2016-08-27 22:12:44 +01:00
LibreNMS core team:
2017-03-03 21:44:45 +00:00
- Paul Gear <paul@librenms.org> [paulgear](https://github.com/paulgear/)
- Neil Lathwood <neil@librenms.org> [laf](https://github.com/laf/)
- Daniel Preussker <f0o@librenms.org> [f0o](https://github.com/f0o/)
- Søren Friis Rosiak <sorenrosiak@gmail.com> [rosiak](https://github.com/rosiak/)
- Mike Rostermund <mike@kollegienet.dk> [SaaldjorMike](https://github.com/SaaldjorMike/)
- Tony Murray <tonym@librenms.org> [murrant](https://github.com/murrant/)
- David Bell <me@geordish.org> [geordish](https://github.com/geordish/)
Notable contributors:
- Cercel Valentin <crc@nuamchefazi.ro> (crcro)
- Clint Armstrong <clint@clintarmstrong.net> (clinta)
- Aaron Daniels <aaron@daniels.id.au> (adaniels21487)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
2016-08-27 22:12:44 +01:00
LibreNMS contributors:
2014-06-24 08:23:18 +10:00
- Bohdan Sanders <git@bohdans.com> (bohdan-s)
2014-11-03 16:55:01 +01:00
- Toni Cunyat <elbuit@gmail.com> (elbuit)
2015-02-12 01:18:44 +02:00
- Tuomas Riihimäki <tuomari@iudex.fi> (tuomari)
2015-02-22 18:07:07 +01:00
- Nicolas Armando <nicearma@yahoo.com> (nicearma)
2015-02-13 09:48:44 -07:00
- Micah Chasteen <mjchasteen@gmail.com> (mchasteen)
2015-03-09 09:52:35 -07:00
- Kevin Fleshman <fleshmank@hotmail.com> (KFleshman)
2015-03-14 16:37:24 +01:00
- Markus Heberling <markus@tisoft.de> (tisoft)
2015-03-23 00:02:57 -03:00
- Alan Gregory <alan@opcaonet.com.br> (alangregory)
2015-03-23 13:33:53 -03:00
- Joubert RedRat <me+github@redrat.com.br> (joubertredrat)
2015-04-01 21:03:41 +02:00
- Len Lin <Ultra2D@users.noreply.github.com> (Ultra2D)
2015-04-17 14:57:23 -04:00
- Christopher Freas <code@packetbusters.net> (nwautomator)
2015-04-23 23:14:29 +01:00
- Stuart Henderson <stu@spacehopper.org> (sthen)
2015-05-09 11:00:57 +02:00
- Filippo Giunchedi <filippo@esaurito.net> (filippog)
2015-05-10 00:09:22 +02:00
- Lasse Leegaard <lasse@brandbil.dk> (lasseleegaard)
2015-08-11 19:34:34 +02:00
- Mickael Marchand <mmarchand@corp.free.fr> (mmarchand)
2015-05-10 16:40:38 +03:00
- Mohammad Al-Shami <mohammad@al-shami.net> (mohshami)
2015-05-12 19:15:37 +02:00
- Rudy Hardeman <zarya@gigafreak.net> (zarya)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
- Freddie Cash <fjwcash@gmail.com> (fjwcash)
2016-04-07 15:56:27 -07:00
- Thom Seddon <thom@seddonmedia.co.uk> (thomseddon)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
- Vitali Kari <vitali.kari@gmail.com> (vitalisator)
Created Pushover transport, requires testing
Moved print_r references to top for debug
Modified Pushover transport, testing required
Pushover transport, fixed syntax issue
Pushover transport, fixed another syntax issue
Pushover transport, added debug
Pushover transport, updated message code
Pushover transport, debug
Pushover transport, testing new code
Pushover transport, adding more parameters
and adding debug parameters
Pushover transport, added severity level support
Pushover transport, modified severity level code
Pushover transport, updated severity code
Pushover transport, debugging severity level
Pushover transport, more debugging
Pushover transport, debugging sound
Pushover transport, fixed sound syntax issue
Pushover transport, debugging sound API
Pushover transport, adjusted sound code
Updated contributors file to add myself
Updated Alerting doc to include Pushover
Pushover transport, modified code
Pushover transport, fixed syntax error
Pushover transport, removed debug code
Ready for deployment
Pushover transport, updated copyright
2015-06-01 21:41:55 +10:00
- James Campbell <neokjames@gmail.com> (neokjames)
2015-06-10 18:02:32 +02:00
- Steve Calvário <calvario.steve@gmail.com> (Calvario)
2015-06-12 10:53:52 +02:00
- Christian Marg <marg@rz.tu-clausthal.de> (einhirn)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
- Louis Rossouw <lrossouw@gmail.com> (spinza)
2015-08-09 19:31:46 +01:00
- Tony Ditchfield <tony.ditchfield@gmail.com> (arnoldthebat)
2015-06-30 10:12:07 -04:00
- Travis Hegner <travis.hegner@gmail.com> (travishegner)
2015-07-06 02:21:40 +01:00
- Will Jones <email@willjones.eu> (willjones)
2015-07-09 12:05:01 +02:00
- Job Snijders <job@instituut.net> (job)
2015-07-20 11:01:30 +02:00
- Rasmus Aberg <rasmus@sthix.net> (rasssta)
2015-07-20 16:11:45 +02:00
- Jan Saner <jan@trick77.com> (trick77)
2015-07-22 14:44:29 +03:00
- Mikhail Bratchikov <mbratchikov@odin.com> (pepyaka)
2015-08-03 14:10:30 -08:00
- David M. Syzdek <david@syzdek.net> (syzdek)
2015-08-06 16:56:59 +02:00
- Gerben Meijer <gerben@daybyday.nl> (infernix)
2015-08-11 15:06:53 -07:00
- Michael Newton <mnewton@pofp.com> (miken32)
2015-08-14 15:24:59 +01:00
- Tom Ferguson <tom.ferguson.public@outlook.com> (Tawmu)
2015-08-17 21:21:45 +02:00
- Jimmy Cleuren <jimmy.cleuren@gmail.com> (jimmycleuren)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
- Mark Schouten <mark@tuxis.nl> (tuxis-ie)
2015-08-22 21:56:11 -04:00
- Todd Eddy <vr@vrillusions.com> (vrillusions)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
- Arjit Chaudhary <arjit.c@gmail.com> (arjitc)
2015-09-06 23:08:14 +01:00
- Sergiusz Paprzycki <serek@walcz.net> (spaprzycki)
2015-09-13 12:28:53 +03:00
- Juho Vanhanen <juho@vanhanen.me> (juhovan)
2015-09-17 13:19:26 +02:00
- Bart de Bruijn <bart_de_bruijn@yahoo.com> (bartdebruijn)
2015-09-19 00:45:36 +02:00
- Christophe Martinet <martinet.christophe@gmail.com> (chrisgfx)
2015-09-21 22:19:21 +02:00
- Nils Steinger <librenms@voidptr.de> (n-st)
2015-09-21 19:25:00 -07:00
- Mark Nagel <mnagel@willingminds.com> (ciscoqid)
2015-09-29 15:36:16 +02:00
- Sławomir Paszkiewicz <paszczus@pld-linux.org> (paszczus)
2015-09-29 23:50:54 +02:00
- Frederik Mogensen <frederik@server-1.dk> (mogensen)
2015-10-03 18:50:07 +02:00
- Matthew Scully <matt@mattz0r.me.uk> (mattz0r)
2015-10-06 17:44:53 +02:00
- Xavier Beaudouin <kiwi@oav.net> (xbeaudouin)
2015-10-07 16:16:06 +02:00
- Falk Stern <falk@fourecks.de> (fstern)
2015-10-08 14:49:05 +02:00
- Donovan Bridoux <donovan.bridoux@gmail.com> (PandaWawawa)
2015-10-13 17:20:19 +02:00
- Sebastian Neuner <sebastian@sneuner.org> (9er)
2015-10-26 15:51:34 +02:00
- Robert Zollner <wolfit_ro@yahoo.com> (Lupul)
2015-11-03 16:48:08 +01:00
- Richard Hartmann <richih@debian.org> (RichiH)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
- Robert Gornall <roblnm@khobbits.co.uk> (KHobbits)
2015-11-05 11:34:27 -08:00
- Rob Gormley <robert@gormley.me> (rgormley)
2015-11-08 18:27:00 +01:00
- Richard Kojedzinszky <krichy@nmdps.net> (rkojedzinszky)
2015-11-17 12:35:36 +01:00
- Peter Lamperud <peter.lamperud@gmail.com> (vizay)
2015-11-19 11:57:39 +00:00
- Louis Bailleul <louis.bailleul@gmail.com> (alucardfh)
2015-11-20 13:05:29 +00:00
- Rick Hodger <rick@fuzzi.org.uk> (Tatermen)
2015-12-02 12:09:08 -07:00
- Eldon Koyle <ekoyle@gmail.com> (ekoyle)
2016-02-16 17:21:25 -07:00
- Jay McEntire <jay.mcentire@gmail.com> (jmacul2)
2015-12-07 21:14:55 -06:00
- Jonathan Bailey <jcbailey@code0.net> (jcbailey2)
2015-12-18 17:49:50 +01:00
- Ruairi Carroll <ruairi.carroll@gmail.com> (rucarrol)
2015-12-20 18:11:20 +03:00
- Maxim Tsyplakov <maxim.tsyplakov@gmail.com> (tsypa)
2015-12-18 17:49:50 +01:00
- D. Britz <github@wrind.de> (flatterlight)
2016-01-02 17:43:30 +01:00
- Tobias Herrmann <tobias@fiveninedigital.ch> (Mightea)
2016-01-09 22:54:41 +11:00
- Nicolas Guillaumin <nicolas+github@guillaumin.me> (nguillaumin)
2016-01-09 14:38:37 +01:00
- Jurrian van Iersel <jurrian@vaniersel.net> (jviersel)
2016-01-18 14:08:49 +01:00
- Adam Winberg <adam.winberg@gmail.com> (wiad)
2016-01-21 21:50:44 +01:00
- Maximilian Wilhelm <max@rfc2324.org> (BarbarossaTM)
2016-01-22 20:31:57 -05:00
- Jameson Finney <jameson.finney@gmail.com> (JamesonFinney)
2016-01-27 13:33:14 -05:00
- John Wells <john.wells@greatworx.com> (jbwiv)
2016-02-02 12:58:34 +01:00
- Henoc Khouilla <henoc.khouilla@gmail.com> (henocKA)
2016-02-09 19:02:38 +00:00
- Paul Blasquez <pblasquez@gmail.com> (pblasquez)
2016-02-15 09:24:37 -05:00
- Paul Heinrichs <pdheinrichs@gmail.com> (pheinrichs)
2016-02-23 16:02:03 +01:00
- Georges Dick <georges.dick@gmail.com> (GeorgesDick)
2016-02-26 14:15:54 +00:00
- Richard Lawley <richard@richardlawley.com> (richardlawley)
2016-03-03 00:26:39 +08:00
- Marco Di Cerbo <marco@dottoremoe.com> (marcodc)
2016-03-10 17:58:19 +01:00
- Ibrahim Tachijian <barhom@netsat.se> (barhom)
2016-03-31 15:09:01 +02:00
- Guillaume Coeugnet <aliasprotect-git@yahoo.fr> (gcoeugnet)
2016-04-07 16:07:11 -07:00
- Jared Newell <jared.newell@gmail.com> (Jaredn)
2016-04-11 15:11:12 +02:00
- Karsten Nerdinger <karsten-git-librenms@nerdinger.net> (piratonym)
2016-04-11 13:50:20 -07:00
- Michael Nguyen <mnguyen1289@gmail.com> (mnguyen1289)
2016-04-18 11:57:01 -05:00
- Casey Schoonover <casey.schoonover@llcc.edu> (cschoonover91)
2016-04-20 09:20:50 -05:00
- Chris A. Evans <thecityofguanyu@outlook.com> (thecityofguanyu)
2016-04-25 11:51:20 +02:00
- Rainer Schüler <github@layer3.de> (rschueler)
2016-05-04 14:23:21 +03:00
- Jussi Sorjonen <mieleton@mieleton.net> (mieleton)
2016-05-04 22:11:56 +02:00
- Jens Langhammer <jens@beryju.org> (BeryJu)
2016-05-05 10:09:55 +02:00
- Robert Verspuy <robert@exa.nl> (exarv)
2016-05-18 14:55:35 +02:00
- Peter Tkatchenko <peter@flytrace.com> (Peter2121)
2016-05-21 10:28:18 +02:00
- Marc Runkel <marc@runkel.org> (mrunkel)
2016-06-09 21:03:51 +09:30
- Josh Driver <keeperofdakeys@gmail.com> (keeperofdakeys)
2016-06-12 15:43:53 +02:00
- Felix Eckhofer <felix@eckhofer.com> (tribut)
2016-08-04 01:32:47 +02:00
- Vikram Adukia <adukia@dropbox.com> (justmedude)
2016-06-28 11:39:51 +02:00
- Tijmen de Mes <tijmen@ag-projects.com> (tijmenNL)
2016-06-28 18:51:49 +02:00
- Benjamin Busche <benjamin.busche@gmail.com> (optic00)
2016-06-24 14:54:32 -07:00
- Brandon Boudrias <bt.boudrias@gmail.com> (brandune)
2016-08-04 01:32:47 +02:00
- Andy Noyland <andrew@noyland.co.uk> (Zappatron)
2016-07-26 16:06:16 -04:00
- Ahmed Sajid <ahmed4343@hotmail.com> (ahmedsajid)
2016-08-02 10:32:46 +02:00
- Karsten Schmidt <git@guggemand.dk> (guggemand)
2016-08-05 13:31:00 +02:00
- Maxence POULAIN <maxence.poulain@eriador.info> (Linutux42)
2016-08-04 01:32:47 +02:00
- Florian Beer <fb@42dev.eu> (florianbeer)
2016-08-14 13:34:23 +03:00
- Vladislav Solovei <vladsol2009@gmail.com> (vladsol)
2016-08-17 11:42:46 +02:00
- Daniel van Dorp <daniel@vandorp.biz> (djvdorp)
2016-08-19 00:45:56 +02:00
- Phil Regnauld <regnauld@x0.dk> (reegnauld)
2016-08-21 15:11:10 -05:00
- Russell Morris <github@rkmorris.us> (arrmo)
2016-08-19 13:49:06 -04:00
- Bennett Blodinger <bennett.blodinger@gmail.com> (benwa)
2016-08-28 16:13:49 -04:00
- Michael Hansen <nerdalertdk@gmail.com> (nerdalertdk)
2017-01-14 15:30:17 +00:00
- Daniel Cox <danielcoxman@gmail.com> (ospfbgp)
2016-08-29 23:04:18 -07:00
- Joseph Cunningham <joey.was@gmail.com> (joeywas)
2016-08-30 12:20:42 +08:00
- Michael Van Delft <librenms@xo.tc> (HybridAU)
2016-09-01 14:27:21 +02:00
- Piotr Jurga <deutor1361@gmail.com> (deutor)
2016-09-07 16:27:32 -06:00
- Jonathon Koyle <jonathon.koyle@gmail.com> (jonathon-k)
2016-09-10 19:39:47 +03:00
- Tamas Szabo <jobs@szatam.com> (szatam)
2016-09-14 15:29:46 +02:00
- Dennis Væversted <dv@zitcom.dk> (dvaeversted)
2016-09-15 13:59:39 +02:00
- Morgan Henreaux <morgan@henreaux.com> (mhenreaux)
2016-09-20 14:11:57 -04:00
- Yves Boudreau <yves.boudreau@bgp.ca> (boudreau)
2016-09-21 18:21:33 +02:00
- Konrad Bechler <konrad@bechler.pl> (kbechler)
2016-09-21 21:33:40 +02:00
- Florent Bruchez <ftbz@me.com> (ftbz)
2016-09-22 16:56:09 +02:00
- Bartosz Radwan <b.radwan@citypartner.pl> (bartoszradwan)
2016-09-26 18:45:30 -07:00
- Kate Gerry <kate@fansubber.com> (kate66)
2016-09-30 15:07:57 +02:00
- Johan Zaxmy <johan@zaxmy.com> (Zaxmy)
2016-10-02 02:41:48 -05:00
- Ryan Gibbons <rtgibbons23@gmail.com> (rtgibbons)
2016-10-05 01:09:18 -07:00
- Layne Breitkreutz <github@thelenon.com> (Gorian)
2016-10-08 14:41:06 -05:00
- Karl Shea <karl@karlshea.com> (karlshea)
2016-11-16 01:24:56 -06:00
- Jason Ellison <infotek@gmail.com> (infotek)
2016-10-11 12:51:04 -04:00
- Justin Settle <jus10@partlycloudy.org> (jquagga)
2016-09-29 14:23:53 +02:00
- Alexander Kratzsch <klump@devrandom.se> (klump)
2016-10-21 07:59:15 +01:00
- Barry O'Donovan barry.odonovan@lightnet.ie (barryodonovan)
2016-10-17 10:46:44 -05:00
- Joseph Eames <j.eames@outlook.com> (j-ems)
2016-10-17 00:35:38 -04:00
- Eric Conroy <eric@conroy.co> (NetworkNub)
2016-10-20 12:21:06 -07:00
- Timothy Willey <developer@timothywilley.net> (twilley)
2016-10-23 01:47:30 +11:00
- Jon Ward <librenms@yonzb.net> (yon2004)
2016-10-26 02:26:05 -04:00
- Ian Viemeister <github@ian.viemeister.com> (iviemeister)
2016-10-31 09:21:05 -07:00
- Thane Gill <me@thanegill.com> (thanegill)
2016-10-31 09:28:17 +01:00
- Christoffer Stokbæk <christoffers@easyspeedy.com> (stokbaek)
2016-11-02 21:07:46 +01:00
- Markus Wigge <markus@cultcom.de> (cultcom)
2016-11-06 14:32:38 +00:00
- Matthew Wall <llawwehttam@gmail.com> (llawwehttam)
2016-11-10 22:37:31 +02:00
- Andres Rahn <andreser@gmail.com> (Andreser)
2017-03-03 16:48:53 -03:00
- Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <philmd@users.noreply.github.com> (philmd)
2016-11-13 18:26:16 +08:00
- Christoph Zilian <czilian@hotmail.com> (czilian)
2017-01-14 15:30:17 +00:00
- Guillem Mateos <bbguillem@gmail.com> (guillemmateos)
2016-11-30 21:27:57 +01:00
- Joachim Tingvold <joachim@tingvold.com> (jallakim)
2016-12-04 22:52:03 +01:00
- Martin Zatloukal <slezi2@pvfree.net> (erotel)
2016-12-12 13:52:17 -07:00
- Matthew Schwen <mschwen@gmail.com> (mattschwen)
2018-10-17 18:03:51 +02:00
- Joel Cant <joel@linuxmod.co.uk> (NerdBlender)
2017-01-27 20:08:27 +02:00
- Aldemir Akpinar <aldemir.akpinar@gmail.com> (aldemira)
2017-01-04 17:32:04 -05:00
- Rob Nichols <rob@ignition360.com> (rdnn)
2017-01-07 01:26:23 +01:00
- Patrick Fruh <info@kaeltis.de> (Kaeltis)
2017-01-08 20:32:17 +01:00
- Julian Kornberger <jk+github@digineo.de> (corny)
2017-01-14 15:30:17 +00:00
- ant Kenworthy <git@manchetermonkey.co.uk> (mcrmonkey)
2017-01-16 12:49:53 +02:00
- Aleksandr Stankevic <aleksandr.stankevic@gmail.com> (sysmonk)
2017-01-21 13:24:05 +02:00
- Richard Mayhew <richard@splash.co.za> (InsaneSplash)
2017-01-17 18:56:04 +11:00
- Jacob <wackychocolatefactory@gmail.com> (wackychocolatefactory)
2017-01-21 20:21:54 +01:00
- Patrick Velder <patrick2+librenms@velder.li> (patrick7)
2017-01-24 22:44:58 +00:00
- Andrew Wippler <andrew.wippler+librenms@gmail.com> (andrewwippler)
2017-01-26 16:52:13 -06:00
- Robert Towster <rnt-github at towster.com> (towster)
2017-01-27 16:09:50 +01:00
- Rocky Luke <rockyluke@offline.net> (rockyluke)
2017-01-30 11:59:35 -06:00
- Tim Jackson <jackson.tim@gmail.com> (jackson-tim)
2017-02-08 22:57:15 +01:00
- Jørn-Stian Lønsetteig <jeg@glemte.no> (gilrim)
2017-02-01 00:05:35 +01:00
- Viktoria Rei Bauer <vbauer@stargazer.at> (ToeiRei)
2017-02-02 16:39:31 -07:00
- Ryan Eno <ryaneno@gmail.com> (VimCommando)
newdevice: Improve support for TiMOS (Alcatel-Lucent) switches #5533
* Improve TiMOS to include 7210 models
* I agree to the conditions of the Contributor Agreement contained in doc/General/Contributing.md.
* correct case of NOS name, don't bother polling for wifi or toner on an ethernet switch
* Remove sysDescr_regex per comment on #5533
* Present correct interface description, based on following:
$ snmpwalk -v2c -c XXX IF-MIB::ifDescr | head -12
IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: system, Loopback IP interface
IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 = STRING: info, IP interface
IF-MIB::ifDescr.3 = STRING: port, IP interface
IF-MIB::ifDescr.4 = STRING: to-Richard-1/1/26, IP interface
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35684352 = STRING: 1/1/1, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP, \"to CC 1\"
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35717120 = STRING: 1/1/2, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35749888 = STRING: 1/1/3, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35782656 = STRING: 1/1/4, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35815424 = STRING: 1/1/5, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35848192 = STRING: 1/1/6, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP, \"to 105.403.P24 | to roof PTP to City\"
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35880960 = STRING: 1/1/7, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP, \"CLEINT 135790-XYZ | DIA | to 105.403.P04\"
IF-MIB::ifDescr.35913728 = STRING: 1/1/8, 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP, \"CLEINT 135790-ABCFOO | DIA | to 105.403.P03\"
$ snmpwalk -v2c -c XXX IF-MIB::ifAlias | head -12
IF-MIB::ifAlias.1 = STRING: Loopback IP interface
IF-MIB::ifAlias.2 = STRING: IP interface
IF-MIB::ifAlias.3 = STRING: IP interface
IF-MIB::ifAlias.4 = STRING: IP interface
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35684352 = STRING: to CC 1
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35717120 = STRING: 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35749888 = STRING: 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35782656 = STRING: 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35815424 = STRING: 10/100/Gig Ethernet SFP
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35848192 = STRING: to 105.403.P24 | to roof PTP to City
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35880960 = STRING: CLEINT 135790-XYZ | DIA | to 105.403.P04
IF-MIB::ifAlias.35913728 = STRING: CLEINT 135790-ABCFOO | DIA | to 105.403.P03
$ snmpwalk -v2c -c XXX IF-MIB::ifName | head -12
IF-MIB::ifName.1 = STRING: system
IF-MIB::ifName.2 = STRING: info
IF-MIB::ifName.3 = STRING: port
IF-MIB::ifName.4 = STRING: to-Richard-1/1/26
IF-MIB::ifName.35684352 = STRING: 1/1/1
IF-MIB::ifName.35717120 = STRING: 1/1/2
IF-MIB::ifName.35749888 = STRING: 1/1/3
IF-MIB::ifName.35782656 = STRING: 1/1/4
IF-MIB::ifName.35815424 = STRING: 1/1/5
IF-MIB::ifName.35848192 = STRING: 1/1/6
IF-MIB::ifName.35880960 = STRING: 1/1/7
IF-MIB::ifName.35913728 = STRING: 1/1/8
* OS unit testing as requested
* fixed test unit
2017-02-03 02:01:29 -08:00
- Matt Peterson <matt@peterson.org> (dorkmatt)
2017-02-06 01:10:02 -07:00
- William George <wrgeorge1983@gmail.com> (wrgeorge1983)
2017-02-10 13:26:54 +01:00
- Valentin Parmeland <naoko.vp@gmail.com> (NK74)
2017-02-13 17:16:22 +01:00
- Michał Margula <michal@margula.pl> (alchemyx)
2017-02-14 16:06:00 -08:00
- Maclin Fuehr-Bush <macfuehrbush@gmail.com> (mobilemaclin)
2017-02-14 15:02:25 -08:00
- Robert Penziol <rpenziol@pdx.edu> (rpenziol)
2017-02-15 01:40:24 +01:00
- Stefan Behte <craig at haquarter.de> (craig)
2017-02-16 09:10:42 -06:00
- Zane C. Bowers-Hadley <vvelox@vvelox.net> (vvelox)
2017-02-20 00:27:43 +02:00
- Valentin Polonuyer <valik.vicious@gmail.com> (ValikVicious)
2017-02-27 00:22:03 +01:00
- Olivier Le Brouster <olb@nebkha.net> (ollb)
2017-04-26 18:08:35 -04:00
- Avery Payne <avery.p.payne@gmail.com> (apayne)
2017-03-03 00:53:42 -07:00
- Ryan Medlyn <ryan.medlyn@gmail.com> (rmedlyn)
2017-03-03 19:04:37 +11:00
- Mark Hughes <m@rkhugh.es> (markehme)
2017-03-14 05:39:43 +13:00
- Mark Abrahams <mark@abrahams.co.nz> (markabrahams)
2017-03-23 20:35:20 +00:00
- Klaas Tammling <klaas@tammling.hamburg> (KlaasT)
2017-03-22 14:43:18 +00:00
- Simon Mott <me@simonmott.co.uk> (tsumaru720)
2017-03-23 22:20:17 +01:00
- Hubert Ladet <mail4git38@gmail.com> (mail4git38)
2017-03-27 08:32:47 +01:00
- Deeps (deepseth)
2017-03-27 09:08:54 +02:00
- Jari Schäfer <jari.schaefer@gmail.com> (jarischaefer)
2017-03-28 17:02:10 +02:00
- Jan-Philipp Litza <janphilipp@litza.de> (jplitza)
2017-04-06 04:11:39 -05:00
- Chris Putnam <chrisputnam@gmail.com> (putnam)
2017-04-18 02:14:23 +01:00
- Jonathan Price <jonathan@jonathanprice.uk> (Pricetx)
2017-04-13 11:56:16 +02:00
- Remy de Boer <remy@slowpoke.nl> (remydb)
2017-04-12 17:30:01 -04:00
- Ben Klang <ben@alkaloid.net> (bklang)
2017-05-03 22:41:55 +01:00
- Tim Stallard <code@timstallard.me.uk> (TimStallard)
2017-04-18 09:37:48 +02:00
- Svenn D'Hert <admin at svennd.be> (svennd)
2017-04-20 14:21:40 +02:00
- Dominik Bay <db@rrbone.net> (eimann)
2017-04-26 18:08:35 -04:00
- Nick Peelman <nick@peelman.us> (peelman)
2017-05-04 22:04:10 +12:00
- Patrick Ryon <patrick@slashdoom.com> (slashdoom)
2017-06-02 14:58:02 -05:00
- Mike Williams <mike@mgww.net> (network-guy)
2017-08-11 23:11:02 +02:00
- Rob J. Epping <librenms@renf.us> (robje)
2017-10-05 11:53:13 -07:00
- Frank Petrilli <frank@petril.li> (frankpetrilli)
2017-10-26 13:27:11 +03:00
- Joel Kociolek <joel@kociolek.org> (lejoko)
2018-01-21 20:56:57 +01:00
- Rémy Jacquin <remy@remyj.fr> (remyj38)
2018-10-17 18:03:51 +02:00
- PipoCanaja <pipocanaja@gmail.com> [pipocanaja](https://github.com/pipocanaja/)
2020-10-12 00:07:52 +02:00
- Thomas Berberich <sourcehhdoctor@gmail.com> [SourceDoctor](https://github.com/SourceDoctor/)
2019-04-09 15:47:43 +02:00
- Tim de Boer <tim+github@tim427.net> (tim427)
2019-05-07 04:50:45 +02:00
- Pavle Obradovic <pobradovic08@gmail.com> (pobradovic08)
2019-09-05 11:42:40 +08:00
- Jason Cheng <sanyu3u@gmail.com> (jasoncheng7115)
2020-08-03 13:44:37 +02:00
- Daniel Baeza <doctoruve@gmail.com> (TheGreatDoc)
2020-09-04 09:38:19 -05:00
- Thom Cleary <me@thomcat.rocks> (thomcatdotrocks)
2016-01-06 21:05:55 +10:00
2016-01-06 21:09:23 +10:00
Observium was written by:
- Adam Armstrong
- Tom Laermans
- various others as indicated in the file contents and commit logs