2014-03-07 22:33:00 +01:00
Table of Content:
- [About ](#about )
- [Configuration ](#config )
- [Commands ](#commands )
- [Examples ](#examples )
- [Extensions ](#extensions )
# <a name="about">About</a>
LibreNMS has an easy to use IRC-Interface for basic tasks like viewing last log-entry, current device/port status and such.
By default the IRC-Bot will not start when executed and will return an error until at least `$config['irc_host']` and `$config['irc_port']` has been specified inside `config.php` .
If no channel has been specified with `$config['irc_chan']` , `##librenms` will be used.
The default Nick for the bot is `LibreNMS` .
The Bot will reply the same way it's being called. If you send it the commands via Query, it will respond in the Query. If you send the commands via a Channel, then it will respond in the Channel.
### <a name="config">Configuration & Defaults</a>
Option | Default-Value | Notes
--- | --- | ---
`$config['irc_alert']` | `false` | Optional; Enables Alerting-Socket. `EXPERIMENTAL`
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`$config['irc_alert_chan']` | `false` | Optional; Multiple channels can be defined as Array or delimited with `,` . `EXPERIMENTAL`
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`$config['irc_alert_utf8']` | `false` | Optional; Enables use of strikethrough in alerts via UTF-8 encoded characters. Might cause trouble for some clients.
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`$config['irc_authtime']` | `3` | Optional; Defines how long in Hours an auth-session is valid.
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`$config['irc_chan']` | `##librenms` | Optional; Multiple channels can be defined as Array or delimited with `,` . Passwords are defined after a `space-character` .
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`$config['irc_debug']` | `false` | Optional; Enables debug output (Wall of text)
`$config['irc_external']` | | Optional; Array or `,` delimited string with commands to include from `includes/ircbot/*.inc.php`
`$config['irc_host']` | | Required; Domain or IP to connect. If it's an IPv6 Address, embed it in `[]` . (Example: `[::1]` )
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`$config['irc_maxretry']` | `5` | Optional; How many connection attempts should be made before giving up
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`$config['irc_nick']` | `LibreNMS` | Optional;
`$config['irc_pass']` | | Optional; This sends the IRC-PASS Sequence to IRC-Servers that require Password on Connect
2015-01-10 00:10:51 +00:00
`$config['irc_port']` | `6667` | Required; To enable SSL append a `+` before the Port. (Example: `+6697` )
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### <a name="commands">IRC-Commands</a>
Command | Description
--- | ---
`.auth <User/Token>` | If `<user>` : Request an Auth-Token. If `<token>` : Authenticate session.
`.device <hostname>` | Prints basic information about given `hostname` .
`.down` | List hostnames that are down, if any.
`.help` | List available commands.
`.join <channel>` | Joins `<channel>` if user has admin-level.
`.listdevices` | Lists the hostnames of all known devices.
`.log [<N>]` | Prints `N` lines or last line of the eventlog.
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`.port <hostname> <ifname>` | Prints Port-related information from `ifname` on given `hostname` .
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`.quit` | Disconnect from IRC and exit.
`.reload` | Reload configuration.
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`.status <type>` | Prints status information for given `type` . Type can be `devices` , `services` , `ports` . Shorthands are: `dev` ,`srv` ,`prt`
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`.version` | Prints `$this->config['project_name_version']` .
( __ /!\__ All commands are case-_insensitive_ but their arguments are case-_sensitive_)
# <a name="examples">Examples</a>
### Server examples:
Unencrypted Connection to `irc.freenode.org` :
$config['irc_host'] = "irc.freenode.org";
$config['irc_port'] = 6667;
SSL-Encrypted Connection to `irc.freenode.org` :
$config['irc_host'] = "irc.freenode.org";
$config['irc_port'] = "+6697";
SSL-Encrypted Connection to `irc.localdomain` with Server-Password and odd port:
$config['irc_host'] = "irc.localdomain";
$config['irc_port'] = "+12345";
$config['irc_pass'] = "Super Secret Passphrase123";
### Channel notations:
Channels can be defined using Array-Notation like:
$config['irc_chan'][] = "#librenms ";
$config['irc_chan'][] = "#otherchan ";
$config['irc_chan'][] = "#noc ";
Or using a single string using `,` as delimiter between various channels:
$config['irc_chan'] = "#librenms ,#otherchan ,#noc ";
# <a name="extensions">Extensions?!</a>
The bot is coded in a unified way.
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This makes writing extensions by far less painful.
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Simply add your `command` to the `$config['irc_external']` directive and create a file called `includes/ircbot/command.inc.php` containing your code.
The string behind the call of `.command` is passed as `$params` .
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The user who requested something is accessible via `$this->user` .
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Send your reply/ies via `$this->respond($string)` .
A more detailed documentation of the functions and variables available for extensions can be found at [IRC-Bot Extensions ](IRC-Bot-Extensions );
Confused? Here an Echo-Example:
File: config.php
$config['irc_external'][] = "echo";
File: includes/ircbot/echo.inc.php
//Prefix everything with `You said: '...'` and return what was sent.
if( $this->user['name'] != "root" ) {
return $this->respond("You said: '".$params."'");
} else {
return $this->respond("root shouldn't be online so late!");
2015-01-31 17:05:25 +00:00