2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
< ? php
echo ( " <div style='margin: 5px;'><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width=100%> " );
$i = " 1 " ;
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'view' ] == " alerted " ) {
2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
$where = " " ;
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
} elseif ( $_GET [ 'view' ] == " external " ) {
2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
$where = " AND D.bgpLocalAs != B.bgpPeerRemoteAs " ;
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
} elseif ( $_GET [ 'view' ] == " internal " ) {
2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
$where = " AND D.bgpLocalAs = B.bgpPeerRemoteAs " ;
$peer_query = mysql_query ( " select * from bgpPeers AS B, devices AS D WHERE B.device_id = D.device_id $where ORDER BY D.hostname, B.bgpPeerRemoteAs, B.bgpPeerIdentifier " );
while ( $peer = mysql_fetch_array ( $peer_query )) {
if ( ! is_integer ( $i / 2 )) { $bg_colour = $list_colour_a ; } else { $bg_colour = $list_colour_b ; }
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
if ( $peer [ 'bgpPeerState' ] == " established " ) { $col = " green " ; } else { $col = " red " ; $nobg_colour = " #ffcccc " ; }
if ( $peer [ 'bgpPeerAdminStatus' ] == " start " ) { $admin_col = " green " ; } else { $admin_col = " gray " ; }
2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
if ( $peer [ 'bgpPeerRemoteAs' ] == $peer [ 'bgpLocalAs' ]) { $peer_type = " <span style='color: #00f;'>iBGP</span> " ; } else { $peer_type = " <span style='color: #0a0;'>eBGP</span> " ;
2008-09-16 11:43:21 +00:00
if ( $peer [ 'bgpPeerRemoteAS' ] >= '64512' && $peer [ 'bgpPeerRemoteAS' ] <= '65535' ) { $peer_type = " <span style='color: #f00;'>Priv eBGP</span> " ; }
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
$peerhost = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM ipaddr AS A, interfaces AS I, devices AS D WHERE A.addr = ' " . $peer [ 'bgpPeerIdentifier' ] . " ' AND I.interface_id = A.interface_id AND D.device_id = I.device_id " ));
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
if ( $peerhost ) { $peername = generatedevicelink ( $peerhost , shorthost ( $peerhost [ 'hostname' ])); } else { unset ( $peername ); }
2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
echo ( " <tr bgcolor= $bg_colour >
2008-09-25 13:54:58 +00:00
< td width = 10 ></ td >
< td width = 150 >< span class = list - large > " . $peer['bgpLocalAddr'] . " </ span >< br /> " .generatedevicelink( $peer , shorthost( $peer['hostname'] )). " </ td >
< td width = 30 >-></ td >
2008-04-13 16:27:05 +00:00
< td width = 150 >< span class = list - large > " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . " </ span >< br /> " . $peername . " </ td >
< td width = 50 >< b > $peer_type </ b ></ td >
2008-04-11 08:11:28 +00:00
< td >< strong > AS " . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . " </ strong >< br /> " . $peer['astext'] . " </ td >
< td >< strong >< span style = 'color: $admin_col;' > " . $peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] . " < span >< br />< span style = 'color: $col;' > " . $peer['bgpPeerState'] . " </ span ></ strong ></ td >
< td > " .formatUptime( $peer['bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime'] ). " < br />
Updates < img src = 'images/16/arrow_down.png' align = absmiddle > " . format_si( $peer['bgpPeerInUpdates'] ) . "
< img src = 'images/16/arrow_up.png' align = absmiddle > " . format_si( $peer['bgpPeerOutUpdates'] ) . " </ td ></ tr > " );
if ( $graphs ) {
$graph_type = " bgpupdates " ;
$daily_traffic = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $day &to= $now &width=210&height=100 " ;
$daily_url = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $day &to= $now &width=500&height=150 " ;
$weekly_traffic = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $week &to= $now &width=210&height=100 " ;
$weekly_url = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $week &to= $now &width=500&height=150 " ;
$monthly_traffic = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $month &to= $now &width=210&height=100 " ;
$monthly_url = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $month &to= $now &width=500&height=150 " ;
$yearly_traffic = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $year &to= $now &width=210&height=100 " ;
$yearly_url = " graph.php?peer= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " &type= $graph_type &from= $year &to= $now &width=500&height=150 " ;
echo ( " <tr><td colspan=6> " );
echo ( " <a href='?page=interface&id= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " ' onmouseover= \" return overlib('<img src= \ ' $daily_url\ '>', LEFT " . $config [ 'overlib_defaults' ] . " ); \" onmouseout= \" return nd(); \" >
< img src = '$daily_traffic' border = 0 ></ a > " );
echo ( " <a href='?page=interface&id= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " ' onmouseover= \" return overlib('<img src= \ ' $weekly_url\ '>', LEFT " . $config [ 'overlib_defaults' ] . " ); \" onmouseout= \" return nd(); \" >
< img src = '$weekly_traffic' border = 0 ></ a > " );
echo ( " <a href='?page=interface&id= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " ' onmouseover= \" return overlib('<img src= \ ' $monthly_url\ '>', LEFT " . $config [ 'overlib_defaults' ] . " , WIDTH, 350); \" onmouseout= \" return nd(); \" >
< img src = '$monthly_traffic' border = 0 ></ a > " );
echo ( " <a href='?page=interface&id= " . $peer [ 'bgpPeer_id' ] . " ' onmouseover= \" return overlib('<img src= \ ' $yearly_url\ '>', LEFT " . $config [ 'overlib_defaults' ] . " , WIDTH, 350); \" onmouseout= \" return nd(); \" >
< img src = '$yearly_traffic' border = 0 ></ a > " );
echo ( " </td></tr> " );
$i ++ ;
echo ( " </table></div> " );