
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var ajax = new Array ();
function getInterfaceList ( sel )
var deviceId = sel . options [ sel . selectedIndex ] . value ;
document . getElementById ( 'interface_id' ) . options . length = 0 ; // Empty city select box
if ( deviceId . length > 0 ){
var index = ajax . length ;
ajax [ index ] = new sack ();
2008-11-05 13:57:44 +00:00
ajax [ index ] . requestFile = 'list_interfaces.php?device_id=' + deviceId ; // Specifying which file to get
2008-03-09 22:49:53 +00:00
ajax [ index ] . onCompletion = function (){ createInterfaces ( index ) }; // Specify function that will be executed after file has been found
ajax [ index ] . runAJAX (); // Execute AJAX function
function createInterfaces ( index )
var obj = document . getElementById ( 'interface_id' );
eval ( ajax [ index ] . response ); // Executing the response from Ajax as Javascript code
</ script >
< ?
echo ( " <div style='margin: 10px;'> " );
if ( $_SESSION [ 'userlevel' ] != '10' ) { echo ( " <div class=error>You do not have then necessary permission to view this page!</div> " ); } else {
if ( $_GET [ 'user_id' ]) {
$user_data = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ' " ));
echo ( " <p><h2> " . $user_data [ 'realname' ] . " </h2><a href='?page=edituser'>Change...</a></p> " );
// Perform actions if requested
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " deldevperm " ) {
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM devices_perms WHERE `device_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'device_id' ] . " ' AND `user_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ' " );
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " adddevperm " ) {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO devices_perms (`device_id`, `user_id`) VALUES (' " . $_GET [ 'device_id' ] . " ', ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ') " );
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " delifperm " ) {
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM interfaces_perms WHERE `interface_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'interface_id' ] . " ' AND `user_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ' " );
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " addifperm " ) {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO interfaces_perms (`interface_id`, `user_id`) VALUES (' " . $_GET [ 'interface_id' ] . " ', ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ') " );
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " delbillperm " ) {
mysql_query ( " DELETE FROM bill_perms WHERE `bill_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'bill_id' ] . " ' AND `user_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ' " );
if ( $_GET [ 'action' ] == " addbillperm " ) {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO bill_perms (`bill_id`, `user_id`) VALUES (' " . $_GET [ 'bill_id' ] . " ', ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ') " );
echo ( " <table width=100%><tr><td valign=top width=33%> " );
// Display devices this users has access to
echo ( " <h3>Device Access</h3> " );
$device_perm_data = mysql_query ( " SELECT * from devices_perms as P, devices as D WHERE `user_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " ' AND D.device_id = P.device_id " );
while ( $device_perm = mysql_fetch_array ( $device_perm_data )) {
echo ( $device_perm [ 'hostname' ] . " <a href='?page=edituser&action=deldevperm&user_id= " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " &device_id= " . $device_perm [ 'device_id' ] . " '><img src='images/16/cross.png' align=absmiddle border=0></a><br /> " );
$access_list [] = $device_perm [ 'device_id' ];
$permdone = " yes " ;
if ( ! $permdone ) { echo ( " None Configured " ); }
// Display devices this user doesn't have access to
echo ( " <h4>Grant access to new device</h4> " );
echo ( " <form method='get' action=''>
< input type = 'hidden' value = '" . $_GET[' user_id '] . "' name = 'user_id' >
< input type = 'hidden' value = 'edituser' name = 'page' >
< input type = 'hidden' value = 'adddevperm' name = 'action' >
< select name = 'device_id' class = selector > " );
$device_list = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `devices` ORDER BY hostname " );
while ( $device = mysql_fetch_array ( $device_list )) {
unset ( $done );
foreach ( $access_list as $ac ) { if ( $ac == $device [ 'device_id' ]) { $done = 1 ; } }
if ( ! $done ) {
echo ( " <option value=' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " '> " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " </option> " );
echo ( " </select> <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Add'></form> " );
echo ( " </td><td valign=top width=33%> " );
echo ( " <h3>Interface Access</h3> " );
$interface_perm_data = mysql_query ( " SELECT * from interfaces_perms as P, interfaces as I, devices as D WHERE `user_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] .
" ' AND I.interface_id = P.interface_id AND D.device_id = I.device_id " );
while ( $interface_perm = mysql_fetch_array ( $interface_perm_data )) {
echo ( " <table><tr><td><strong> " . $interface_perm [ 'hostname' ] . " - " . $interface_perm [ 'ifDescr' ] . " </strong><br /> " .
" " . $interface_perm [ 'ifAlias' ] . " </td><td width=50> <a href='?page=edituser&action=delifperm&user_id= " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] .
" &interface_id= " . $interface_perm [ 'interface_id' ] . " '><img src='images/16/cross.png' align=absmiddle border=0></a></td></tr></table> " );
$ipermdone = " yes " ;
if ( ! $ipermdone ) { echo ( " None Configured " ); }
// Display devices this user doesn't have access to
echo ( " <h4>Grant access to new interface</h4> " );
echo ( " <form action='' method='get'>
< input type = 'hidden' value = '" . $_GET[' user_id '] . "' name = 'user_id' >
< input type = 'hidden' value = 'edituser' name = 'page' >
< input type = 'hidden' value = 'addifperm' name = 'action' >
< table >< tr >< td > Device : </ td >
< td >< select id = 'device' class = 'selector' name = 'device' onchange = 'getInterfaceList(this)' >
< option value = '' > Select a device </ option > " );
$device_list = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `devices` ORDER BY hostname " );
while ( $device = mysql_fetch_array ( $device_list )) {
unset ( $done );
foreach ( $access_list as $ac ) { if ( $ac == $device [ 'device_id' ]) { $done = 1 ; } }
if ( ! $done ) { echo ( " <option value=' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " '> " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " </option> " ); }
echo ( " </select></td></tr><tr>
< td > Interface : </ td >< td >< select class = selector id = 'interface_id' name = 'interface_id' >
</ select ></ td >
</ tr >< tr ></ table >< input type = 'submit' name = 'Submit' value = 'Add' ></ form > " );
echo ( " </td><td valign=top width=33%> " );
echo ( " <h3>Bill Access</h3> " );
$bill_perm_data = mysql_query ( " SELECT * from bills AS B, bill_perms AS P WHERE `P.user_id` = ' " . $_GET [ 'user_id' ] .
" ' AND P.bill_id = B.bill_id " );
while ( $bill_perm = mysql_fetch_array ( $bill_perm_data )) {
echo ( " <table><tr><td><strong> " . $bill_perm [ 'bill_name' ] . " </strong></td><td width=50> <a href='?page=edituser&action=delifperm&user_id= " .
$_GET [ 'user_id' ] . " &interface_id= " . $bill_perm [ 'interface_id' ] . " '><img src='images/16/cross.png' align=absmiddle border=0></a></td></tr></table> " );
$bill_access_list [] = $bill_perm [ 'bill_id' ];
$bpermdone = " yes " ;
if ( ! $bpermdone ) { echo ( " None Configured " ); }
// Display devices this user doesn't have access to
echo ( " <h4>Grant access to new bill</h4> " );
echo ( " <form method='get' action=''>
< input type = 'hidden' value = '" . $_GET[' user_id '] . "' name = 'user_id' >
< input type = 'hidden' value = 'edituser' name = 'page' >
< input type = 'hidden' value = 'addbillperm' name = 'action' >
< select name = 'bill' class = selector > " );
$bills = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `bills` ORDER BY `bill_name` " );
while ( $bill = mysql_fetch_array ( $bills )) {
unset ( $done );
foreach ( $bill_access_list as $ac ) { if ( $ac == $bill [ 'bill_id' ]) { $done = 1 ; } }
if ( ! $done ) {
echo ( " <option value=' " . $bill [ 'bill_id' ] . " '> " . $bill [ 'bill_name' ] . " </option> " );
echo ( " </select> <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Add'></form> " );
echo ( " </td></table> " );
} else {
$user_list = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `users` " );
echo ( " <h3>Select a user to edit</h3> " );
echo ( " <form method='get' action=''>
< input type = 'hidden' value = 'edituser' name = 'page' >
< select name = 'user_id' > " );
while ( $user_entry = mysql_fetch_array ( $user_list )) {
echo ( " <option value=' " . $user_entry [ 'user_id' ] . " '> " . $user_entry [ 'username' ] . " </option> " );
echo ( " </select><input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Select'></form> " );
echo ( " </div> " );