2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
< ? php
2012-05-09 10:01:42 +00:00
2013-10-29 05:38:12 +10:00
* Observium
2012-05-09 10:01:42 +00:00
2013-10-29 05:38:12 +10:00
* This file is part of Observium .
2012-05-09 10:01:42 +00:00
2013-10-29 05:38:12 +10:00
* @ package observium
* @ subpackage webinterface
* @ author Adam Armstrong < adama @ memetic . org >
* @ copyright ( C ) 2006 - 2012 Adam Armstrong
2012-05-09 10:01:42 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
ini_set ( 'allow_url_fopen' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 0 );
if ( strpos ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ], " debug " ))
$debug = " 1 " ;
ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 1 );
ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' , 1 );
ini_set ( 'log_errors' , 1 );
ini_set ( 'error_reporting' , E_ALL );
} else {
$debug = FALSE ;
ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'log_errors' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'error_reporting' , 0 );
include ( " ../includes/defaults.inc.php " );
include ( " ../config.php " );
2012-05-09 10:01:42 +00:00
include ( " ../includes/definitions.inc.php " );
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
include ( " ../includes/functions.php " );
include ( " includes/functions.inc.php " );
include ( " includes/authenticate.inc.php " );
2015-03-18 19:14:51 +00:00
if ( get_client_ip () != $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ]) { if ( ! $_SESSION [ 'authenticated' ]) { echo ( " unauthenticated " ); exit ; } }
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
require_once ( " includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php " );
require_once ( " includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_line.php " );
require_once ( " includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php " );
require_once ( " includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_utils.inc.php " );
require_once ( " includes/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_date.php " );
if ( is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'bill_id' ]))
2015-03-18 19:14:51 +00:00
if ( get_client_ip () != $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ])
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
if ( bill_permitted ( $_GET [ 'bill_id' ]))
$bill_id = $_GET [ 'bill_id' ];
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
} else {
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
echo ( " Unauthorised Access Prohibited. " );
exit ;
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
} else {
$bill_id = $_GET [ 'bill_id' ];
} else {
echo ( " Unauthorised Access Prohibited. " );
exit ;
$start = $_GET [ 'from' ];
$end = $_GET [ 'to' ];
$xsize = ( is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'x' ]) ? $_GET [ 'x' ] : " 800 " );
$ysize = ( is_numeric ( $_GET [ 'y' ]) ? $_GET [ 'y' ] : " 250 " );
//$count = (is_numeric($_GET['count']) ? $_GET['count'] : "0" );
//$type = (isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : "date" );
//$dur = $end - $start;
//$datefrom = date('Ymthis', $start);
//$dateto = date('Ymthis', $end);
$imgtype = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'type' ]) ? $_GET [ 'type' ] : " historical " );
$imgbill = ( isset ( $_GET [ 'imgbill' ]) ? $_GET [ 'imgbill' ] : false );
$yaxistitle = " Bytes " ;
$in_data = array ();
$out_data = array ();
$tot_data = array ();
$allow_data = array ();
$ave_data = array ();
$overuse_data = array ();
$ticklabels = array ();
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
if ( $imgtype == " historical " )
$i = " 0 " ;
foreach ( dbFetchRows ( " SELECT * FROM `bill_history` WHERE `bill_id` = ? ORDER BY `bill_datefrom` DESC LIMIT 12 " , array ( $bill_id )) as $data )
$datefrom = strftime ( " %e %b %Y " , strtotime ( $data [ 'bill_datefrom' ]));
$dateto = strftime ( " %e %b %Y " , strtotime ( $data [ 'bill_dateto' ]));
$datelabel = $datefrom . " \n " . $dateto ;
$traf [ 'in' ] = $data [ 'traf_in' ];
$traf [ 'out' ] = $data [ 'traf_out' ];
$traf [ 'total' ] = $data [ 'traf_total' ];
if ( $data [ 'bill_type' ] == " Quota " )
$traf [ 'allowed' ] = $data [ 'bill_allowed' ];
$traf [ 'overuse' ] = $data [ 'bill_overuse' ];
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
} else {
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
$traf [ 'allowed' ] = " 0 " ;
$traf [ 'overuse' ] = " 0 " ;
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
array_push ( $ticklabels , $datelabel );
array_push ( $in_data , $traf [ 'in' ]);
array_push ( $out_data , $traf [ 'out' ]);
array_push ( $tot_data , $traf [ 'total' ]);
array_push ( $allow_data , $traf [ 'allowed' ]);
array_push ( $overuse_data , $traf [ 'overuse' ]);
$i ++ ;
if ( $i < 12 )
$y = 12 - $i ;
for ( $x = 0 ; $x < $y ; $x ++ )
$allowed = (( $x == " 0 " ) ? $traf [ 'allowed' ] : " 0 " );
array_push ( $in_data , " 0 " );
array_push ( $out_data , " 0 " );
array_push ( $tot_data , " 0 " );
array_push ( $allow_data , $allowed );
array_push ( $overuse_data , " 0 " );
array_push ( $ticklabels , " " );
$yaxistitle = " Gigabytes " ;
$graph_name = " Historical bandwidth over the last 12 billing periods " ;
} else {
$data = array ();
$average = 0 ;
if ( $imgtype == " day " )
foreach ( dbFetch ( " SELECT DISTINCT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as timestamp, SUM(delta) as traf_total, SUM(in_delta) as traf_in, SUM(out_delta) as traf_out FROM bill_data WHERE `bill_id` = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) GROUP BY DATE(timestamp) ORDER BY timestamp ASC " , array ( $bill_id , $start , $end )) as $data )
$traf [ 'in' ] = ( isset ( $data [ 'traf_in' ]) ? $data [ 'traf_in' ] : 0 );
$traf [ 'out' ] = ( isset ( $data [ 'traf_out' ]) ? $data [ 'traf_out' ] : 0 );
$traf [ 'total' ] = ( isset ( $data [ 'traf_total' ]) ? $data [ 'traf_total' ] : 0 );
$datelabel = strftime ( " %e \n %b " , $data [ 'timestamp' ]);
array_push ( $ticklabels , $datelabel );
array_push ( $in_data , $traf [ 'in' ]);
array_push ( $out_data , $traf [ 'out' ]);
array_push ( $tot_data , $traf [ 'total' ]);
$average += $data [ 'traf_total' ];
$ave_count = count ( $tot_data );
if ( $imgbill != false )
$days = strftime ( " %e " , date ( $end - $start )) - $ave_count - 1 ;
for ( $x = 0 ; $x < $days ; $x ++ )
array_push ( $ticklabels , " " );
array_push ( $in_data , 0 );
array_push ( $out_data , 0 );
array_push ( $tot_data , 0 );
} elseif ( $imgtype == " hour " )
foreach ( dbFetch ( " SELECT DISTINCT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) as timestamp, SUM(delta) as traf_total, SUM(in_delta) as traf_in, SUM(out_delta) as traf_out FROM bill_data WHERE `bill_id` = ? AND `timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) AND `timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) GROUP BY HOUR(timestamp) ORDER BY timestamp ASC " , array ( $bill_id , $start , $end )) as $data )
$traf [ 'in' ] = ( isset ( $data [ 'traf_in' ]) ? $data [ 'traf_in' ] : 0 );
$traf [ 'out' ] = ( isset ( $data [ 'traf_out' ]) ? $data [ 'traf_out' ] : 0 );
$traf [ 'total' ] = ( isset ( $data [ 'traf_total' ]) ? $data [ 'traf_total' ] : 0 );
$datelabel = strftime ( " %H:%M " , $data [ 'timestamp' ]);
array_push ( $ticklabels , $datelabel );
array_push ( $in_data , $traf [ 'in' ]);
array_push ( $out_data , $traf [ 'out' ]);
array_push ( $tot_data , $traf [ 'total' ]);
$average += $data [ 'traf_total' ];
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
$ave_count = count ( $tot_data );
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
$decimal = 0 ;
$average = $average / $ave_count ;
for ( $x = 0 ; $x <= count ( $tot_data ); $x ++ )
array_push ( $ave_data , $average );
$graph_name = date ( 'M j g:ia' , $start ) . " - " . date ( 'M j g:ia' , $end );
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
// Create the graph. These two calls are always required
$graph = new Graph ( $xsize , $ysize , $graph_name );
$graph -> img -> SetImgFormat ( " png " );
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
$graph -> SetScale ( " textlin " );
$graph -> title -> SetFont ( FF_FONT2 , FS_BOLD , 10 );
$graph -> SetMarginColor ( " white " );
$graph -> SetFrame ( false );
$graph -> SetMargin ( " 75 " , " 30 " , " 30 " , " 65 " );
$graph -> legend -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 , FS_NORMAL );
$graph -> legend -> SetLayout ( LEGEND_HOR );
$graph -> legend -> Pos ( " 0.52 " , " 0.91 " , " center " );
$graph -> xaxis -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 , FS_BOLD );
$graph -> xaxis -> SetPos ( 'min' );
$graph -> xaxis -> SetTitleMargin ( 30 );
$graph -> xaxis -> SetTickLabels ( $ticklabels );
$graph -> xgrid -> Show ( true , true );
$graph -> xgrid -> SetColor ( '#e0e0e0' , '#efefef' );
$graph -> yaxis -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 );
$graph -> yaxis -> SetTitleMargin ( 50 );
$graph -> yaxis -> title -> SetFont ( FF_FONT1 , FS_NORMAL , 10 );
$graph -> yaxis -> title -> Set ( " Bytes Transferred " );
$graph -> yaxis -> SetLabelFormatCallback ( 'format_bytes_billing' );
$graph -> ygrid -> SetFill ( true , '#EFEFEF@0.5' , '#FFFFFF@0.5' );
// Create the bar plots
$barplot_tot = new BarPlot ( $tot_data );
$barplot_tot -> SetLegend ( " Traffic total " );
$barplot_tot -> SetColor ( 'darkgray' );
$barplot_tot -> SetFillColor ( 'lightgray@0.4' );
$barplot_tot -> value -> Show ();
$barplot_tot -> value -> SetFormatCallback ( 'format_bytes_billing_short' );
$barplot_in = new BarPlot ( $in_data );
$barplot_in -> SetLegend ( " Traffic In " );
$barplot_in -> SetColor ( 'darkgreen' );
$barplot_in -> SetFillColor ( 'lightgreen@0.4' );
$barplot_in -> SetWeight ( 1 );
$barplot_out = new BarPlot ( $out_data );
$barplot_out -> SetLegend ( " Traffic Out " );
$barplot_out -> SetColor ( 'darkblue' );
$barplot_out -> SetFillColor ( 'lightblue@0.4' );
$barplot_out -> SetWeight ( 1 );
if ( $imgtype == " historical " )
$barplot_over = new BarPlot ( $overuse_data );
$barplot_over -> SetLegend ( " Traffic Overusage " );
$barplot_over -> SetColor ( 'darkred' );
$barplot_over -> SetFillColor ( 'lightred@0.4' );
$barplot_over -> SetWeight ( 1 );
$lineplot_allow = new LinePlot ( $allow_data );
$lineplot_allow -> SetLegend ( " Traffic Allowed " );
$lineplot_allow -> SetColor ( 'black' );
$lineplot_allow -> SetWeight ( 1 );
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot ( array ( $barplot_in , $barplot_tot , $barplot_out , $barplot_over ));
} else {
$lineplot_allow = new LinePlot ( $ave_data );
//$lineplot_allow->SetLegend("Average per ".$imgtype);
$lineplot_allow -> SetLegend ( " Average " );
$lineplot_allow -> SetColor ( 'black' );
$lineplot_allow -> SetWeight ( 1 );
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot ( array ( $barplot_in , $barplot_tot , $barplot_out ));
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
$graph -> Add ( $gbplot );
$graph -> Add ( $lineplot_allow );
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00
2012-04-05 16:10:12 +00:00
// Display the graph
$graph -> Stroke ();
2011-11-30 12:45:46 +00:00