2007-04-03 14:10:23 +00:00
< ?
include ( " config.php " );
include ( " includes/functions.php " );
2007-05-20 19:21:35 +00:00
$device_query = mysql_query ( " SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE os = 'Linux' OR os = 'FreeBSD' OR os = 'NetBSD' OR os = 'OpenBSD' OR os = 'DragonFly' AND status = '1' " );
2007-04-03 14:10:23 +00:00
while ( $device = mysql_fetch_array ( $device_query )) {
2007-05-20 19:21:35 +00:00
$id = $device [ 'device_id' ];
2007-04-03 14:10:23 +00:00
$hostname = $device [ 'hostname' ];
$community = $device [ 'community' ];
echo ( " \n *** $hostname *** \n " );
$oids = `snmpwalk -v2c -Osq -c $community $hostname hrStorageIndex | sed s/hrStorageIndex.//g` ;
$oids = trim ( $oids );
foreach ( explode ( " \n " , $oids ) as $data ) {
$data = trim ( $data );
2007-05-20 19:21:35 +00:00
list ( $oid , $hrStorageIndex ) = explode ( " " , $data );
2007-04-03 14:10:23 +00:00
$temp = `snmpget -O qv -v2c -c $community $hostname hrStorageDescr.$oid hrStorageAllocationUnits.$oid hrStorageSize.$oid hrStorageType.$oid` ;
$temp = trim ( $temp );
list ( $descr , $units , $size , $type ) = explode ( " \n " , $temp );
list ( $units ) = explode ( " " , $units );
if ( strstr ( $type , " FixedDisk " ) && $size > '0' ) {
echo ( " $oid , $descr , $units , $size\n " );
2007-05-20 19:21:35 +00:00
if ( mysql_result ( mysql_query ( " SELECT count(storage_id) FROM `storage` WHERE hrStorageIndex = ' $hrStorageIndex ' AND host_id = ' $id ' " ), 0 ) == '0' ) {
$query = " INSERT INTO storage (`host_id`, `hrStorageIndex`, `hrStorageDescr`,`hrStorageSize`,`hrStorageAllocationUnits`) values (' $id ', ' $hrStorageIndex ', ' $descr ', ' $size ', ' $units ') " ;
2007-04-03 14:10:23 +00:00
echo ( " $query \n " );
mysql_query ( $query );
2007-05-20 19:21:35 +00:00
$storage_exists [] = " $id $hrStorageIndex " ;
2007-04-03 14:10:23 +00:00
2007-05-20 19:21:35 +00:00
$sql = " SELECT * FROM storage " ;
$query = mysql_query ( $sql );
while ( $store = mysql_fetch_array ( $query )) {
unset ( $exists );
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i < count ( $storage_exists ) && ! $exists ) {
$thisstore = $store [ 'host_id' ] . " " . $store [ 'hrStorageIndex' ];
if ( $storage_exists [ $i ] == $thisstore ) { $exists = 1 ; echo ( " Match! " ); }
$i ++ ;
echo ( " $storage_exists[$i] == $thisstore \n " );
if ( ! $exists ) {
echo ( " Deleting... \n " );
# mysql_query("DELETE FROM storage WHERE storage_id = '" . $store['storage_id'] . "'");
2007-04-03 14:10:23 +00:00