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synced 2024-10-07 16:52:45 +00:00
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$where = 1;
if (is_numeric($_POST['device_id']) && $_POST['device_id'] > 0) {
$where .= ' AND `alerts`.`device_id`='.$_POST['device_id'];
if (isset($searchPhrase) && !empty($searchPhrase)) {
$sql .= " AND (`timestamp` LIKE '%?%' OR `rule` LIKE '%?%' OR `name` LIKE '%?%' OR `hostname` LIKE '%?%')";
$param[] = array($searchPhrase,$searchPhrase,$searchPhrase,$serchPhrase);
$sql = " FROM `alerts` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `alerts`.`device_id`=`devices`.`device_id` RIGHT JOIN alert_rules ON alerts.rule_id=alert_rules.id WHERE $where AND `state` IN (1,2,3,4) $sql";
$count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`alerts`.`id`) $sql";
$total = dbFetchCell($count_sql,$param);
if (!isset($sort) || empty($sort)) {
$sort = 'timestamp DESC';
$sql .= " ORDER BY $sort";
if (isset($current)) {
$limit_low = ($current * $rowCount) - ($rowCount);
$limit_high = $rowCount;
if ($rowCount != -1) {
$sql .= " LIMIT $limit_low,$limit_high";
$sql = "SELECT `alerts`.*, `devices`.`hostname` AS `hostname`,`alert_rules`.`rule` AS `rule`, `alert_rules`.`name` AS `name`, `alert_rules`.`severity` AS `severity` $sql";
$rulei = 0;
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql,$param) as $alert) {
$log = dbFetchCell("SELECT details FROM alert_log WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", array($alert['rule_id'],$alert['device_id']));
$log_detail = json_decode(gzuncompress($log),true);
foreach ( $log_detail['rule'] as $tmp_alerts ) {
foreach ($tmp_alerts as $k=>$v) {
if (!empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k,'id') || stristr($k,'desc')) && substr_count($k,'_') <= 1) {
$fault_detail .= $k.' => '.$v."\n ";
$fault_detail .= "\n";
$ico = "ok";
$col = "green";
$extra = "";
if ( (int) $alert['state'] === 0 ) {
$ico = "ok";
$col = "green";
} elseif ( (int) $alert['state'] === 1 ) {
$ico = "volume-up";
$col = "red";
$extra = "danger";
} elseif ( (int) $alert['state'] === 2 ) {
$ico = "volume-off";
$col = "#800080";
$extra = "warning";
$alert_checked = '';
$orig_ico = $ico;
$orig_col = $col;
$orig_class = $extra;
$severity = $alert['severity'];
if ($alert['state'] == 3) {
$severity .= " <strong>+</strong>";
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 4) {
$severity .= " <strong>-</strong>";
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10') {
$ack_ico = 'volume-up';
$ack_col = 'success';
if(in_array($alert['state'],array(2,3,4))) {
$ack_ico = 'volume-off';
$ack_col = 'danger';
$response[] = array('id'=>"<i>#".$rulei++."</i>",
'rule'=>"<i title=\"".htmlentities($alert['rule'])."\">".htmlentities($alert['name'])."</i></td>",
'hostname'=>"<a href=\"device/device=".$alert['device_id']."\"><i title='".htmlentities($fault_detail)."'>".$alert['hostname']."</i></a></td>",
'timestamp'=>($alert['timestamp'] ? $alert['timestamp'] : "N/A"),
$output = array('current'=>$current,'rowCount'=>$rowCount,'rows'=>$response,'total'=>$total);
echo _json_encode($output);