LibreNMS includes a highly customizable alerting system.
The system requires a set of user-defined rules to evaluate the situation of each device, port, service or any other entity.
This document only covers the usage of it. See the []( for code-documentation.
# <a name="rules">Rules</a>
Rules are defined using a logical language.
The GUI provides a simple way of creating basic as well as complex Rules in a self-describing manner.
More complex rules can be written manually.
## <a name="rules-syntax">Syntax</a>
Rules must consist of at least 3 elements: An __Entity__, a __Condition__ and a __Value__.
Rules can contain braces and __Glues__.
__Entities__ are provided as `%`-Noted pair of Table and Field. For Example: `%ports.ifOperStatus`.
__Conditions__ can be any of:
- Equals `=`
- Not Equals `!=`
- Matches `~`
- Not Matches `!~`
- Greater `>`
- Greater or Equal `>=`
- Smaller `<`
- Smaller or Equal `<=`
__Values__ can be Entities or any single-quoted data.
__Glues__ can be either `&&` for `AND` or `||` for `OR`.
__Note__: The difference between `Equals` and `Matches` (and it's negation) is that `Equals` does a strict comparison and `Matches` allows the usage of the placeholder `@`. The placeholder `@` is comparable with `.*` in RegExp.
__Limitations__: Currently it is not possible to have nested `if` controls, so `if` inside an `if`. It is also not possible to have an `if` inside a `foreach` control. These limitations are going to be resolved in (near?) future.
- Hostname of the Device: `%hostname`
- Title for the Alert: `%title`
- Time Elapsed, Only available on recovery (`%state == 0`): `%elapsed`
- Alert-ID: `%id`
- Unique-ID: `%uid`
- Faults, Only available on alert (`%state == 1`), must be iterated in a foreach: `%faults`
- State: `%state`
- Severity: `%severity`
- Rule: `%rule`
- Timestamp: `%timestamp`
- Contacts, must be iterated in a foreach, `%key` holds email and `%value` holds name: `%contacts`
Alert sent to: {foreach %contacts}%value <%key> {/foreach}
# <a name="transports">Transports</a>
Transports are located within `$config['install_dir']/includes/alerts/transports.*.php` and defined as well as configured via `$config['alert']['transports']['Example'] = 'Some Options'`.
Contacts will be gathered automatically and passed to the configured transports.
The contacts will always include the `SysContact` defined in the Device's SNMP configuration and also every LibreNMS-User that has at least `read`-permissions on the entity that is to be alerted.
At the moment LibreNMS only supports Port or Device permissions.
To include users that have `Global-Read` or `Administrator` permissions it is required to add these additions to the `config.php` respectively:
$config['alert']['globals'] = true; //Include Global-Read into alert-contacts
$config['alert']['admins'] = true; //Include Adminstrators into alert-contacts
## <a name="transports-email">E-Mail</a>
E-Mail transport is enabled with adding the following to your `config.php`:
$config['alert']['transports']['mail'] = true;
The E-Mail transports uses the same email-configuration like the rest of LibreNMS.
As a small reminder, here is it's configuration directives including defaults:
$config['email_smtp_password'] = NULL; // Password for SMTP authentication.
## <a name="transports-api">API</a>
API transports definitions are a bit more complex than the E-Mail configuration.
The basis for configuration is `$config['alert']['transports']['api'][METHOD]` where `METHOD` can be `get`,`post` or `put`.
This basis has to contain an array with URLs of each API to call.
The URL can have the same placeholders as defined in the [Template-Syntax](#templates-syntax).
If the `METHOD` is `get`, all placeholders will be URL-Encoded.
The API transport uses cURL to call the APIs, therefore you might need to install `php5-curl` or similar in order to make it work.
__Note__: it is highly recommended to define own [Templates](#templates) when you want to use the API transport. The default template might exceed URL-length for GET requests and therefore cause all sorts of errors.