Below are sample configurations for a variety of clients. You should understand the config before using it as you may want to make some slight changes.
Replace librenms.ip with IP or hostname of your LibreNMS install.
Replace any variables in <brackets> with the relevant information.
#### syslog
*.* @librenms.ip
#### rsyslog
*.* @librenms.ip:514
#### Cisco ASA
logging enable
logging timestamp
logging buffer-size 200000
logging buffered debugging
logging trap notifications
logging host <outsideinterfacename> librenms.ip
#### Cisco IOS
logging trap debugging
logging facility local6
logging librenms.ip
#### Cisco NXOS
logging server librenms.ip 5 use-vrf default facility local6
If you have permitted udp and tcp 514 through any firewall then that should be all you need. Logs should start appearing and displayed within the LibreNMS web UI.