2008-03-15 17:58:15 +00:00
< ?
include ( " config.php " );
include ( " includes/functions.php " );
### Discover BGP peers on Cisco devices
$device_query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE status = '1' AND os = 'IOS' ORDER BY device_id desc " );
while ( $device = mysql_fetch_array ( $device_query )) {
echo ( " \n Polling " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " \n " );
$as_cmd = $config [ 'snmpwalk' ] . " -CI -Oqvn - " . $device [ 'snmpver' ] . " -c " . $device [ 'community' ] . " " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " " ;
$as_cmd .= " . " ;
2008-03-16 15:17:40 +00:00
$bgpLocalAs = trim ( shell_exec ( $as_cmd ));
2008-03-15 17:58:15 +00:00
if ( $bgpLocalAs ) {
echo ( " Host AS is $bgpLocalAs\n " );
if ( $bgpLocalAs != $device [ 'bgpLocalAs' ]) { mysql_query ( " UPDATE devices SET bgpLocalAs = ' $bgpLocalAs ' WHERE device_id = ' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ' " ); echo ( " Updated AS \n " ); }
$peers_cmd = $config [ 'snmpwalk' ] . " -CI -Oq - " . $device [ 'snmpver' ] . " -c " . $device [ 'community' ] . " " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " " ;
$peers_cmd .= " BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs " ;
$peers = trim ( str_replace ( " BGP4-MIB::bgpPeerRemoteAs. " , " " , `$peers_cmd` ));
foreach ( explode ( " \n " , $peers ) as $peer ) {
if ( $peer ) {
list ( $peer_ip , $peer_as ) = split ( " " , $peer );
2008-03-16 15:17:40 +00:00
$astext = trim ( str_replace ( " \" " , " " , shell_exec ( " /usr/bin/dig +short AS $peer_as .asn.cymru.com TXT | cut -d '|' -f 5 " )));
2008-03-15 17:58:15 +00:00
echo ( str_pad ( $peer_ip , 32 ) . str_pad ( $astext , 32 ) . " $peer_as " );
if ( mysql_result ( mysql_query ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bgpPeers` WHERE `device_id` = ' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ' $peer_ip ' " ), 0 ) < '1' ) {
$add = mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO bgpPeers (`device_id`, `bgpPeerIdentifier`, `bgpPeerRemoteAS`) VALUES (' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ',' $peer_ip ',' $peer_as ') " );
if ( $add ) { echo ( " Added \n " ); } else { echo ( " Add failed \n " ); }
} else { echo ( " Exists \n " ); }
### Poll BGP Peer
$peer_cmd = $config [ 'snmpget' ] . " -Ovq - " . $device [ 'snmpver' ] . " -c " . $device [ 'community' ] . " " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " " ;
$peer_cmd .= " bgpPeerState. $peer_ip bgpPeerAdminStatus. $peer_ip bgpPeerInUpdates. $peer_ip bgpPeerOutUpdates. $peer_ip bgpPeerInTotalMessages. $peer_ip " ;
$peer_cmd .= " bgpPeerOutTotalMessages. $peer_ip bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime. $peer_ip bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime. $peer_ip " ;
2008-03-16 15:17:40 +00:00
$peer_data = trim ( shell_exec ( $peer_cmd ));
2008-03-15 17:58:15 +00:00
$peerrrd = $rrd_dir . " / " . $device [ 'hostname' ] . " /bgp- $peer_ip .rrd " ;
if ( ! is_file ( $peerrrd )) {
$woo = ` rrdtool create $peerrrd \
DS : bgpPeerOutUpdates : COUNTER : 600 : U : 100000000000 \
DS : bgpPeerInUpdates : COUNTER : 600 : U : 100000000000 \
DS : bgpPeerOutTotal : COUNTER : 600 : U : 100000000000 \
DS : bgpPeerInTotal : COUNTER : 600 : U : 100000000000 \
DS : bgpPeerEstablished : GAUGE : 600 : 0 : U \
RRA : AVERAGE : 0.5 : 1 : 600 \
RRA : AVERAGE : 0.5 : 6 : 700 \
RRA : AVERAGE : 0.5 : 24 : 775 \
RRA : AVERAGE : 0.5 : 288 : 797 ` ;
rrdtool_update ( $peerrrd , " N: $bgpPeerOutUpdates : $bgpPeerInUpdates : $bgpPeerOutTotalMessages : $bgpPeerInTotalMesages : $bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime " );
list ( $bgpPeerState , $bgpPeerAdminStatus , $bgpPeerInUpdates , $bgpPeerOutUpdates , $bgpPeerInTotalMessages , $bgpPeerOutTotalMessages , $bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime , $bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime ) = explode ( " \n " , $peer_data );
$update = " UPDATE bgpPeers SET bgpPeerState = ' $bgpPeerState ', bgpPeerAdminStatus = ' $bgpPeerAdminStatus ', " ;
$update .= " bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime = ' $bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime ', astext = ' $astext ' " ;
$update .= " WHERE `device_id` = ' " . $device [ 'device_id' ] . " ' AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ' $peer_ip ' " ;
mysql_query ( $update );
} # end if $peer
} # End foreach
} # End BGP check
} # End While
## Delete removed sensors
$sql = " SELECT * FROM temperature AS T, devices AS D WHERE T.temp_host = D.device_id AND D.status = '1' " ;
$query = mysql_query ( $sql );
while ( $sensor = mysql_fetch_array ( $query )) {
unset ( $exists );
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i < count ( $temp_exists ) && ! $exists ) {
$thistemp = $sensor [ 'temp_host' ] . " " . $sensor [ 'temp_oid' ];
if ( $temp_exists [ $i ] == $thistemp ) { $exists = 1 ; }
$i ++ ;
if ( ! $exists ) {
# echo("Deleting...\n");
# mysql_query("DELETE FROM temperature WHERE temp_id = '" . $sensor['temp_id'] . "'");